Zhang Yingyue looked at Gu Yundong hesitantly, "Master, but what other orders?"

"Sign the deed first."

"Yes." Zhang Yingyue was startled and immediately reacted.

Gu Yundong returned to the room, spread out the paper and wrote the ten-year contract, and then handed it to Zhang Yingyue.

"Look at it first, and sign it if there is no problem."

After Zhang Yingyue got the deed, she didn't even look at it, she just took the pen to sign.

Gu Yundong pressed it down, "Read it first."

"No matter what the conditions are, I'll be fine." Zhang Yingyue believed in Gu Yundong. Although they didn't get along much in the past half a month, she knew that she was in front of her by virtue of Gu Yundong's constraints on her in the last contract. This owner has its own set of guidelines for doing things.

But Gu Yundong shook his head and said with a serious expression, "Remember, no matter if you have any problems, you have to read the deed and be aware of it. Not only this time, but if you encounter such a situation from now on, this The deed, no matter how much you trust this person, you must read it. Understand??"

Zhang Yingyue was startled, she took a deep breath, "Yes, boss, I understand."

Gu Yundong then let go of her hand and let her read the deed.

Zhang Yingyue is literate. Her mother used to be the maid of the Tang family. She had learned some and later taught her.

This deed is somewhat different from the previous one, but it is roughly the same, except that the conditions are slightly different.

The wages of the others started out at 5 taels a month, and hers was 3 taels a month.

Moreover, most of the salary increases for other people are based on the length of work or some other factors, but Zhang Yingyue's salary increase is not so easy, and he must make achievements.

As for other conditions, it's pretty much the same.

Zhang Yingyue has no objection. She knows what she has done before. If she encounters other employers, she is afraid that she will be sent to see the official long ago.

If she is convicted, and her mother has no one to take care of her, then her family will be ruined.

Zhang Yingyue couldn't help but shivered, and finally understood how unwise she had promised the prince to do such a thing.

Gu Yundong seemed to see what she was thinking, glanced at her, and said as he packed up the deed, "Eating a piece of shit will make you wiser, I have learned this lesson, and I hope that when I do things for me in the future, I won't make such mistakes again. "

"I won't, boss."

Gu Yundong nodded, "Since the deed has been bookmarked, it's just right, let's go to your house and see your mother."

Zhang Yingyue was stunned, "Now, now?"

"Yes, let's go." Gu Yundong took the lead out of the door.

Zhang Yingyue hurriedly followed, and she did not dare to ask Gu Yundong what his plans were.

I just thought of that she said that she wanted to invite the head of the imperial hospital for her, maybe to see her mother's condition in advance, so that she could explain the situation to the imperial physician more clearly.

Zhang Yingyue showed a little peace of mind, and followed a piece out of the Shao's door.

The carriage was still parked at the door, but Shao Qingyuan was also standing beside the carriage.

Perhaps it was because he had such thoughts before, when he saw Shao Qingyuan, Zhang Yingyue was a little embarrassed and guilty, and hurriedly lowered her head.

After watching Shao Qingyuan carefully helping Gu Yundong to get into the carriage, she buried her head and sat on the carriage without making a sound.

Seeing this, Shao Wen, who had planned to drive, silently handed the reins to Tong Shuitao, let her drive, and got into the carriage by himself.

The carriage drove silently all the way to Jiuxiangfang and arrived at Zhang Yingyue's house.

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