The five looked at each other, or Mei Hong took a deep breath, stepped forward and asked, "I want to know, what is our salary... how much?"

Gu Yundong glanced at her, and Mei Hong was a little nervous.

But there is no way. She has younger brothers and sisters to support at home, and she is very concerned about silver.

Gu Yundong smiled and said, "In terms of wages, it is tentatively set at 5 taels per month. If it is done well, it will be raised in the future. In addition, gifts will be given out during festivals. Every season, the shop will prepare two sets of clothes for washing."

As soon as Gu Yundong finished speaking, joy flashed across the faces of the five people in front of him.

Fifty taels of silver a month? This is more than some shop guys.

And the owner said that if it is done well, it will be added later, and there are even gifts and clothes.

This treatment is not bad at all compared to those big restaurants.

In fact, the question of wages was what they wanted to ask early in the morning, but they didn't dare. It was not easy for a woman to find a job. It's hard to find a stable job, and no one wants to give up. The less the salary, the less. It's better than if they have work today but don't have it tomorrow.

However, now that the wages they hear are more than they imagined, how can people not be surprised?

"However." However, Gu Yundong still had a denial.

"As you can see, the shop is still being repaired, and it is estimated that it will take about a month to open, so there is no way to start work in a short period of time. But it is not that you have nothing to do. This month, you must first train and understand How to receive customers, understand what business we do in our store, and master the most basic service skills."

"Don't worry, the wages are paid."

The five of them were a little surprised. They trained them, and they even got paid?

I've never heard of apprentices getting paid.

But I have to say that this is what they need. Without any income for a month, their life is difficult to maintain.

So all five nodded, "Yes, boss, we understand."

"Well, I have a five-point deed here. Mei Hong knows the characters. You can read it for everyone. If you have no opinion, please sign it and put your fingerprints first."

Gu Yundong's recruitment conditions and some precautions are really different from ordinary employers, and even the deed has been sorted out now.

Mei Hong stepped forward and started reading with the deed.

In fact, the deed is very simple. Gu Yundong asks everyone to keep things in the shop secret, and whoever leaks it out will have to compensate. And, some other rules and regulations.

However, what surprised Mei Hong and the others was that this deed not only bound them, but also the owner.

Gu Yundong had no reason to dismiss them. If there was no legitimate reason, he would need to compensate them for two months' wages.

They have never seen that the owner actually wrote the deed by himself and restrained himself.

Inexplicably, the hearts they had been holding all the time were relieved, and they felt that working in such a shop would be very warm and reassuring.

Everyone stepped forward, the literate signed on it, and the illiterate put their handprints on it.

Zhang Yingyue hesitated for a moment when pressing the fingerprint, looked at the above clauses with a complicated expression, and didn't know what to think, it took a long time to press her fingers down heavily.

After finishing the work, Gu Yundong collected the deed, and then said, "Starting from tomorrow, you will go to Shao Mansion, No. 25, Hetai Lane, and I will arrange for you to study."

"Yes, master."

Gu Yundong nodded and left with Mammy Xia and Tong Shuitao.

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