Entering the new room, Gu Yundong was led to sit on the wedding bed.

Everyone's shouts came from their ears, "Take off the hijab, the groom quickly take off his hijab."

Shao Qingyuan's hand was immediately stuffed with a steel scale, and he was nervous for a moment while holding the scale.

Hearing Xi Niang's congratulations and urging voices, he didn't know who pushed him, Shao Qingyuan stepped forward abruptly and stood in front of Gu Yundong.

He took a slow deep breath and placed the scale under her hijab.

After a long while, he gently opened it.

Gu Yundong raised his head, and at that moment, Shao Qingyuan only felt that his breathing stopped.

Someone next to her exclaimed, "Wow, the bride is so beautiful."

Yes, so beautiful.

Shao Qingyuan had never seen such a beautiful Gu Yundong before, he felt his throat was extremely dry and itchy.

Seeing this, the people standing in the room couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

Xi Niang even pulled him and made him sit with Gu Yundong.

Shao Qingyuan stared at her intently until there was a glass of wine in his hand.

Gu Yundong laughed, how did he become so stupid?

"This is Heji wine." Xi Niang said with a smile, "Drinking this Heji wine, I wish the bride and groom a hundred years of harmony, forever in one heart, and a long time."

Shao Qingyuan suddenly recovered, looked at the wine in the glass, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Gu Yundong went around his arm, the two raised their heads, and finished the wine in the cup.

"it is good!!"

"I wish the bride and groom a happy and long life together."

"One heart and one mind, Qin se and Ming."

The voices of blessings came one after another, and there were so many people in the room that it was impossible to tell who said it.

It is still Devin Huo who is clever, the cloth bag hanging on his waist is still there, and whoever says a word will send a red envelope.

For a time, the atmosphere in the room was even more enthusiastic.

Shao Qingyuan secretly exhaled, and just wanted to say a few words to Gu Yundong. Unexpectedly, Liu Wei suddenly pulled him up, "Alright, alright, let's drink a glass of wine, let's go, let's go out for a drink."

Shao Qingyuan only had time to look at Gu Yundong before he was directly pulled out by Liu Wei.

Because the two families were close, and the people invited knew both sides, whether it was the Gu family or the Shao family, the courtyard was full of tables.

Almost all the villagers in Yongfu Village came, and now everyone is busy eating around the table.

Shao Qingyuan was dragged to the main table by Liu Wei, forced him to eat two mouthfuls of dishes, and then brought him a toast.

He made a plan. Looking back at the time when Xiaoxi got married, Gu Nian often got pregnant because it was not easy to get too drunk, but now it is different.

Gu Yundong's health and ability to run and dance are still high, even if Shao Qingyuan is drunk, it doesn't matter, Gu Yundong will definitely be able to handle it by then.

Liu Wei said he had nothing to fear.

He waved at Shao Wen, "Bring the jar of wine here."

"Okay." Shao Wen turned around excitedly, and after a while, he and Shao Wu came back with a jar of wine.

Liu Wei smiled at Shao Qingyuan, "Come, come and fill your son."

Shao Wen took a bowl and poured a full bowl.

Liu Wei held it in front of Shao Qingyuan, who gave him a cold look.

Liu Wei was not afraid, "Today is your big day. It's fine if you don't give face in the past. If you don't drink today, you won't give face to your daughter-in-law. Everyone said, right?"

Some people took the lead, others booed on the spot.


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