The door opened, and a large amount of light flooded into the room instantly, causing the people who were locked inside to slowly raise their heads.

Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong had already walked around the window and quietly opened a crack in the window.

Then, he saw Gu Xiaoxi with wounds on his face, blood all over his clothes, and dying on the ground.

She suddenly widened her eyes and almost couldn't help rushing in.

Shao Qingyuan hurriedly pressed her shoulders and said in a low voice, "Calm down first and see the situation."

"But my uncle he..."

"I know, but it's just the two of us here, and the people outside the ancestral hall are full of people from Dashitou Village. It's difficult for us to go out by ourselves, let alone the uncle who is seriously injured. If we go in and force our way in, the uncle is afraid that he will hurt his home. Injury, he's in very bad shape right now."

Gu Yundong wasn't someone who couldn't listen. She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly.

"You're right, don't be impulsive." After she calmed down, her thoughts became clear in an instant. "The Zhou and Chang families were not in harmony. It is best to find an opportunity for them to conflict, and we will take the opportunity to save people."

"Yes." Shao Qingyuan rubbed her head, "Don't worry, I'm here."


Gu Yundong suppressed the surging emotions in his heart and continued to look inside.

Only then did she notice that in this room, besides Gu Xiaoxi, there was another girl.

The girl also looked a little embarrassed. Someone might have scratched her face with her fingernails, and now there are some scabs.

The rest of the place is fine, and it doesn't seem to be seriously injured.

It's just that these two people were tied with ropes, Gu Xiaoxi seemed to be thrown directly to the ground, and the girl was leaning against the wall.

Hearing the movement, the girl raised her head, looked fixedly at the Chang clan chief, and said in a hoarse voice, "I was wronged."

The patriarch of the Chang clan had a look of hatred for not turning iron into steel, sighed slightly, and after glancing at the girl, he turned his head away.

When the girl saw him like this, the only gleam in her eyes slowly dissipated, turning into a dead silence.

She suddenly shouted, "I was wronged. I didn't steal anyone. If you don't believe me, find a woman who is safe to come over and test it for me. I'm innocent. I'm innocent."

"Enough." The Chang clan chief frowned, "Is it shameful?"

The patriarch Zhou also said, "What's the use of Mother Wen? Even if you're still a virgin, it's because you haven't had time to do anything yet. But it's true that you and Gu Xiaoxi committed adultery, the evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to do? Sophistry."

"Evidence?" Gu Xiaoxi raised his head with some difficulty and looked at Patriarch Zhou and Zhou Jingui, his voice hoarse, "What kind of bullshit evidence is that?"

Zhou Jingui sneered, "Then tell her yourself." Then he shouted to the outside, "Come in."

The voice fell, and a woman was brought in.

Seeing her, Gu Xiaoxi struggled slightly and said, "Why don't you believe me? I didn't do anything to hurt you, I didn't do it."

His mood suddenly increased, the wound at the corner of his mouth opened again, blood flowed into his mouth, and the rust smell in his mouth made him feel that his whole heart was bitter.

The woman suddenly burst into tears, with a heartbroken look.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I saw it with my own eyes, you and she both rolled into bed, and you still said you didn't do anything sorry for me?"

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