The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 973: Wait for my news

The people who drove the horse-drawn carriage were from the Jiang Mansion. I didn't expect to come out on such a trip and encounter such a fun thing.

My heart is itchy, and my mouth will no longer close the door.

While driving the carriage, I am happy in my heart!

It happened that I hadn't drunk for a long time, this time with this news, maybe I could still drink good wine for several meals!

Thinking of this, the carriage drove quickly, all the way to the town.

Holding Gu Xiaowan in his arms, Qin Yizhi walked through the courtyard to the lobby, through the corridor, and came to Gu Xiaowan's bedroom.

Only then did Gu Xiaowan gently put Gu Xiaowan on the bed, but still couldn't get up when she saw her.

Then I thought about it teasingly: "Why, you haven't watched the good show just now, can you still get up?"

When they arrived at the gate of Gu Yuan just now, Qin Yizhi felt Gu Xiaowan awake.

But if she didn't move, Qin Mozhi had to pretend not to know.

This girl is really bad enough, knowing that Liu Tianci is there to seduce him, and if he doesn't say a word for him, she pretends to sleep and ignores him!

Gu Xiaowan opened his eyes and looked at Qin Yizhi's grumble mouth, and smiled: "Brother Qin, the capital is a prosperous and prosperous place. As long as you go to the capital, you can do whatever you want."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yizhi's fingers gagged his mouth.

Qin Yizhi's fingers were very long, and they placed them gently on Gu Xiaowan's lips.

The soft touch and warm body temperature from his lips made Qin Yizhi suddenly reluctant to withdraw his fingers.

If this rosy lips were in your mouth, what would it feel like!

Qin Mozhi only felt a sudden tingling from the tail vertebrae, and it hit the top of his head.

He suddenly realized his strangeness, and immediately stood up, bent down, pretended to cover Gu Xiaowan with a bedding, and hurriedly left, leaving Gu Xiaowan with a curious look.

Back in his own room, the heat in this heart slowly calmed down a lot.

Qin Mozhi unconsciously placed the **** he had placed on Gu Xiaowan's lips just now.

On that finger, there seemed to be Gu Xiaowan's body fragrance and temperature, which made him feel happy.

Thinking that Gu Xiaowan was about to meet Jing after the New Year, there was another burst of ecstasy in her heart.

After running around for a day, I still don't feel a little sleepy.

When they returned to the lobby, Aunt Zhang Shitou Ahmad and the others came back one after another.

However, all of them were very ugly. It seemed that there should be no trace of Gu Fangxi.

Gu Xiaowan also came out at this moment, changed her clothes, and saw that everyone was sitting silently, she was also anxious: "Why, haven't you found your aunt?"

All of them shook their heads, and they said all the areas they were looking for, and found nothing.

This is weird. How could Gu Fangxi, a big living person, disappear in good order?

Besides, where can Gu Fangxi go besides Gu Yuan now? Having said that, Gu Yuan is her home!

She has been here for almost two years, and she is already a member of the family. It is impossible to run away casually, and she still doesn't say hello to the big guy!

According to Gu Fangxi's personality, Gu Xiaowan has a bad instinct.

"I'm thinking that 80% of my aunt was taken away!" Although she didn't want to admit it, Gu Xiaowan felt that there was a 80% possibility.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, it's not that they haven't thought about it.

But who is going to kidnap Gu Fangxi?

As a result, Gu Fangxi was already a little old and had been married. He was neither a child nor a grandiose daughter.

Secondly, Gu Fangxi is not a person to show off wealth. Her decorations are also very ordinary and simple, just like an ordinary woman.

Who on earth is going to take Gu Fangxi away?

Liu Qingshan has been sentenced for a year, and he is still in prison. It must not be him!

Although she and Gu Chuanlu had a holiday, but Gu Fang likes to be his own sister anyway, he shouldn't use his sister's life to contend against Gu Xiaowan, right?

Moreover, when they went to Gu's house this morning to look for it, Sun's surprised look didn't seem to be a lie!

Not to mention Gu Chuanshou, no one knows where it is, and I'm afraid it won't be until Gu Fangxi is here with Gu Xiaowan.

On weekdays, because Gu Fangxi is a kind person, he has a good relationship with the tenant farmers at the foot of the mountain. Everyone likes her.

It's unlikely to take her away!

I thought of all kinds of possibilities, but each one was overturned in turn.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan pacing up and down, with a worried look on her face, the stone was also distressed, and said dully, "Xiaowan, don't worry, if your aunt is really taken away, I guess they will Someone will ask for a ransom!"

If no one comes, I am afraid that there is still another possibility, Gu Fangxi is very likely to be sold.

If this is really abducted and sold by human traffickers, it will be hard to find if you travel all over the world!

Gu Xiaowan suddenly thought that some traffickers abducted and sold women in her previous life, who would sell them in the mountains and old forests.

Gu Xiaowan became even more nervous: "No, I can't sit at home and wait for others to come, what if others don't come? No, we have to go out to find aunt!" After that, we had to go outside.

Qin Yi pulled her past her, pulled her into his arms, and said softly: "Wan'er, calm down, it's already dark at this time. If we go out like this, it will be very dangerous! It’s not easy to find someone in the dark, don’t let my aunt not find it then, we are ashamed again!"

Qin Mozhi's words are reasonable. After Gu Xiaowan listened, she looked up at Qin Mozhi, and the tears in her eyes flowed down.

A look of sadness and horror: "What should I do? Brother Yizhi"

Qin Yizhi looked at Gu Xiaowan in tears, only feeling that his heart was about to break into pieces.

Quickly stroked her cheek with her fingertips, gently wiped the tears that fell, and said softly: "Wan'er, don't worry, I will look for it later, and you will be at home and wait for my news!"

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