The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 970: Everyone is the same

Gu Chuanlu glared at her, and said displeased: "If you let her miss the matter of Brother Wen, don't blame me for being a dad and not being affectionate!"

After all, no matter how much Gu Chuanlu cares about Gu Xintao, he just doesn't want to delay Gu Ziwen's future because of Gu Xintao.

The last look in Sun's eyes by Gu Chuanlu was fierce and vicious, making Sun's whole person like falling into an ice cellar.

The whole person couldn't stand up and backed up. Fortunately, there was a table behind him, which blocked her from going back, so that she didn't fall.

"The master, Xintao, is also the meat that fell from you!" Seeing Gu Chuanlu, Sun went out without looking back, holding the table, and screaming sadly.

The whole person slumped to the ground feebly, tears like broken beads, just because I shouldn't give birth to Gu Xintao.

In Gu Chuanlu's eyes, neither Sun Shi nor Gu Xintao can compare to Gu Ziwen.

No matter who it is, as long as Gu Ziwen's future is blocked, he will fight hard.

Even if this person is his daughter and his wife, he can be ruthless.

This is Gu Chuanlu, what he said is really chilling!

Fortunately, Gu Xintao is not here at the moment. If she hears such words, she is afraid that she will immediately sever the relationship with Gu Chuanlu.

Sun's heart also worried about what Gu Chuanlu said just now. Gu Ziwen is her flesh, and Gu Xintao is also her flesh.

If Gu Xintao really had such an unbearable thing, the impact on Gu Ziwen would be minimal, but for Gu Xintao, it would be a lifetime!

Sun wiped a tear, immediately got up from the ground, returned to the room, cleaned up casually, and went out immediately.

Each of the three people in the Gu family’s big room secretly conceived a ghost, went out, and went further and further along this road for their own personal gain.

When Gu Xintao heard that Qin Yizhi was back, her brows were overjoyed, and when she ran out of the house, she ran to Gu Yuan. However, after walking for dozens of steps, he suddenly realized that Qin Yizhi was cold-eyed towards him. This step stopped immediately, changed the direction, and ran towards Jiang Mansion.

Gu Xintao is Liu Tianci's good sister, and also the little girl Jiang Yuan likes on weekdays. Madam Jiang also closes one eye.

Liu Tianci didn't say anything, and got along well with Gu Xintao, so what would her future mother-in-law care about?

Anyway, just marry home and be a concubine, not a real wife.

Madam Jiang simply opened one eye and closed another.

The people in Jiang's Mansion can also be regarded as acquiescing in Jiang Yuan's contact with Gu Xintao.

Seeing Gu Xintao coming, the little servant at the door immediately nodded and bowed to lead Gu Xintao in.

Gu Xintao really didn't come to Jiang Yuan at this moment, but to Liu Tianci!

When I arrived in Liu Tianci's yard, I heard the sound of cracking porcelain bowls and a grumpy voice: "How do you do things, clumsy? Is the hot water going to scald my lady?"

It's Xiaotao!

This dead maid is fighting against others again!

Gu Xintao and Xiaotao have always been wrong.

Xiaotao did the same with Gu Xintao, looking down on both sides.

Xiao Tao was holding her hands on her hips, arrogantly training two maids, shattering a tea bowl on the ground.

Xiao Tao's proud look made him seem like a superior.

"Huh, something arrogant, no matter how arrogant it is, it is still a maid and will never be able to get out of slavery!" Gu Xintao coldly snorted in her heart, and naturally that hum, and that roll of eyes, fell in Xiao Tao's eyes.

Seeing that Gu Xintao was here, Xiaotao snorted and pointed at Sang Huai: "Oh, whose lady is this, I came here early in the morning to greet my lady, and my concubine is not so diligent!"

The little peach will compare Gu Xintao with her concubine.

Gu Xintao's angry hair was about to stand up.

To compare myself to a concubine, this cheap maid should be beaten!

As soon as Gu Xintao was about to speak to fight back, he heard Liu Tianci's stern voice: "Xiaotao, palm your mouth!"

Liu Tianci wore a big red brocade, embroidered with big and big lotus flowers, like a lotus fairy walking out of the blue waves, and there was a fairy air all over his body!

It is simply the best in the world!

Gu Xintao couldn't see that others were more beautiful than her, and this time she was a little bit demented. Watching Liu Tianci walk out of the house generously, the beauty was like an ink painting, exciting!

"Miss" Xiaotao didn't expect Liu Tianci to slap her mouth, a little unconvinced, stared at Gu Xintao, but didn't do anything.

Gu Xintao looked back at her and waited for her to slap her mouth.

But what Gu Xintao was doing at this moment made Liu Tianci feel that Gu Xintao was a superficial person.

Just thinking that after the matter was done, he immediately broke off with this Gu Xintao.

Gu Xintao is like a mouse shit. When it's useful, he uses a dull knife that can cut people to death. But when it's useless, it's just a piece of rubbish. Maybe it's even worse for her good things!

Seeing Liu Tianci staring at Xiao Tao without speaking, Gu Xintao felt a little unhappy in her heart: "Xiao Tao, Sister Liu is making you slap your mouth! Don't hurry up!"

After speaking, he twisted and ran to Liu Tianci and bowed.

Liu Tianci looked at Xiao Tao really slapped her mouth again and again, wishing to slap these few slaps back on Xin Tao's face.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Liu Tianci didn't want to see Gu Xintao's face anymore. Before turning around, he gave Xiaotao a wink, then turned around and went into the room.

Gu Xintao followed all the way in, completely forgetting that the slap behind him had stopped.

"Sister Liu, do you know who I saw today?" Gu Xin smiled flatteringly, and followed Liu Tianci.

"Who?" Liu Tianci asked carelessly, playing with his Dankou boredly.

"I ran into Qin Yizhi today!" Gu Xintao said, holding back his excitement.

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