The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 949: Encounter Cao Xinlian

Liu Tianci glanced at her sideways, and looked at her with a look of grief and indignation.

This Gu Xintao, in addition to chewing his tongue, what else would he do!

Gu Xintao didn't notice Liu Tianci's strangeness. Seeing that she didn't speak, she thought she agreed with her own words, and then said a lot of bad things.

Liu Tianci's brain hurts: "Enough! ’

Liu Tianci suddenly yelled, staring fiercely at Gu Xintao.

Before Gu Xintao finished her words, her mouth opened, and she immediately closed her mouth, not daring to say anything.

It's just that the look of dodge in those eyes seems a little afraid.

Xiao Tao watched gleefully, this Gu Xintao, the more she looked at it, the more unpleasant she felt.

It's just that the young lady now wants her to help, otherwise, who wants to deal with such people.

"Little Tao, let's go to Ruyilou and Jixiang Cloth Village."

Liu Tianci's eyes shone with cold, and the carriage went straight to the town.

Gu Xinbeat was a little curious, why did she go to Ruyilou, but she was stunned by Liu Tianci just now, and she was a little unhappy, but it prevented Liu Tianci from daring to attack her identity.

The carriage quickly arrived at Ruyi Tower, got off the carriage, looked at Gu Xintao, just said faintly, "Go back," and then took Xiaotao away.

That little Tao was so proud that her face could bloom, she looked at Gu Xintao triumphantly, her nostrils turned upright. An angry Gu Xintao stomped straight.

But everyone has already gone in, so I can only curse dogishly in my heart. Gu Xintao has nothing to do and can only go back. But to go back, this heart is not reconciled, and can only wander outside.

Yesterday Jiang Yuan gave herself dozens of dollars worth of silver, and she still didn't use it up!

Moreover, she would not take this silver back home.

This was all she wanted to come from Jiang Yuan, but Jiang Yuan liked her, loved her, and gave it to her!

She also learned to be smart this time, and she didn't want Jiang Yuan to send her anything. Last time she was searched by Mrs. Jiang, she let her mother sit in a cell for several months.

The silver is just fine, they are all the same, and she is used up, and who can see it.

Moreover, Jiang's silver could not be written.

She has silver, so she can buy whatever she wants.

Gu Xintao wandered in the street and came to a jewelry shop.

Just about to go in, suddenly, I saw a familiar figure.

She hurriedly hid aside and saw the third aunt Cao Xinlian twisting and twisting into the Jinyu shop.

Gu Xintao was curious about how Cao Xinlian came to the Jinyu shop, so she quietly followed in behind, and watched secretly from the side.

In the Jinyu store, the second person in that store was greeting Cao Xinlian enthusiastically.

Cao Xinlian's dress now looks much better than before.

The hair is meticulously combed, the clothes are gorgeous, the proud figure is wrapped in bright red clothes, and the face is smeared with fat and powder, where there is still the desolate look before half a minute.

Gu Xintao was curious about what kind of **** luck Cao Xinlian had, so she could still wear such good clothes and buy jewelry in the gold and jade shop.

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