The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 935: Just to rely on

The abacus in Cao Xinlian's heart was playing loudly.

Gu Fangxi is diligent. If she can trick her into going home, there will be someone who can help herself clean up the house.

Anyway, there is no food or money at home, Gu Fangxi can't see her niece and nephew starve to death, so let her come to Gu Xiaowan to ask for it.

After that, Cao Xinlian was about to go forward to pull Gu Fangxi.

Gu Fangxi already hated this sister-in-law.

If it hadn't been for this Cao Xinlian to see money, how could she marry a gangster like Liu Qingshan?

Gu Fangxi shook it in disgust, but Cao Xinlian directly pushed Gu Tingting to the side. Gu Fangxi's push did not reach Cao Xinlian's body, but instead pushed it to Gu Tingting's body.

Gu Tingting didn't know why she didn't push so much, but she fell backward with just one **** and sat down on the ground, crying with pain.

When Cao Xinlian saw it, the tears fell again, and she sat on the ground directly, crying and howling, and kept hitting herself: "Gu Chuanshou, you have no conscience. You don't care about the three of us. Forget it, your married daughter from Gu's family still beats us. What use is there for us at Gu's family? I'll just take the child to death and forget it.

Cao Xinlian's skill in singing and composing is top-notch. That means that wind is wind and rain is rain. If she doesn't get the Oscar statuette, she is really buried.

Gu Fangxi's face turned flush when she saw what she said was so unpleasant, she really didn't mean it just now.

She just pushed Cao Xinlian lightly just now, just trying to push her hand away.

However, she really did not expect that Gu Tingting was the one who pushed just now!

Gu Fangxi is also surnamed Gu, and Gu Tingting is also Gu!

Moreover, when she was a girl and still lived in the old house of Gu's family, this Gu Tingting was almost the one she looked at growing up!

When Gu Tingting was young, Cao Xinlian always liked to go out and walk around the streets, so she threw this girl doll to her third brother, but how could a big man lead someone.

Moreover, the third brother also likes to play, watching the third sister-in-law leave, he immediately smeared the soles of his feet.

A little child, left at home, no one to take care of, can't see her crying.

Therefore, at that time, Gu Fangxi would take care of Gu Tingting, change diapers, feed her food, and later, when she grows up, teach her to walk. Later, the child became sensible. Knowing that Gu Fangxi was good to her, Gu Tingting did not kiss her mother, but instead kissed Gu Fangxi.

Cao Xinlian stopped doing it now, anyway, the child grew up and would walk and urinate on his own, so she took it with her, wherever she went.

So, Cao Xinlian took Gu Tingting around in the future, but after so many years, Gu Fangxi's feelings for Gu Tingting have not changed.

Gu Tingting was different. It happened when she was a child, and she had no impression at all.

Moreover, I have no impression of this aunt who has been married three or four years ago.

Gu Tingting was pushed to the ground, and after crying a few times, she looked at Gu Fangxi fiercely.

The cold light in his eyes trembled when he looked at Gu Fangxi. How much hatred this child has with her, he wants to look at her like this! Gu Fangxi relented, and immediately went forward to try to pull the child up, but Gu Tingting quit, and knocked off Gu Fangxi’s stretched hand, and roared: "Get out open!"

Gu Fangxi was stunned by the child's stern roar. Standing there, the outstretched hand dangled weakly, speechless for a long time.

"If you have money and don't give it to me, I'm almost starving to death!" Suddenly, Gu Shunxi on the side suddenly spoke again.

He meant, is it that Gu Xiaowan's hard-earned money should be given to him?

What is the reason for this?

Gu Shunxi is not her Gu Xiaowan's son!

Gu Xiaowan's face became more and more ugly now.

I was about to teach Gu Shunxi a good lesson, don't talk nonsense just by being a child.

But at this moment, Cao Xinlian suddenly rushed up. Wanting to throw Gu Fangxi down, Ah Mo, with quick eyes and quick hands, flickered, and pulled Gu Fangxi over, leaning back, avoiding Cao Xinlian's scratching.

Cao Xinlian had always pretended to be distraught. This action was naturally exaggerated and exaggerated. Because of excessive force, she fell to the ground and fell to a dog.

At this time, Gu Xiaowan dispelled the idea that she just wanted to take in Gu Tingting and Gu Shunxi.

Cao Xinlian fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

It seems that the fall just now was not easy, but she asked for it, and no one sympathized with her.

Everyone looked at Gu Xiaowan and waited for Gu Xiaowan to speak.

Gu Xiaowan had a solemn face and was silent for a long time.

And Gu Tingting and Gu Shunxi didn’t know what was going on. Seeing their mother fell to the ground, they didn’t even stretch out their hands and pulled them forward. They just stood aside indifferently, lying on the ground looking like someone watching. Cao Xinlian.

The indifference and ruthlessness in the eyes seemed to wake Gu Xiaowan all of a sudden!

Gu Xiaowan looked at the two children.

After two years of absence, the two children have grown much taller, but they are even thinner than before. Due to years of malnutrition, they look yellow and thin.

I don't know how Cao Xinlian taught in the past two years. Gu Tingting and Gu Shunxi, who were still relatively good at first, now seem to have changed their appearances.

Only indifference and fierceness remained.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know why, but immediately knew the two children differently.

Gu Xiaowan is not a worrisome person, but there are certain things that must be planned ahead.

She looked at the two children with other cares in her heart.

Then, whispered to Gu Fangxi a few times, Gu Fangxi first nodded in agreement, and then he was shocked.

However, seeing Gu Xiaowan's insistence on this, Gu Fangxi had to go back to the house, and when he came out again, he gave Gu Xiaowan a purse.

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