The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 929: Meet a rogue

Seeing that the stone went out, the Yin family looked at it and asked aunt Zhang with some delight: "Sister-in-law, how old is your stone this year?"

Aunt Zhang didn't think about anything else, and said, "It's fifteen!"

I saw Yin's face with joy: "Is there someone you like?"

Upon hearing this, Aunt Zhang understood in her heart, and quickly said: "It's not yet, I'm planning to find a matchmaker to show him after the new year!"

"Sister-in-law, my family" Yin clan was even more happy and blurted out.

Dow knew that the next words could not be said in front of the girl. As soon as Yin's words came to his lips, Dow pulled off his sleeves and winked.

The Yin clan recovered immediately, and there was a little girl here, so he shut up immediately and stopped talking.

Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to hear the girl from whom the Yin family was talking, but when she saw her carefully looking at herself, she stopped talking. Then she realized that they were taboos of themselves, so she smiled and pursed her lips. Then he said he would go out to see the killing pig, and left with Ahmad.

Gu Ning'an followed closely behind and came out.

When I came to the backyard, I saw Old Man Li's knife swimming up and down the pig's body with ease, cutting it down. The knife was meat, and he had never accidentally chopped the bone.

The craftsmanship is a must.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but praise her when she saw it. She suddenly thought of the allusion of Pao Ding Jie Niu.

After a while, a piece of pork is meat, and the bones are bones, and pig feet, pig heads, and pig entrails are all neatly placed aside.

Gu Xiaowan looked at it for a while, only to feel the smell of hot blood everywhere.

Although it is about to celebrate the New Year, this is all for the preparation of the New Year, but such a scene is really unbearable for people to watch.

Xu Ye saw the change in Gu Xiaowan's face, and Ahmad on the side said carefully: "Girl, there is a lot of blood here, or let's go to the front yard to get some breath!"

Gu Xiaowan had this idea and went to the front yard again.

Today’s weather was very good. At noon, the sun was shining on her body. Fortunately, before coming, Aunt Zhang took out all the quilts in the house and dried them. She thought of having warm quilts to sleep in tonight. Gu Xiaowan's expression immediately expanded.

Suddenly, there was a curse from a distance: "You little bastard, you broke my pot. It seems you won't be killed!"

Then came the cry of the child and the sound of begging for mercy.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly looked over. It was obvious that they were the five children of Gu Ningping, Gu Xiaoyi and Tao Da Liu Dazhuang in her own family.

Gu Xiaowan saw that the man was cursing fiercely, and without thinking about it, she walked towards them.

When he walked in front of the group of people, Gu Xiaowan happened to see a pot on the ground with a hole in the bottom of the pot, and it fell to the side.

A 30-year-old man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was grabbing Liu Dazhuang's second son, Liu Xiaoniu, and cursing.

Liu Xiaoniu's back collar was dragged by the man, and while arguing with Gu Ningping, he planned to go forward to rescue Liu Xiaoniu.

"We didn't touch your pot at all. Why did your pot fall to the ground? How do we know!" Gu Ningping clenched his fists and was arguing with that person.

When he was playing around here with this group of people just now, he didn't know where he came out of this sharp-mouthed monkey-gill guy, and the pot in his hand fell to the ground all at once and then broke.

Gu Ningping had been watching them all the time and had not joined the madness, so he could see clearly.

Liu Xiaoniu hasn't met him yet!

Liu Xiaoniu, who was grabbed by the collar, felt that his strength was a little weaker. He kept kicking and retorted: "I didn't touch you, I didn't touch you!"

"You little bunny, if you didn't touch me, my pot would fall on its own?" The sharp-mouthed guy immediately angered him when he saw that the two children were arguing with him, and the hand gripping the collar even harder Up.

Liu Xiaoniu's breathing was a little difficult, and his face turned flushed.

Seeing this, Ahmad was about to step forward to rescue Liu Xiaoniu, but who knew, Gu Ningping shouted, "Let go!"

The people jumped out, and when the people hadn't lived their lives, they heard the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks yelling.

Looking closer, Liu Xiaoniu had been rescued from the man's hands, and he was breathing fresh air next to Gu Ningping.

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks did not expect that a child of Gu Ningping would have such quick hands and feet. Some did not dare to believe it. When he recovered, he screamed: "You little bunny, dare to play yin with me, look at me. I won't kill you!"

After that, he rolled up his sleeves and went forward to beat Gu Ningping.

Don't look at Gu Ningping, looking thin, but because of practicing with Qin Yizhi, Qin Yizhi did not fall after leaving. Although he looked thin, he was thin in clothes, and there was flesh in undressing. Figure.

The flesh on the body is firm.

Even though the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is an adult, he doesn't do anything all the year round, which is just an empty shelf.

Gu Ningping stepped forward and entangled the man twice, and the man was defeated.

Repeatedly begged for mercy: "Spare!"

Seeing that he was defeated, Gu Ningping took up the broken pot on the ground and took a closer look. By the time he saw the cracks, they were all years old, not like newly cracked seams, and there was a thick layer on the top of the pot. Hui, if it’s okay to take such a dirty pot and walk outside, Gu Ningping guessed it right away. He looked at the person and said coldly, “Your pot is not broken now, it’s already broken. You are still blackmailing. We kids, you are still shameless!"

The stone was also on the side, protecting the children, with cold eyebrows.

The boys Liu Xiaoniu saw Gu Ningping beat an adult and fell to the ground. They had already watched them and looked at Gu Ningping in admiration.

Gu Xiaowan, the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill guy, had never seen him before, and didn't know what he was doing, but seeing him blackmail a few children in this way was definitely not a good person.

At this moment, Liu Dazhuang's eldest daughter, Liu Hehua, said: "Brother Ping, ignore him, he is the rogue Sun Dali in the village, and anyone who sees it will be ruined!"

That's it!

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