The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 915: Go out in person

Gu Xiaowan immediately said: "Mr. Fang, by chance, I saw this thing in the mountains of Wuxi Village. The yield is extremely high. Because the current grain output is very small, the people just eat the rest of the grain except paying rent. It won’t be long before, but this sweet potato is several times the grain output. People have surplus sweet potatoes for food, so naturally they won’t be hungry. Therefore, I discussed with Master Liu and promoted this sweet potato. Let the people have more food in their pockets and less for the poor!"

When Gu Xiaowan said something, Mr. Fang was very moved.

His life is legendary.

He taught for the prince, and after he went out of the palace, he once taught for the sons of scholar-officials. There were not many students, but every one of them was a rich man.

There are dudes, and there are ambitious ones.

All I saw were men. For the first time, I heard a little girl who actually said that for the sake of the common people in the world, I could not go hungry, which deeply shocked Mr. Fang's heart.

Looking at Gu Xiaowan's gaze, she naturally appreciated a bit more.

No wonder that person likes this girl. That person has always been known for his vicious eyes. It seems that the rumors are true!

In the past few days, there have been more and more disaster victims, and he has not heard of it. Moreover, there are many victims who have gathered outside the city to make troubles and have conflicts with the local people. If this continues, Ruixian will have to be affected. The masses of victims have become a disaster area!

"Mr. Fang, the current situation is not optimistic. After Ms. Gu discussed with me, Ms. Gu proposed to build porridge sheds to serve porridge. Two porridge sheds were built in the east and west of the city to provide for the victims. Congee. In this way, not only can the victims have food to eat, but also, they are brought together for easy management. Last night, there was no stolen sweet potato sprouts outside the city!"

When Mr. Fang heard it, it turned out that Gu Xiaowan had made the suggestion for porridge, and he couldn't help but give Gu Xiaowan a high look.

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Liu Xian was not taking credit in front of Mr. Fang, she told Mr. Fang the truth from facts, and she trusted Liu Xian more in her heart.

Liu Xian continued, “I went to mobilize the wealthy people in the county to donate money and food. Miss Gu, on behalf of Jin Fulou, donated 500 taels. There are also some people who donate a little as appropriate. There are some people who are looking at their immediate benefits and are reluctant to donate money. If they don’t, it’s fine. If you have the money, you can contribute, and everyone will work together to spend this disaster year together. But who knows, some People, alas"

Thinking of this, Liu Xian couldn't say anything, and sighed.

Mr. Fang listened to Liu Xian's words, and saw that he didn't say anything, and it was very unpleasant.

He did not force Liu Xian to continue.

Unexpectedly, this girl would donate five hundred taels at once, this girl is kind and righteous!

"Now, how long can the donated food and money be used?" Mr. Fang asked. "It won't take long. It will last for three to five days. There is no guarantee that more and more victims will be affected!" Liu Xian said embarrassedly.

After listening to Mr. Fang, he thought for a while, and immediately said: "Liu and Miss Gu's respect for the people is even more admirable for the old man. Don't worry, the old man is now in Ruixian, and naturally it is also from Ruixian. As a member, the safety of Ruixian County is also related to myself. I donated five thousand taels of silver and one thousand shi for food."

Hearing that Mr. Fang had donated so much, Liu Xian and Gu Xiaowan looked at each other and could see the shock in their eyes. Then they stood up and bowed to Mr. Fang, "Thank you, Mr. Fang!"

Mr. Fang waved his hand and said: "Ms. Gu is young, but she takes the lead in raising donations. With such a feeling and such kind of tolerance, if we don’t donate, then we have no conscience! Mr. Liu, from now on, I will be with you. You go to raise donations together, I want to see, my old man looks down and asks for money and food, will these people give it!"

The fame of Mr. Fang is unknown to everyone in Ruixian.

When I was young, I was a teacher of the royal family. After I came out of the royal family, I once brought some students. Those students, I heard that all of them were high-ranking officials, and their reputations were very prominent.

Such a gentleman, who doesn't want to sell some face.

Liu Xian was so excited that he couldn't even speak, and said shiveringly, "Mr. Fang is willing to come out in person, and Ruixian will be rescued!"

What made Gu Xiaowan and Liu Xian even more excited was that Mr. Fang immediately wrote a letter to the King Qin directly.

I heard that King Qin is now the regent and was once a student of him. He wrote a letter to him to tell King Qin that such a disaster is now happening in this place far away from the emperor. These poor people.

As long as the emperor knows the disaster situation here, it is just around the corner to come for disaster relief.

When he came out of Mr. Fang's house, Liu Xian was still pleasantly surprised. He has been in Ruixian for a few years now. He has never seen Mr. Fang, who only heard his name and never saw him.

But this time, not only did I see someone, I even went to raise money with him.

Thinking of this, Liu Xian felt incredible. At the moment, I told Gu Xiaowan that we must do things perfectly, and we must not make Ruixian a disaster area. On the contrary, we must make Ruixian a refuge for the victims.

Let the victims come to Ruixian, without hunger, thirst, disease and pain, and spend this disaster year safely.

Mr. Fang is a man who keeps promises. He went to the government office in Ruixian in the afternoon, and together with Liu Xian, he anxiously summoned the rich people with good looks.

These rich people heard that it was Liu Xian summoning them to donate food and money, and they all sneered at them and were unwilling to go. Later, I didn’t know who heard that Mr. Fang was there. Everyone couldn’t sit still anymore. If they didn't go, they fixed their clothes one after another and hurried to the county office.

They can not sell Liu Xian's face, but Mr. Fang, they can't offend him!

Who is Mr. Fang? He taught to the prince. His students are either rich or expensive. If they can be in the eyes of Mr. Fang, they will have a relationship with Mr. Fang in the future. If there is something to do then, as long as Mr. Fang opens one Mouth, what can be done by reading!

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