The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 904: The disaster star is here

Frowning tightly and looking at Jinfulou, after standing still, he never moved a step.

When everyone saw it, they all began to whisper.

"Master Daoxin, what's wrong? Why did you stop at the gate of Jinfu Tower?"

When someone saw him stop, his brows were frowned, and he was a little curious and asked.

"Could it be that there is a calamity here?" Someone seemed to have thought of something.

"How is it possible? This Jinfu Tower has been in our town for several years. If it were a catastrophe, it would have been drought years ago!"

"That's not necessarily true, Jin Fu Lou is okay, but the people there!"

"The guys inside, aren't they all locals from Liujia Town!"

"Who said that, isn't there another from outside!" Someone shouted loudly: "Mr. Accountant, she is not from Liujiazhen!"

Someone just threw Gu Xiaowan out, but didn't say her name, but who didn't know that the accountant at Jinfu Building was a woman, Gu Xiaowan.

Someone is embarrassed for Gu Xiaowan: "Don't talk nonsense, people have been working as a clerk in Jinfulou for several years. It's fine every year!"

"Yeah, it was all right before. It was because she didn't move to our town. Didn't she come to live in the town this year! In our town, she was a foreigner this year, so it was drought this year, not her. who is it!"

Someone scolded and said: "Mother, I thought that girl didn't look like a good thing a long time ago. A girl doll, who has never read a book, will settle accounts, and even tinker with sweet potatoes that we don't know, not a disaster star. What is it!"

The crowd heard the sound of this picking head, and everyone shouted: "Yeah, yeah, it must be that girl! It must be!"

"You don't know yet, how did that girl come to our Liujia Town! She was driven out by people from Wuxi Village."

"What?" someone yelled in disbelief.

"I heard about it later. I heard that something strange happened in Wuxi Village. A Taoist priest said that this girl was possessed by a ghost, and then the girl ran away afraid of death."

This sentence of being possessed by a demon immediately exploded in the town.

Everyone looked at Jinfu Tower, their eyes were cracked, and they couldn't wait to pull Gu Xiaowan out of it immediately, and let her show off in front of Master Daoxin.

"That's just a child, a kindhearted person, what kind of disaster is there!" Someone was unyielding for Gu Xiaowan.

But someone immediately stared at him: "She is not a disaster star, you are a disaster star, or if you burn you, see if it rains, okay?"

The people around were booing, burning the disaster star, burning the disaster star.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Seeing the scene so out of control, Lu Tao said majesticly at this moment: "Don’t worry, Master Daoxin has found the whereabouts of the catastrophe. Please don’t worry, there is Master Daoxin. Master Daoxin’s eyes are bright. He must Will give everyone a fair!"

With Lu Tao's words, everyone calmed down and looked at the closed gate of Jin Fulou.

Several strong men following Master Daoxin came to the entrance of Jinfu Tower and knocked on the door under Daoxin's instruction.

"Open the door, open the door!"

Now, in everyone's eyes, it has been revealed that the catastrophe is undoubtedly in Jinfulou.

All of them opened their eyes wide and watched Jin Fulou's movements. The strong man’s knock on the door grew louder.

Inside, Ahmad and Shishi also looked at Gu Xiaowan, waiting for Gu Xiaowan's order.

Gu Xiaowan listened to the discussion from the crowd outside just now.


Possessed by a ghost?

What, everything in Jinfulou must be repeated again?

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly, but the smile on her face was getting bigger and bigger, but her eyes were like ice.

"Girl, what should I do?" Ahmad has been standing by, no matter what happens, he has tried his best to protect Girl Wan's safety.

Stone also looked at Gu Xiaowan worriedly.

This scene is exactly the same as the scene in Wuxi Village.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Ahmad and nodded firmly when he saw him. Gu Xiaowan nodded also, then came to the door not far away and stood still.

"Open the door!" Gu Xiaowan's voice was cold and tactful, but the firmness in that voice was beyond doubt.

The guy on the side hummed and took off the latch.

The door of Jinfu Tower creaked slowly and opened.

The sunlight outside shined into Jinfu Tower.

Even with it, it also brought in a heat wave rushing toward the face.

How long has it not rained, even the air is dry and there is no trace of water, and there is a hot flame in my throat.

The door slowly opened in front of her eyes, Gu Xiaowanhao was not timid, and went out first.

Seeing the breath of Gu Xiaowan's body, the two brawny guys who knocked on the door felt as if they were approaching like a big wave, and they couldn't stand it.

The aura of the whole body made them dare not even approach.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming out, she immediately turned around and jumped down the steps.

Obviously, I feel that Gu Xiaowan's breath is too oppressive and she appears timid, but such a panic behavior seems to be scared to the people next to her.

They felt that the two strong men were scared.

In this heart, Gu Xiaowan's idea of ​​being a disaster star became even more firm.

They all took a step back unconsciously one after another.

Only Master Daoxin chanted "Amitabha Buddha" and stepped forward, looking at Gu Xiaowan and said, sternly: "Female donor, Amitabha!"

The voice is compassionate, but the greed in the eyes and the cross-faced countenance do not have the compassion of being a Buddhist.

There are also the bags under the eyes at the corners of the eyes, and the smell of wine and meat all over, he is obviously a fake monk.

You have to do the same as a true monk. That is to deceive these ignorant villagers.

Gu Xiaowan also returned a gift: "Master!"

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