The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 808: Takatsuki plum

"I'm pooh, I'm talking nonsense? If your son really has evidence, why didn't he go to report on Mr. Jiang! I'm pah, don't talk about hearsay, even if there is evidence, I am afraid that you will not be able to tell Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Chen if there is evidence. You don’t know, Master Jiang has a distant relative working as a senior official in the capital, and his daughters might even want to marry into Jiang’s house as a young grandmother. Huh, you want to be a master Jiang. Son, you just wait to take it for your son." The woman was chattering endlessly, and she was working hard, but before she finished speaking, there was no voice.

Gu Xiaowan drank coldly: "Shut up."

The woman didn't expect a little girl to have such a fierce momentum all over her body, she was a little scared in her heart, and she stopped immediately.

Gu Xiaowan stared at the young woman fiercely.

This woman, her mouth is so venomous, she actually said such utterly conscience.

The old lady Chen in front of me is getting older. It is obvious that her health is also very bad. If she says something ugly, she is afraid that she will be out of favor.

People are pitiful enough, and there are women like this who come to add trouble to her, don't make trouble!

Gu Xiaowan stopped the woman's nonsense in time. Hurriedly stepped forward to comfort the old lady Chen and said, "Grandma, don't worry, your son will be fine!"

As long as there is no killing and arson, but just saying a word indiscriminately, you will be locked up. Is there any human rights? Is there any rule?

If you really blame others for talking nonsense, you can just teach them directly.

Isn’t it a bit of a guilty conviction to catch others like this, and to be true to the rumors that others have said?

When Old Lady Chen heard that someone believed her son, she immediately took Gu Xiaowan's hand and said with tears, "Girl, my son is really wronged, really wronged! He is also unintentional, even if it is. I just said one wrong sentence, and I don’t need to keep people locked up for so long! I don’t know what happened to my poor son now in prison!"

"How long has your son been in jail?" Gu Xiaowan asked after hearing that he had been in jail for a long time.

"I was locked in before the New Year, saying that my Juner slandered Mr. Jiang for selling private salt. My son is not such a person. He can't talk nonsense!" Old lady Chen couldn't see clearly, but she could barely see Gu Xiaowan and the others. She wore good-looking clothes, and she didn't even dislike her dirty. Sitting on the side of the bed with her, and holding her hand kindly, she didn't dislike her dirty and smelly.

I felt like I had found a life-saving straw. I took Gu Xiaowan’s hand and didn’t let it go. I eagerly said, "Girl, please, save my Jia Jun'er. My Jia Jun'er is a good boy, he I like reading, but because an old lady of mine was sick, the whole family was worn down. He didn’t have money to read, but he still had to buy medicine for me and do things everywhere. In his spare time, he could only read books with books. , Write."

After finishing speaking, she pointed to the young woman bitterly, and said with grief: "It's her who will take away all of my Jun'er's pen, ink, paper and inkstone. That's my Jun'er's life."

Before the old lady Chen finished speaking, she got up and tried to **** it from the young woman.

However, as soon as I stood up, I felt dizzy. After I got up, I felt a buzzing sound in my head. Then I kicked down and started crying sadly.

"My Jun'er, Jun'er" Old lady Chen was distraught, maybe she spends her life in tears every day, her eyes can only see a little vague thing, see everything. Gone.

Seeing her fall, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly helped her: "Grandma, slow down!"

Old lady Chen held Gu Xiaowan's hand and cried helplessly: "Girl, my son was wronged, he was wronged!"

The young woman snorted coldly, seeing that everyone's attention was not on her, as if she was about to pull away.

When Qin Mozhi saw it, he winked at Ahmad, and Ahmad started to stop the woman at the door.

When the woman saw Ahmad not letting her go, she became anxious and cursed, "Hey, what do you want to do, what do you want to do! Why are you not letting me go, why are you not letting me have a king? Faith"

The woman who opened her mouth and shut her mouth was the king's law. The woman was anxious, her nose closed and she was about to go forward and push Ahmad. Ahmad saw that she was about to come forward, and she drew her body, but her legs were stretched forward, and the woman came to guard that Ahmad would come here. With one move, he fell to the ground with a plop.

An inkstone fell from his body and landed not far away.

When Old Lady Chen heard the sound of the inkstone landing, she immediately became happy, and then squatted on the ground, trembling and touching the ground in the direction where the inkstone fell.

That's Jun'er's lifeblood. When he is fine, he likes to write and read books, but you must not let this Wang clan go along!

Suddenly, a crisp voice came from outside, crying distressedly: "Aunt Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Then I saw a girl rushing in, and she ran to Old Lady Chen to help Old Lady Chen get up.

Old lady Chen saw that Gao Yuemei was here, and said excitedly: "Yuemei, are you here? Are you here? Hurry up, help me find the inkstone, find the inkstone!"

The inkstone was not far from Old Lady Chen, and it happened to fall into a shadow in the corner of the room. You can get it by just walking two steps forward, but she has no vision because of her eyes crying, especially in the shadows. Things are not real enough to be seen and can't be touched at all.

Gao Yuemei picked up the inkstone distressedly, then handed it to Old Lady Chen's hand, and said with relief: "Aunt Chen, here, it's okay here, it's not broken, it's not broken"

Gao Yuemei told the old lady Chen that the inkstone was not broken, but the old lady Chen didn't seem to believe it, so she touched left and right, until she found out that there was no more place for the inkstone, indicating that the inkstone was intact and not broken. It’s bad, and then he relieved his heart and said excitedly: "I didn’t break it, I didn’t break Yuemei, this is the lifeblood of Jun'er, so I can’t fall."

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