The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2637: Everyone is sad

"Yes, yes, yes, the regent seems to have gone to Qingyuan, but, how come there is no welcoming team, only the regent is riding a horse in red? Is it possible that he wants to marry him alone?"

"It doesn't look like it, what's going on? It stands to reason that the bride's sedan chair should be almost here at this time!"

"No matter what he does, let's join in the fun too. Maybe the two of you are happy and throw money. Princess Anping is a rich man!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we all go to join in the fun, all go, even if there is no money, there must be sugar!"

"What money is not money, sugar is not sugar, the regent guards the city gate firmly to save our people from war, and Princess Anping’s family cooks porridge at the city gate. This is a great benevolent person. Let’s go and congratulate the two newcomers. Give birth to a precious son early, a hundred years of harmony!"

Some people immediately went to Qingyuan to join in the fun, all of them were full of energy.

Qin Yizhi drove the horse to Qingyuan, and saw that there was nothing at the gate of Qingyuan, red lanterns, red silks, nothing hanging, as if he had lost his soul, he went forward and knocked on the door: "Open the door, open the door, Open the door"

He has lost his former composure, and is more of fear, panic and grief, what he doesn't believe, he doesn't believe it!

Soon someone came to open the door. When he saw the regent who was wearing a big red wedding dress at the door, Gu Xiaoyi heard Qin Yizhi pulling her shoulders and asking: "Where is Wan'er? Wan'er? where is it?"

When did Gu Xiaoyi have seen Qin Mozhi look like this, like a bloodthirsty demon, before she could speak, she saw that Qin Mozhi had let go of her and rushed directly to the back room!

Wan'er must be there, she must be!

She must be wearing a happy dress now, waiting for him in the house first, she must be, she must be!

Qin Yizhi strode inward, Gu Xiaoyi's short legs couldn't keep up, so she could only shout from behind, "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you, brother-in-law?"

The shouting shocked Gu Fangxi. At this moment, he also came out to see Qin Yizhi walking into the yard. Aya heard the movement and went out. When he saw the desolate Qin Yi, a bad premonition swept across Aya. Asia body.

Without thinking about it, he rushed forward: "Where is my sister? Where is my sister?"

Qin Yizhi didn't speak, and approached the main room step by step. He looked like a lifeless wooden figure, walking forward mechanically step by step, his face pale, without a trace of blood.

Aya followed in front to stop him, questioning loudly, but Qin Mozhi couldn't hear anything, didn't say anything, so he walked inside.

Seeing Qin Yizhi's loss of soul and the appearance of the three souls and the seven souls, Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi still didn't understand, they stepped forward and asked incredulously: "Brother-in-law, where is my sister?"

"Xiao Qin, where is Xiao Wan? Where is Xiao Wan?" came in immediately behind him. Seeing three people surrounding his master, he hurriedly stepped forward and supported Qin Yizhi, and Gu Xiaoyi held him. Wei asked loudly: "Where is my sister? Where is my sister?"

Awei lowered his head, two lines of tears slid down his cheeks, Aya's face was pale and instantly lost his popularity.

Gu Fangxi felt that the sky was spinning, as if her brain was hit hard by some heavy object. She was dizzy and didn't know anything. She staggered and fell back.


Su Mang, who followed in, rushed forward and hugged Gu Fangxi. Gu Fangxi pulled Su Mang's collar tightly, almost in a trembling voice, and asked word by word: "Xiao Wan What about Xiaowan?"

Su Mang also shed tears: "Fangxi"

"Where is Xiaowan in my house? Where has she been? How is she? How about Xiaowan?" Gu Fangxi asked four times in a row, every word from Xiaowan, the one who cried was called a sadness.

Su Mang hugged her distressedly: "Fangxi, Fangxi, Xiaowan, she is gone."

"What does it mean to be absent? What does it mean to be absent? You lie to me, my Xiaowanji person has her own vision. She will be safe and sound. What does it mean to be absent?" Gu Fangxi cried and jumped, his voice almost hoarse .

Gu Xiaoyi slumped on the ground, muttering in a broken mouth: "Sister, sister, how could something happen, how could it happen, how could it happen"

Qin Yizhi rushed into the main room, looking around in the room, turning around, from the bed to the shower room, from the study to the dressing table, he looked everywhere, looked everywhere, and kept chanting: "Wan'er, come out , Don’t hide and seek with me, no more, come out soon, come out soon. Today is our happy day, it will be bad after auspicious time, come out soon"


Qin Yizhi searched it again and again, and his voice became more excited and desperate, trembling hopelessly: "Wan'er, come out, come out, I beg you, come out, I didn't look for you. It’s okay if you beat me and scold me, okay, please, come out, don’t you want to marry brother Yizhi? Brother Yizhi is here to marry you, Wan'er, come out, don’t scare me anymore.”

"Wan'er, Wan'er"

His voice became more and more stern, and his head in the room was like a house fly, dangling, no direction, no mind, no consciousness, there was only one thought in his mind: Wan'er, Wan'er

Su Mang and Ah Weiwei went into the room and saw Qin Yizhi, who was already almost mad, with a big red phoenix crown in his hands, and his voice was almost hoarse, sitting on the ground like a tall and stalwart figure. , Sat on the ground shiveringly, holding the happy clothes that originally belonged to Gu Xiaowan, and whistling silently, with that sad look, everyone who was watching wept.

Awei knelt on the ground and slapped himself with one slap: "It is the subordinates that are useless, and the subordinates are useless."

Qin Mozhi ignored her and was immersed in his own pain. The depression of his crying was more like a broken heart.

Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi were crying outside with their headaches. Aya stood in the middle of the yard blankly, looking at the room where my sister lived. There seemed to be a faint fragrance in the room, and he seemed to be able to see it. Sister is still in the house, she is still there!

Gu Fangxi entered the house and looked at A Wei and shouted, "How did Xiaowan die in my family? You say it, you say it"

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