The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2632: The dust settles

"Xiao Yuanyao, even if you arrested me and went to see Shu Tianci, but have you ever thought about it? At that time, I had an alliance with you and arrested Gu Xiaowan. Do you think that if Shu Tianci knew of Gu Xiaowan’s disappearance, you would have a share, you Say he will kill you?" Shu Hao was still struggling. He knew Shu Tianci's feelings for Gu Xiaowan, so he concluded that Xiao Yuanyao would not send himself to Daqing for the alliance between Nanling and Daqing!

But he was wrong!

Now, Xiao Yuanyao can't wait to kill Shu Min and Shu Hao, how could he let him go to Qing Dynasty alive.

Xiao Yuanyao drew his bow and arrow, aimed at Shu Hao, grinning grimly: "Shu Hao, you go to die, you go to her to bury her!"


Before Shu Hao thought of anything, he saw that the arrow seemed to be flying directly towards him. Shu Hao was shocked to see that the arrow was getting closer and closer to him. Liu Maozhu was beside him and knocked down the arrow with the sword. Yelled: "Master, take someone with you!"

Only then did Shu Hao react, and he immediately turned back with someone. Xiao Yuanyao fell into a melee with Liu Maozhu, and saw Shu Hao fleeing, his eyes cracked with hatred.

With cover, Shu Hao finally rushed out of the siege. Can Daqing go to Qing Dynasty or Nanling? Where else can he go now?

Seeing that the earth was so big, Shu Hao had no place for him. He was panicked for a while, and a large number of troops rushed to him not far away. Shu Hao, who had just escaped from the danger, was intercepted again!

Seeing the man sitting on the horse, Shu Hao was startled and turned to the ground.

Staring in horror at the heroic man on the horse: "Why are you still alive?"

The army came and surrounded the capital. Those people were obedient to Shu Hao. After snatching the tiger charm from Shu Hao, the elite troops immediately put down their weapons, and the fighting stopped immediately.

I heard there was no fighting outside, and the people above the city shouted at the inside: "Win, win, we win"


The people in the capital were stunned for a while, you look at me, I look at you, and then there was a thunderous applause: "We won, we won! We won, we won!"

"Open the gate to welcome the army into Beijing"

"Open the gates"

In the city that has always been in order, the people are standing at the gate of the city in an orderly manner, welcoming Tan Ye’s marching into the city. Everyone cheers and cheers. Qin Yizhi also smiled. After that, after all, he could no longer hold it, his heart was like Who was hollowed out, he vomited a mouthful of blood, his body's center of gravity was unstable and faltered.

Su Mang exclaimed: "Master, Master"

To clean up the battlefield and settle the people, Shu Tianci has made arrangements for many things since he returned to the palace. From the time he entered the palace, his face no longer has a smile, and some are just calm and thick. sad.

After the war caused by Shu Hao subsided, he finally took a sigh of relief. All day long, except for the upper court, he was sitting in his study. The days seemed to have finally returned to peace.

But in this calm, the regent said he was ill and never went to court again.

The empress dowager went to the Imperial Study Room to see Shu Tianci, who was decent and respectful: "Mother Queen"

"Emperor, how are these days?" The empress dowager carefully considered her words, word after word, not daring to speak too explicit, nor to pursue too much.


Shu Tianci really doesn't know whether it is good or not!

The kind of days that are suffering in waiting are not good, too bad!

However, no matter how bad it is, can it not be better than the feeling when she heard the news of her death?

It was like a red heart that was dug up by the roots with a sharp blade, and then another 1,800 knives were cut on it to blur the flesh and blood of a heart. Does it hurt?


My heart is gone, I don't feel any pain anymore!

"Fortunately" Shu Tianci thought for a long time, only spit out these two words.

But, seeing his almost ashamed look, how could the empress dowager believe it? She wanted to ask, where did Princess Anping go? Didn’t she go to find her?


The words of the empress dowager went in her throat many times, but she didn’t ask any questions after all. She sighed and said, “You’re so good to rest. Don’t be too tired. The regent is probably tired after going into battle these few days to kill the enemy. Let him rest for a while!"

Shu Tianci bowed his hands, said nothing, and silently agreed!

The quiet inside the imperial study room was strange and scary. The empress mother went out and looked at the grandpa Qi outside. Qi Gonggong understood her mind and secretly went to Cining Palace when there was no one.

"What's the matter with the emperor? How did you go out and come back like this? Where did you go?" Grandpa Qi looked at the empress dowager who asked repeatedly, and then said the things on the way.

"Princess Anping was taken away by the Nanling King!" Qi Gonggong said.

"You mean that Shu Hao Shu Min and Xiao Yuanyao formed an alliance and deliberately took away Princess Mingdu, but she took away Princess Anping behind his back?"

Father Qi nodded and answered yes.

"What about Anping? Why didn't you see Anping come back with you?" The empress mother asked in surprise, "Could it be possible that she stayed in Nanling?"

"Yes, she stayed in Nanling." Father Qi's voice was choked, almost crying.

I will never come back in my life.

The queen mother was shocked: "What about midnight? What should I do about midnight? Did Xiao Yuanyao insult her? So, she couldn't come back?"

As Father Qi said, the tears fell like a broken bead. His shoulders trembled, and he lied on the ground and sobbed several times. Then he choked and said: "Queen Mother, Princess Anping, she She is dead!"

"What are you talking about? Dead?" The empress dowager was a little staggered, and when she mentioned the word death, her face suddenly seemed to be drew away and angry: "Why? How could she die? How could she die?"

Father Qi wiped a tear: "Shu Min followed Xiao Yuanyao's design and took away Princess Anping. Later, because Xiao Yuanyao was indifferent to Shu Min, Shu Min conspired with Xiao Yuanshan, and replaced Xiao Yuanyao. Xiao Yuanshan imprisoned Princess Anping without knowing where. After being found out of his true identity, he drew his sword and killed himself. Before he died, they killed Princess Anping. The place where Princess Anping was imprisoned was burnt! Also, after Shu Min left Nanling, I once left a note saying that Princess Anping was dead in the flames!"


Really dead?

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