The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2630: Murderous hatred

After the two talked about the conversation, they saw Gu Fangxi also walked out of it, with a worried look. She hadn't seen Su Mang for several days!

I don't know what he is doing now, how is it!

"Mrs. Shen, I want to go for a walk!" Gu Fangxi said.

She wanted to go out and have a look, go back to Qingyuan to have a look, and then look for Su Mang.

She has been in Shen's house for a long time. If she doesn't go out to see, she doesn't know what happened outside!

Although Su Mang said that he must stay here before leaving,

She always feels that this heart is about to jump out of her chest!

She has a very bad premonition, like something big is about to happen!

When Mrs. Shen saw Gu Fangxi saying that she would go out, thinking of her son's instructions, she hurriedly said, "No.

Her voice was a little nervous. Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi all looked at her. Madam Shen knew that she was in a gaffe, but she couldn't let these two go out. The situation outside is so difficult nowadays, something will definitely happen if you go out!

Madam Shen knew that she was a little excited, and she hurriedly said with a smile: "No, Master Su entrusted you to me, just to let me take care of your safety well. When Master Su arrives, I can safely hand you over to Master Su. So, good sister, please don't think about things going out, and don't embarrass sister, okay?"

There was a little horror in her eyes, but she pretended to be calm. Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi looked at each other, and they realized what was wrong with Madam Shen!

Madam Shen knew that if she stayed any longer, she might say something that shouldn't be said, so she got up and left.

When Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi saw her leaving, they glanced at each other and both went out one after another. Most of the family members outside have been evacuated, and these people only said that they should protect them, but they did not say that they should not be allowed out.

Therefore, they followed out the door, and along the way, they saw quite a few of the family members before, but at the moment they were deserted. Along the way, they only saw a few maids, not a single family member.

Gu Xiaoyi was even more strange: "Auntie, where did all the Shen family go? Why didn't they see anyone!"

Gu Fangxi shook his head: "Let's follow along and see!"

Madam Shen was going to go back to her yard, but she was called away by a maid on the way, saying that someone had come!

Mrs. Shen hurried to the front hall, and Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi also followed. When they reached the front hall, the two found a place to hide. When they saw the visitor, Gu Xiaoyi could tell who it was. !

"It's Boss Li from Lanqing Cloth Village. What is he doing?" Gu Xiaoyi asked suspiciously. heard Li Yuan say a few words to Madam Shen, Madam Shen suddenly became excited, and the two seemed to have a dispute. Seeing that Li Yuan suddenly moved, he grabbed Madam Shen's neck with a fist, and the maid on the side yelled and rushed forward.

However, she was kicked out by Li Yuan and rolled out in the yard. After vomiting blood, she fainted!

When Gu Xiaoyi saw it, he didn't care about calling someone and rushed out: "You let go of my aunt!"

Madam Shen saw that Gu Xiaoyi rushed out, and she wanted to shout, but her neck was pinched desperately. She couldn't say anything. She could only watch Gu Xiaoyi shaking her head in horror, as if she wanted Gu Xiaoyi to go quickly!

Seeing Gu Xiaoyi's arrival, Li Yuan immediately let go of his hand and rushed towards Gu Xiaoyi.

"It turned out to be you!" Li Yuan saw that Gu Xiaoyi was here. The first time he saw her, he was a little confused, but quickly relieved: "Since you have a relationship with that person, then go to death together!"

After speaking, his hand quickly caught Gu Xiaoyi's neck and directly lifted her up. Gu Fangxi followed and shouted: "You let her go, you let her go"

No matter how she kicked and beat Li Yuan, it didn't help, but stared at her fiercely: "You wait, then it's your turn! You are all going to die today, all of you are going to die!"

The Jia Ding and the maid who rushed over were knocked to the ground by Li Yuan, and Gu Fangxi was kicked by Li Yuan, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Just when his life was at stake, he suddenly did not know where four blacks came from. Shadow, a sharp blade flashed out of his hand, surrounding Li Yuan to Tuantuan.

The four of them were all martial arts masters. Although Li Yuan had a high level of martial arts, he was gradually struggling to deal with the four. After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Li Yuan was physically exhausted and was eventually caught.

Gu Xiaoyi's throat was almost cut off by Li Yuan. She saw Li Yuan who was subdued, and Mrs. Shen, who was following him, also shouted: "Li Yuan, our Shen family treats you very well, why are you doing this? "

Li Yuan smiled bitterly: "The hatred of killing relatives is not shared, Qin Ziye, I can't kill you, I want to kill the person closest to you!"

The man in black asked, "My master? When did my master kill your relatives?"

The four men in black were arranged by Qin Yizhi to protect Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi in the Shen family. Seeing that they were not good, they rushed over immediately. They rescued Gu Xiaoyi and the others. Now that they heard Li Yuan's words, they were puzzled and detained them directly.

Only then did Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi know that the outside world had fallen out and the city gate was about to fall!

Mrs. Shen said: "Wen Jun told me to hide from you. He said he didn't want you to worry."

Gu Xiaoyi was moved in his heart: "We can't do nothing here, auntie, let's go to the city gate. Although we don't know how to fight, it's okay for us to be a backup!"

"To be a backup?" Madam Shen looked at Gu Xiaoyi suspiciously. They all walked around the ghost gate just now. They had just recovered a life and were going to be a backup. This made Madam Shen gratified and excited.

"We can cook and deliver water to the soldiers, and use our own ability to let them have no worries and kill the enemy! Moreover, we can gather all the doctors in the capital, bring medicine, and go to the gate together. Can you treat the wounded over there?" Gu Xiaoyi said excitedly.

Madam Shen naturally agreed with her mouth: "Well, good, good, come, go, let's go to the city gate together."

With the lead of the Shen family and the example of Mrs. Shen, many of them followed Shen Jianshen to the home of the city gate to resist the enemy, and they also sent people to donate money and food to the city gate.

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