The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2626: Of decoy

Song Qiheng asked, "Father, what is written on it?"

"Prince Ming asked us to go to Beijing to spread the news, saying that he was going to use rumors to force the regent to retreat and open the city gate!" Song Liantian handed the letter in his hand to Song Qi hum and said with a smile.

After Song Qiheng looked at it, he said, "Sure enough, what should we do next, father?"

"People go to spread the news, it shows that the prince is kind, as long as the city gate is breached, all the residents of Beijing will still live in peace and will not be any different from before." Song Liantian said: "This trick confuses people. What Prince Ming can use is to be familiar with it!"

"Yeah, if all the people in Beijing heard that this war will not involve them, they will definitely agree to enter the city. For them, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, as long as they continue to live a good life! "Song Qiheng also smiled.

Song Liantian: "Be sure to spread the news better. Don't let people think that it was our Song Mansion. Who will be the emperor in the future will have little to do with us. You must be clear and safe, understand?"

Song Qiheng handed over: "Father, don't worry, your son will do things with one hundred and twenty hearts. I will make arrangements. Moreover, Prince Ming asked me to open the city gate, and my son will also pick a good time to let people Let go of the guard at the gate!"

"Okay, go!" Song Liantian waved his hand and said.

As soon as Song Qiheng left, Master Song Qing came: "Father, can Prince Ming come in?"

"Almost, he has 80,000 people, but there are only 20,000 soldiers in the capital, plus tens of thousands of people. If he does not approve of the regent, Qin Ziye is worried about internal and external troubles. This battle is estimated to be tomorrow. It's over!"

Song Liantian said.

A smile appeared on Master Song Qing's face: "Father, what if Prince Ming became the emperor?"

"Then we are naturally his important ministers. We will definitely pay homage to our father's official position." Song Liantian smiled and said, "and you will also be the crown prince of my Qing Dynasty and the mother of the country in the future."

"Then father, what if Prince Ming can't attack?" Song Qing suddenly thought of a question.

"It's okay, our Song family and Ming prince don't have a close relationship, even if we want to clear our party, we can't clear our Song family up!" Song Liantian said indifferently.

"So, this is the reason why Dad has been keeping a low profile for so many years?"

"Well, our Song family is a century-old family, a century-old famous family, but when the honor reaches here, we can no longer make any progress. Young master, we always have to let go and fight for a better, if we succeed, our Song family's Fame will increase to the next level. Even if it is unsuccessful, everything we have now will not be damaged in any way, understand?" Song Liantian said.

Master Song Qing nodded: "Father, I know."

The Song family was a distinguished family for a century, and it took several dynasties and generations to have the glory and glory it is today, but this is obviously not enough. In Song Liantian's hands, the Song family has hardly any achievements.

Without success, the reputation of a century-old prominent family will surely begin to weaken gradually! But this is the honor that the ancestors of the Song family finally got. How could Song Liantian let the Song family slowly regress? As the Patriarch of the Song family, he had no achievements. If he died, how would he face the ancestors of the Song family.

So, this time, he let it go. If the blog is successful, the Song family will definitely be glorious. If it fails, the Song family is just as it is now.

When Shen Wenjun stepped into the Shen's house again, his face was pale. These days, due to the war, all the people in the city were kept closed and all the shops were closed. For fear that the city would be broken, their good days would be all It's over.

However, this day I don’t know why, many people unexpectedly started to instigate people around, saying that they were going to ask the regent for orders, to stop the regent, stop fighting, and ask the regent to let Shu Hao in.

After Shen Wenjun asked Qing's details, he was almost furious, and when he returned home, he told Shen Jianshen and Mrs. Shen what he had heard outside.

Shen Jianshen was shocked after hearing this: "When is this the rumor that came out?"

"I haven't heard it in Beijing yesterday. I was walking around Beijing this morning and saw that the number of people had gathered hundreds of people. They said they were going to the city gate to ask for orders. If the regent does not open the city gate, they will Smash open the city gate and let Shu Hao in."

Seeing Shen Shen's eyebrows, Mrs. Shen was also a little flustered: "How can this be good? If these people really ask for orders, the regent will not be able to suppress the people!"

If Shu Hao is really let in, then the sky of the Shu family will change!

Although Shen Jianshen has never fought a war, he also knows that if the people are obstructing it, this battle will probably stop!

"When I went out in the morning, there were not many people, but when I came back just now, the number of people had grown several times. At this speed, one pass ten to ten pass, I’m afraid it won’t be until noon. The people of the capital will gather at the gate!"

Although the regent was rumored to be cruel, he was also a man who loves the people like his children. Otherwise, for so many years, the Qing Dynasty has implemented so many good policies that benefit the country and the people, and the people have benefited a lot.

When the time comes, when the people from all over the capital gather in the capital and ask him to open the gate, what will the regent do?

But if Shu Hao is really allowed to come in, their life will not change at the moment, but what if it lasts forever?

The thinking pursued by the Ming prince is different from that of today's emperors!

The people now seem to be the same as before, but what if they fight for years afterwards? The people are really suffering!

Thinking of this, Shen Jianshen said hurriedly: "Wen Jun, take someone with you and call all the shopkeepers in the capital!"

"Father, this is what you want"

"I can't worry about that much, Wen Jun, you just have to say that Shu Hao's philosophy of governing the country is different from our current sages. One advocates peace and stability, and the other advocates force and expands territory. If we still want to live such a good life. , You can't let Shu Hao in!"

"Father?" Looking at Shen Jianshen's solemn appearance: "I will take someone there now!"

Mrs. Shen also sighed: "Master, even if we gather so many people, our number is far less than the number of each other!"

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