The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2624: Kaisei

"How is it possible? How could she die? No, no, she won't die, she won't die!" Shu Tianci muttered to himself.

Ah Wei couldn't help comforting Shu Tianci anymore. He handed over and said, "My son, the subordinates must return to Daqing first. The master of my house must have learned the news too, and the subordinates must go back!"

After speaking, Ah Wei turned around and left without waiting for Shu Tianci to reply!

Shu Tianci was still immersed in his own confusion. He kept thinking, how could Xiao Wan die? How could he die?

No, no, she won't die!

She must not die!

Shu Tianci staggered and stood up. The father-in-law Qi outside saw Awei walking away with a grim face. He had never seen such a gaffe. He had never seen it before. When he was curious, he heard it inside. There was a harsh voice.

"Qi Song!"

Father Qi rushed in, and saw that the head in his eye socket was full of blood, with bloodshot inside, which looked very oozing!

"The Son"

"Go back, go back now!" Shu Tianci sternly said, his heart is dead, he died completely!

He has only one thought now, to destroy Nanling and avenge Xiaowan.

Xiao Yuanyao, you killed her, and I want you to bury her.

The two groups of men and horses left the city one after another, galloping all the way towards the Qing Dynasty.

Xiao Yuanyao was holding a pot of wine at the moment, buying drunk in the palace, Feng Chi and Yun Xiang on the side saw the loss of their master, and sighed in their hearts.

"Wang, people can't come back from death, you must be sorry!" Yun Xiang persuaded.

Needless to say it was the king, even he had never thought that that girl was really dead!

Xiao Yuanyao poured wine into his stomach, and his voice was full of endless sorrow: "It's all blame I shouldn't selfishly bring her here, all blame me, all blame me, if I don't bring her, she is in the Qing Dynasty, when she Princess Anping, when her regent princess, she will be well and well throughout her life, all to blame, I am the one who killed her!"

Yun Xiang saw the grief-stricken king, but he didn't know what to say to comfort him.

Yes, they were all too selfish. They wanted to bring her to Nanling. They wanted her to be with Wang and make Wang happy.

But who knows

She is dead!

Wang's life, I am afraid that he will live in pain and guilt all his life. After all, she is such a living girl who has been moved by her!

But he died because of himself!

Feng Chi wanted to say something, Yun Xiang pulled him and shook his head. At this moment, the king couldn't hear anything: "Let him be alone for a while!"

Upon seeing this, Feng Chi could only follow Yun Xiang out!

Behind him, Xiao Yuanyao's cry of almost sorrow was heard: "It's all to me, all to me, all to me!"

Shu Tianci’s men and horses quickly rushed to a small village fifty miles away from the capital. Qi Gonggong said: “The emperor, there are a lot of troops in front of them, they should be the men of the Ming prince. If it rushes past, it will be broken if it is discovered by Shu Hao's people!"

Yes, he can't make progress or retreat. Shu Tianci still has a big vengeance in his heart, how can he bear it!

Looking at Daqing from far away, now that he really has no home to return, Shu Tianci is almost going crazy, but he also knows that he can't rush forward, he can't die, and the person who killed Gu Xiaowan, he still wants him Die in your own hands!

"Where are they at midnight?"

"There was news from the capital, saying that the tiger charm was taken by Shu Hao. The 20,000 elite troops stationed around the center of the capital are now at the mercy of Shu Hao. The 20,000 people, plus, for so many years, he has been garrisoned by Qi, There are 60,000 people in the dark, and there are 80,000 people in total. They have already reached the foot of the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty, and they have already joined the regent!"

"Where are the reinforcements?" Shu Tianci frowned and asked.

"It should be still on the way. All the troops have been maintaining order in the frontiers for the past few years. There are only 20,000 Tiger Talismans left in Beijing. There are also thousands of soldiers in the palace where the Queen Mother and the Regent. There are still 20,000 soldiers there, and they should have been contending now!"

"How long can the capital be kept?"

Father Qi shook his head: "The minion doesn't know it!"

Twenty thousand people, to 80,000 people, maybe three or four days, and maybe one day.

At this moment, above the city gate, the ghost-faced general who has always made the enemy fearful stood on the city gate again. When the soldiers saw this invincible and always victorious general, their spirits ignited in their hearts!

Seeing the soldiers coming up from under the city gate, the sharp blade in his hand slashed forward without hesitation. There were corpses and wars everywhere, but no one flinched.

The city is here, they are!

Qin Mozhi took out the saber around his waist and saw so many people in the city. He was wearing a silver mask and could only see the pair of bloodthirsty eyes! He stared fiercely at the people who climbed up, and the last string in his heart almost broke.

He couldn't help it anymore, raised the sword in his hand, turned all the pain and sorrow into strength, and shouted: "Kill me! Kill! Kill!"

With him taking the lead and personally killing the enemy above the city gate, all the soldiers seemed to have been beaten with blood. They bravely killed the enemy and repelled waves of people. Shu Hao did not expect Qin Ziye to personally himself On the court, I was a little surprised to see his bloodthirsty appearance.

Shu Hao was a little scared until the arrow in his hand pointed at him.

This regent is no longer the regent who fought with him on the palace, but has restored the ghost-faced general on the battlefield!

Yes, why did he forget!

This man is not only the regent, he is also the ghost general!

Since he was a child, he has been by Qin Fang's side, fighting on the battlefield. From the first time he went on the field to kill an enemy, he has fought countless large and small battles, never lost!


Shu Hao was a little frightened. When he saw Qin Ziye's hideous appearance, he was terrified. He saw that the arrow was pointing at him all the time. He couldn't help it anymore. He picked up the horse and led the people to flee. .

The arrow shot out, but was blocked by Liu Maozhu. The arrow stuck in the soil only half a step away from Shu Hao. Because the force was too great, the tail of the arrow swayed in the air for several times before closing it.

There was no war, no savage scene, and the post-war pain swept through the body again. The soldiers around him were cheering, but he could not hear or hear anything.

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