The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2622: Priceless

"You mean!" Xiao Yuanyao smashed his fist, but turned around in mid-air, and slammed straight to the ground. The bluestone floor was smashed in half, and Shu Min was terrified, but he straightened up his spine.

"I'm despicable?" Shu Min looked at Xiao Yuanyao and smiled, "Is it me despicable or you despicable? Xiao Yuanyao, if you say you are willing to cooperate with my father, we will help you send Gu Xiaowan to Nanling, but what about you? After Gu Xiaowan came, your attitude towards me changed! Your almost flattering look to Gu Xiaowan made me look sick! I am the princess you personally chose to marry you, and I am your future princess. Why are you right? Gu Xiaowan's flattery!"

Shu Min said fiercely: "I always thought that my pro-Nanling and I became the princess of Nanling. If you like Gu Xiaowan, you can just accept her as a side concubine, but you want her to replace me. Yes. Xiao Yuanyao, I helped you, but you crossed the river and demolished the bridge!"

"So, this is why you and Xiao Yuanshan exchanged me?" Xiao Yuanyao oozes traces of blood on his hands, but he doesn't feel any pain at all. He just looks up at Shu Min, his eyes are cold, not the slightest temperature. .

Shu Min said: "Yes, you are not good to me, then I will replace you!"

"You changed, and finally chose me. Shu Min, are men like clothes to you? Wear them if you like them, or take them off if you don't? You are a woman, so why don't you know how to do this? Shame! Do you know how to write the word shame?"

Xu Chengze has been watching the expression on Shu Min's face by his side all the time, his heart is trembling, and now only this person knows the whereabouts of Xiao Wan, must say, must say!

She will be fine, she will be fine!

"Shame? Xiao Yuanyao, you guys like that woman, she has no shame!"

"It's my business to like her, what's up with her?"

"If she's not so cute, how can you make you like her one by one? So is Su Ziyue, so is the regent, so is my emperor, and now, even you! What is good about her, if she is not so cute, why do you guys She will like her!" Shu Min said almost hysterically: "Isn't she just having a beautiful face, how can she compare to me? Her sordid peasant girl!"

Xiao Yuanyao's face was blue and angry, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, then let go, and clenched into fists again, his face was hideous: "Shu Min, don't force me to beat women!"

Xu Chengze laughed aside: "Princess Mingdu, when she was eight years old, she was black and thin. She wore washed and white stitched clothes all day long. Is she beautiful? She is not beautiful at all, but I am Like her, until now, I also like her!"

Shu Min and Xiao Yuanyao looked at Xu Chengze almost at the same time, and heard Xu Chengze say: "Princess Mingdu, let me tell you why we all like her. Not because she is beautiful, but because she is kind, smart, gentle, and she refuses to admit defeat. In this world, there are advantages that a woman has, and she has the advantages that others don’t, she also has the advantages, you think she is just a lowly peasant girl, but she is the most precious in this world that can’t be exchanged for anything Jewel! She has always been a jewel in my heart, her forbearance, her perseverance, her intelligence and her courage, in my heart, it is like a bright lamp, always illuminating my direction, Princess Mingdu, this is why I like her. Do you want to listen to it again?" Xiao Yuanyao was stunned for a while: "Do you know Xiaowan?"

"Naturally know." Xu Chengze smiled, with endless sadness: "I met her first, but in the end, she still fell in love with that person. I think I am much better than that person, but, She treats me just like a brother, but she didn't expect that that person would be the regent of the Qing Dynasty. Xiao Wan has a really good vision!"

"Xiao Yuanyao almost slumped on the ground: "Have there never been anyone else in her heart?"

"How could it be? She kept calling me Chengze brother, I was nine years older than her, and always thought I could wait until she grew up and marry her home, but then I found out that she had always treated that person. It's different. I feel uncomfortable, so I left. Unexpectedly, more than ten years passed in a flash."

Xu Chengze told Xiao Yuanyao what had happened before. Xiao Yuanyao always had a cold smile on his cold face: "You said she used to be ugly? What did she look like when she was a child? You must have never seen her now. Fenghua is peerless, unparalleled in the world, I don't think it is appropriate to describe her with the most gorgeous words in the world!

Xu Chengze flashed a glimmer of expectation, and the two of them were almost lost in thought. Seeing that she was left out, Shu Min yelled: "She is going to die, she is going to die for you, don't you want to see her? You? Let me go back to Daqing and I will tell you where she is!"

Xiao Yuanyao looked back, his eyes as cold as ice, "Okay!"

Xiao Yuanyao and Xu Chengze looked at each other, and they both left the house at the same time. Xiao Yuanyao walked in front and Xu Chengze walked behind.

Shu Min couldn't catch it in one breath, and when he was about to yell at him, he saw Xu Chengze going back and forth. He was squatting in front of Shu Min, just looking at Shu Min straightforwardly.

Xu Chengze has always been elegant, no matter how urgent things are, in his eyes, there is nothing but light and wind, but now, his eyes flashed with condensed eyes.

When Shu Min was about to scold, Xu Chengze slowly opened his mouth: "Princess Mingdu, you'd better pray that she is safe, otherwise, Xu Chengze will go to heaven and earth, and I will crush you into pieces!"

A school of elegant scholars, but what they said made people shudder. Shu Min couldn't help but shiver, and when he wanted to take a closer look, Xu Chengze had already walked out.

The palace gate slowly closed before her eyes, and the inside plunged into darkness again. Jian Yu stepped forward and asked: "Wang Hao"

"Don't call me the princess, I don't want to be the princess!" Shu Min gritted his teeth and said.

"Princess, is it possible for us to return to Daqing?" Jian Yu asked.

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