The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2614: Jiangshan is mine

"When you do things, Ai Jia will put one hundred and twenty hearts! Don't worry, when things are settled, Anping will come back, Ai Jia will marry you two immediately."

Qin Yizhi respectfully arched his hands and bent down, with a thumping voice: "Weichen, thank you empress dowager!"

After speaking, he strode out of the imperial city.

There are still many things to do now, how to avoid Shu Hao's eyes and ears, and to transmit the rest of the information about the deployment of troops, and how can the soldiers who are coming here avoid the siege and interception of Shu Hao, without a soldier Came to the capital unexpectedly!

It’s just that the Tiger Talisman may be in Shu Hao’s hands now. The Tiger Talisman represents 20,000 elite soldiers. Adding Shu Hao’s 40,000 to 50,000 before, there are 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers. Such a large-scale rebellion, they short time Within, where are so many people going?

Qin Mozhi frowned fiercely.

At this moment, in a humble house in the capital, Shu Hao smiled triumphantly looking at the tiger charm in his hand.

"Tiger charm, tiger charm, I finally got you!" Shu Hao laughed.

Someone on the side said with a smile: "Congratulations to the lord, Hexi lord."

Shu Hao glanced slantingly, and Xiao Dezi smiled flatteringly on the side: "Where can I say that the lord nowadays, if you get a tiger charm, you get the entire Daqing River and Mountain. Now it should be changed. It should be called Congratulations, Emperor Hexi ."

Shu Hao glanced at Xiao Dezi with satisfaction: "Yes, you are a time-savvy person, this king likes it, and your benefits will be indispensable when this king becomes a big treasure!"

As soon as Xiao Dezi heard this, he knelt down hurriedly: "The servant thanked the emperor for his grace first, and long live the emperor!"

"Hahahaha, hahaha" Shu Hao was complimented. When he saw the person kneeling on the ground, he called himself the emperor. He seemed to see that the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the Qing Dynasty belong to him, and the position that makes the world obsessed. .

That position should be his!

The little emperor has been sitting for so long, it is time for him to sit down!

"Where is Shu Tianci now?" Shu Hao asked.

Military teacher Liu Maozhu on the side said: "The emperor, Shu Tianci is already in Nanling. Our people followed them all the way to Nanling. As long as there is a chance, we will definitely bring Shu Tianci back!"

"Opportunity, what more opportunity? He is out of the palace, what chance do you find to bring them over?" When Shu Hao heard this, he patted his hands on the armchair, angrily.

"The emperor, don't worry about this, because the people of the regent have been with Shu Tianci all the time. According to his subordinates, there are probably as many as 100 people there." Liu Maozhu explained hurriedly, "For not It’s so scary, the King of Nanling still doesn’t know that Shu Tianci is in Nanling. If we let him know, it might be unfavorable to our plan!"" This Shu Tianci was willing to go to Nanling to find her for a woman, but Gu Xiaowan knew so many things, if she went to Nanling, it would be cheaper than Nanling people! So, let him die together in Nanling. It happens that this pot can be carried by Nanling. At that time, the king will use Nanling to kill Shu Tianci's evidence to break the city of Nanling and annex Nanling!" Shu Hao sneered again and again.

Liu Maozhu nodded: "Lord, this is a good strategy. Therefore, we should not be anxious now. We can't let Nanling know that Shu Tianci is in Nanling. It is best to kill them and then blame this incident on Nanling's head. It’s just a hundred mouths, and it’s not clear. At that time, you will take revenge for Shu Tianci and take down Nanling in one fell swoop and expand the territory of my Qing Dynasty. At that time, I will have another city in Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty will definitely be the largest country, and the emperor will be a master of martial arts, and it will be amazing."

"The emperor's mastery of military strategy, outstanding talent"

Xiao Dezi on the side also echoed.

With the tiger charm and the whereabouts of Shu Tianci, Shu Hao only had to wait for the 60,000 troops from outside to arrive in the capital, coupled with the 20,000 elite soldiers in the capital, and take the imperial city easily.

"The army will be there in a few days," Shu Hao asked.

"If you return to the emperor, there are still three days left. It is estimated that you will reach the foot of the capital in three days." Liu Maozhu said.

"Let's pass the order on, rest well tonight, rectify the military affairs, when the army arrives, go straight to Huanglong and take the Yuxi. Send a message to the people in Nanling, so that they can catch Shu Tianci as soon as possible and kill him in Nanling." Shu Hao Shen Sheng After giving the order, he thought for a while, and continued: "Also, Gu Xiaowan, send a message to the princess to let her kill Gu Xiaowan as soon as possible in Nanling, so that she will never suffer from future troubles."

Gu Xiaowan knew too much. If Nanling really got the technology of iron smelting and forging, it would take a lot of effort for the Qing Dynasty to annex Nanling!

Liu Maozhu took the lead.

Xiao Dezi was in the room, looking at Shu Hao frowned, and said: "The emperor, his subordinates are following Shu Tianci, do you know what the subordinates have found?"


"Shu Tianci has a deep love for the woman Gu Xiaowan! Otherwise, he would not run to Nanling because of Gu Xiaowan."

"What are you talking about? Is he because he likes Gu Xiaowan?" Shu Hao was a little shocked: "Why would he like Gu Xiaowan?"

Yes, why do you like Gu Xiaowan? Is it impossible to like it? Such a woman needs talent, looks good, and has everything. Why can't she like it?

Shu Hao felt that he was unnecessary to ask this sentence, hehe sneered: "I didn't expect that Shu Tianci was still an infatuation, but for a woman, he could kill Nanling regardless of his own situation!"

"The emperor, do you think the regent and Shu Tianci will fight? One is for the country and the other is for the woman, but the one who should be the country is going for the woman, and the one who should be the woman is here to save the country, you Say, are these two strange?" Xiao Dezi asked eagerly.

To be honest, he has waited in the Imperial Study Room for so long. He sees Shu Tianci's thoughts, but he is puzzled.

"You said, he is a ninth-five-year-old, why would he give up the world for a woman? Is this woman worth it?"

Shu Hao smiled contemptuously: "It's just a woman. My dead emperor is the same, and this unsatisfactory nephew is the same. The man of the Shu family is so affectionate and affectionate. It's just a pity. In the end, I still have to lose in the hands of shameless love, this world should have been mine for a long time!"

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