The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2612: Shu Hao is rebelling

Su Mang sighed, smiled and shook his head and said: "It's nothing, just small things. But Fangxi, Xiaoyi, listen to my advice, leave here, I have a lot of things during this period, and it's impossible to stay there all the time. Protect you by your side, so you change places!"

Shen Wenjun said immediately: "I will take my aunt and Xiao Yi to Shen's house!"

The Shen family has a great career and there are many martial arts masters. It is better to stay with two people than in Qingyuan. Su Mang nodded: "Yes, it is not too late. Please pack your things as soon as it gets dark. Send you away. Also, remember, you must not let others find that you are at Shen's house! Wait for me to pick you up safely!"

Gu Fangxi didn’t know what was going to happen in the capital, but seeing Su Mang’s serious and solemn appearance, she knew that this incident was definitely not a trivial matter, but she was still worried about Su Mang, she was pulling Su Mang’s Just don’t let go: "Su Mang, are you in danger?"

Su Mang smiled, looked at her seriously, and then printed a kiss on her forehead, and said very seriously: "There will be danger, but I will not let myself be in danger, Fangxi, I have a hard time. With you, we still have half a lifetime. I am afraid of death, so you can rest assured to wait for me to come back and find you. When that happens, we will get married."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Feeling the warm breath on his forehead, Gu Fangxi hurriedly said three good things, his eyes full of love and worry.

Taking advantage of the darkness, a few people closed the gate of Qingyuan, and the carriage galloped towards Shen's house. The carriage entered Shen's house all the way. For safety, Shen Wenjun arranged an extremely secluded yard for the two to live in.

Su Mang inspected the surroundings and found it to be safe. Only then did he reluctantly leave without saying a word to Gu Fangxi, nor dared to see her.

If you look at it more, you can't bear to leave again!

Now that the imperial city is in turmoil, someone is disturbing this day.

Shu Hao is ambitious and frantic. If he succeeds in usurping the throne, he will never let go of Princess Anping's family. He must swear to protect his beloved woman!

Su Mang didn't dare to leave Shen's house blatantly, but secretly walked away from the back door, and after going through the back door, he went directly to the Prince Regent's Mansion!

Qin Yu had returned a few days ago and had been summoning soldiers, waiting for the day Shu Hao rebelled.

Seeing Su Mang, Qin Yizhi asked a little tiredly: "Can you send people away safely?"

Su Mang replied, "Send away, and the Shen family will protect them safely!"

Qin Yuzhi said, "The Shen family has a big business. If Shu Hao really seeks rebellion, he wouldn't dare to move the Shen family for a while. The Shen family is a safe place!"

With no worries, Qin Yizhi began to give it a go.

"The king is going to the palace now. When the emperor is leaving this time, Shu Hao must have thought of a perfect plan to mobilize his troops and horses. The tiger talisman is still in the palace. The king is going to find the queen mother and ask for it."

By the end of the palace, it was already midnight.

Wherever the queen mother was still asleep, the emperor just left without saying goodbye, for the sake of a woman, even the country of Qing Dynasty did not guard it!

Her sighs and sighs spread to the outside from time to time, and Aunt Jin said outside: "The empress dowager, please rest early, it's midnight!"

How did the queen mother fall asleep, sighed and said: "The Aijia can't sleep!"

Aunt Jin thought that the queen mother was due to the emperor's departure from the palace, so she comforted: "The emperor may be playful. If you go outside and play, you will come back naturally if you have enough play!"

In the entire palace, except for the Queen Mother and Queen, no one knew that the emperor left the palace to find Princess Anping. The empress dowager only looked at the dark drapery on her head and closed her eyes, but when she closed her eyes, she didn't know why, she was shocked, as if something big was about to happen!

"Why don't your servant go and make a bowl of soothing soup for you!" Aunt Jin said.

The empress mother said, "Go!"

Aunt Jin put on her clothes, and when she was about to open the door, she heard a rapid knock on the door and the voice of the servant: "Please ask the queen mother, the regent, see you!"

The eyes that the Queen Mother had just closed suddenly opened. It's so late, Qin Ziye is here?

He didn't go to Gu Xiaowan?

What about the emperor?

Thinking of this, the queen mother didn't sleep anymore, and shouted directly outside: "Go to Xuan, Jin Yi, wait for Ai's family to change clothes!"

Qin Yizhi came in wearing a snow-white fox fur. Because it was really cold outside, when he came in, the whole body was still a little cool, and Aunt Jin frowned slightly.

The regent is not such a person who does not pay attention to etiquette, so late, and so recklessly into the palace, something must have happened!

Qin Yi stepped forward to meet, and the empress mother waved, everyone retreated. Inside the huge palace, it was as warm as ever, isolated from the cold outside, but the empress mother found out that the coldness on the regent's body was just as cold. The photogenic.

"Midnight, why didn't you go to Anping?" the empress mother asked.

She originally thought that what her unbelievable son would do would cause the regent to make Anping a little bit wronged.

"Weichen went, but halfway through the way, the Weichen came back!" Qin Mozhi replied.

The queen mother was a little bit dumbfounded: "But because of the emperor? You should know that this child is just like his father, he is a man of death and a lover, but you can rest assured that the emperor will have a sense of measure!"

"Weichen naturally believed in the emperor. However, the Weichen returned to Beijing not because the emperor went to find Wan'er." Qin Yizhi's tone suddenly became solemn.

The empress dowager was shocked, and hurriedly asked: "That is"

Being able to let the regent to give up his children's affair and return to the palace will only be more important than Princess Anping, the entire imperial city, now there is something more important than his sweetheart!

"Weichen received the news, Lord Ming is plotting to rebel!"

"What are you talking about? Rebellion?" When the empress dowager heard this, she suddenly jumped up: "How is it possible?"

"The exact news that the minister got is that the Ming prince has gathered tens of thousands of soldiers around the capital and is approaching the imperial city! The minister sent people to see that a large number of soldiers are coming to the capital!"

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