The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2606: Mysterious woman

Xu Chengze has been in Nanling for many years, and he has a lot of contacts in the palace. It is easy to find someone to get into Buyu Pavilion. Buyu Pavilion is closed with a woman, which makes him feel very surprised.


It turned out to be a woman!

How could Xiao Yuanshan bring a woman back in the Qing Dynasty and still be locked in a cell directly?

Xu Chengze was sure in his heart that this matter might have something to do with the missing King Nanling.

At this moment, Shu Tianci dressed up and led people into Nanling secretly. The wedding ceremony of King Nanling and Princess Mingdu married, the whole Nanling is still in a warm celebration, there are lights, red and colorful colors everywhere, so lively!

Shu Tianci stayed in an inn, thinking about how to enter the palace.

At this moment, Awei came secretly. He had long learned the news that the emperor had also brought someone to Nanling. Apart from finding someone, he had been waiting for Shu Tianci in secret. Sure enough, as soon as Shu Tianci's people entered Nanling, Ah Wei found out.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, he secretly went to Shu Tianci.

Ah Wei has received a lot of news.

According to reliable sources, the ruthless building that hasn't appeared in Jianghu for many years mainly enters the palace!

According to rumor, the landlord of Ruoqing Lou brought a woman to Nanling. A doctor in Nanling Palace once rescued the woman. Later, the landlord of Ruoqing Lou gave Nanling a piece of iron-smelting and forging technology, which made Nanling’s weapons more powerful than ever. Become a leader.

Awei said: "I heard that Nanling is very respectful to the ruthless landlord. King Nanling will meet him at the gate in person. The subordinates thought, we were among the guards and secretly entered the palace that day. What do you think?"

Shu Tianci thought about it for a while, this was a great opportunity, and he nodded willingly: "Okay!"

Xu Chengze looked at the two people who came to visit him late at night, and when he heard something they said, he almost jumped up in shock.

"Who did you just say Princess Anping is?" Xu Chengze asked Feng Chi, almost bounced.

"It's a princess from the Qing Dynasty. She was originally a peasant girl. She was later canonized as Princess Anping by the Qing emperor." Feng Chi didn't expect the excitement of Xu Zaifu, who had always been emotionally indecent, and was surprised for a while: "Does Zaifu know Princess Anping too?"

More than just knowing!

Xu Chengze's heart is extremely sad. He hasn't seen Xiao Wan for nearly ten years, but he did not expect that two people are in different places, and now they can still stand on the same country!

"You said, Wang brought Princess Anping to Nanling? Where is she now?" Xu Chengze asked Fengchi almost roaringly. Feng Chi and Yun Xiang didn't expect Xu Chengze to be so excited, and hurriedly told Xu Chengze about the itinerary and doubts they had come along.

"Xiaguan suspected that something was wrong with Wang during this period. Originally, Dr. Yun and I were serving inseparably. But now, he didn't use us. Instead, he used other guards and imperial doctors. This made Dr. Yun and I very much It’s doubtful. Moreover, Wang has always said that what he wants to marry is only Princess Anping from the Qing Dynasty. Princess Mingdu came and married. It was just a pretense. He would definitely not marry Princess Mingdu, but he Still, Princess Anping, her subordinates haven't seen her for a long time."

Xu Chengze looked at the worried Feng Chi and Yun Xiang, and said, "He is Xiao Yuanshan!"

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Yun Xiang and Feng Chi were both dumbfounded: "How is it possible?"

Wang has always been with them on the road from time to time, when did Xiao Yuanshan get in? Moreover, it also blinded their eyes!

Xu Chengze also didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t help but believe the truth: “I’ve found someone to pass the pulse to the king. You should know, someone who understands the king’s physical condition. If a person’s physical condition changes suddenly, then He must be fake!"

After Yun Xiang was shocked, he calmed down immediately: "Then Xu Zaifu, how do you know that this king is fake?"

"Since he entered Nanling, he said that he wanted to garrison troops!" That was when he entered the palace on the second day, when he said so!

Yun Xiang and Feng Chi looked at Xu Chengze, both stunned.

The most urgent thing is to find Xiao Yuanyao, and the other is to find Princess Anping!

Feng Chi and Yun Xiang were naturally looking for Xiao Yuanyao, while Xu Chengze was looking for Princess Anping.

After discussing, they were about to separate. Suddenly, Yun Xiang seemed to have thought of something. He turned back and said to Xu Chengze: "Zaifu, there is a strange smell on the Anping princess. If you smell a difference If you have an ordinary scent, you can look around more!"

"Fragrance? What scent?" Xu Chengze has been with Gu Xiaowan for many years, and has never smelled any scent on her! Her body always carries the scent of saponaria after bathing, it is faintly clear, and it smells very good!

"The subordinates once smelled it more than ten years ago, like Utambula, but it took too long, and the subordinates have some confusion!"

Utambula, how could it be Utambula!

"Can you remember it wrong? This kind of flower has long since disappeared!" Xu Chengze frowned and asked.

"So, my subordinates dare not be too sure, but this kind of smell is very special. If Zaifu smells a special smell somewhere, he can let his subordinates smell it. There is a characteristic of that scent, which lasts for a long time! "

Xu Chengze thinks this is strange!

How could Xiaowan smell like Utambula?

He traveled to Nanling many years ago, and it happened that Nanling was facing all over the world to recruit talents. Xu Chengze went through five stages and cut six generals, and suddenly became the first name at the time. Because of his profound knowledge and unique insights, he once He was a book editor in Wenyuan Pavilion. During the year he was there, he had read almost all the books and biographies of Nanling. Utambula, he had seen it once in a book.

It is said that more than ten years ago, the landlord of Ruqing Lou once took a woman to Nanling. The woman carried a Utambula flower. At that time, it was the girl Yunxiang saved.

The girl was cured in Yunxiang's hands, and the ruthless original poster gave Nanling a piece of iron-forging technology. The Utanbula was the girl's thank you in return for Yunxiang.

Yunxiang harvested it and cultivated it carefully, but after a while, the flower was still dead!

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