The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2604: Instigate two

Mrs. Xu listened and laughed: "You, you said that you were silly studying, and later as a Zaifu, and focused on Jiangshan Sheji, have you ever considered your own affairs? But ah, if you speak , Mother will naturally choose the best and best girl for you. What do you think of Dong Lanxin, the daughter of Wenyuange University Scholar?"

Dong Lanxin?

Xu Chengze didn't even know this person at all, but looking at his mother's excited appearance, I thought it was already a fancy!

He smiled and said: "Since the mother has already taken a fancy, it is naturally the best! My son has no opinion!"

It's just getting a wife. Dad passed away four years ago. The only thing he can't let go of is that he hasn't married a wife and had children in his twenties!

After three years of Shou Xiao, Mrs. Xu did not directly tell the matter about the marriage, but waited a year later, also to give him time to accept.

Xu Chengze knew that it would be futile if he waited any longer, and his waiting was meaningless.

As long as she lives well, he is good!

Seeing that her son agreed with her opinion, Mrs. Xu was also very happy: "Xingxingxing, my mother has already seen it. That child is already eighteen this year!"

Eighteen? As old as her.

"I am nine years older than her. Doesn't she dislike my being older?" Xu Chengze asked with a smile.

Mrs. Xu glanced at Xu Chengze angrily: "You kid, what are you talking about? The other girl said that she is old and knows to hurt people! Moreover, with your current identity, how many people are eager for you, if not you Keep your filial piety for your father, we don’t know how many people will cross the threshold of our Xu family!"

Xu Chengze had nothing to refute, so he could only respond to Mrs. Xu's words: "Mother, you can call the shots!"

Mrs. Xu got her son’s personal confession and left happily. Xu Chengze was a little surprised seeing Mrs. Xu leaving when he was gone. However, after a while, he got up, went to the desk, and picked up a side book. Looked up.

It's just that I don't have any thoughts how to look at it. Now that Nanling is controlled by Xiao Yuanshan, how can Xu Chengze fail to understand his next plan!

King Nanling has no heirs. If he could succeed to the throne, only Xiao Yuanshan would be qualified.

When Gu Xiaowan started to draw the third stroke of the third straight number on the wall, Shu Min finally came! It was Xiao Yuanshan who brought her here.

Shu Min looked at Gu Xiaowan in the cage with a faint smile, with countless ridicule in her eyes. Gu Xiaowan's face was pale, she hadn't seen the paleness of the sun for a long time, and her beautiful face and moon appearance still seemed undiminished.

Shu Min sat outside proudly watching Gu Xiaowan sneer, and Gu Xiaowan sat on the chair without showing any weakness to watch her. The eyes of the two met in the air, and no one would let anyone else.

Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word, but Shu Min was a little frustrated. This was her third day of marriage. Being loved by Xiao Yuanshan every day, she only felt that her whole life had become more colorful.

This is the joy she has never thought of in Su Ziyue's body, which makes her go to heaven and earth, dying!

After being in love for three days, Xiao Yuanshan remembered Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan had such a good iron forging technique in his mind, and he had to force Gu Xiaowan to speak out, so that Nanling had the bargaining chip to compete with Da Qing.

Shu Min's natural way, Xiao Yuanshan meant that after arriving in the dungeon, he smiled sullenly and said: "Gu Xiaowan, if you can come up with the iron forging technique you know, this princess will leave you with a whole body! What do you think? kind?"

Gu Xiaowan also sneered: "Shu Min, don't forget, you are from the Qing Dynasty. Even if you are married to Nanling, you are also from the Qing Dynasty!"

Shu Minhun said nonchalantly: "Gu Xiaowan, after the Qing Dynasty, it will be my father's. Do you think my father will care?"

Sure enough!

Gu Xiaowan almost gritted her teeth, and suddenly saw Xiao Yuanshan next to Shu Min, and seeing Shu Min nestled in Xiao Yuanshan’s arms, with a tender and sweet look, suddenly thought of something, and smiled: "Since Da Qing is It’s your father's. Wouldn’t it be easy for your father to give the technique of iron smelting to King Nanling? Why bother to come to me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanshan glanced at Shu Min, and suddenly said, "Yes, just go to Master Yue directly. Why bother with her?"

Shu Min was speechless for a while and said hurriedly: "But the king, my father, he is not the emperor of the Qing Dynasty now! If you are anxious to use it, it is better to find a woman than my father. More?"

Before Xiao Yuanshan said anything, Gu Xiaowan laughed first: "Why? Could it be that King Ming refused to give it? Otherwise, this plan to usurp the throne can be done. If you steal a piece of iron and forging technology, you can't steal it? If I die. King Ming refused to give it, so Da Qing will always surpass Nanling! With so many brave soldiers and superb weapons, Da Qing will annex Nanling, just around the corner!"

Sure enough, Xiao Yuanshan looked straight at Shu Min in his arms. Shu Min had always had a gentle flattering smile on his face. Now, seeing the sharp edge on Xiao Yuanshan's face, he was shocked for a while.

When the reaction came back, I hurriedly said: "Wang, Gu Xiaowan is instigating our relationship, you must not believe her!"

However, Xiao Yuanshan pushed Shu Min back in his arms, thinking that Shu Min had always told herself that she and Gu Xiaowan had a hatred that was incompatible with him, so he must personally kill Gu Xiaowan and let Xiao Yuanshan hand him over to her as soon as possible!

Originally, Xiao Yuanshan thought that Shu Min really had a deep hatred with Gu Xiaowan, so he always listened to her!

But now after listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, it suddenly dawned and understood what Shu Min meant!

Shu Min wanted Gu Xiaowan to die. After he died, the technology of iron smelting and forging had always been owned by Daqing!

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Shu Min fiercely, almost trying to see a hole in her.

"Wang, Gu Xiaowan is provoking us, I don't, I don't. Father, he is still the Ming prince of the Qing Dynasty, how can he be exposed to the technology of iron smelting and forging, besides, when he becomes emperor, my father said, He will definitely give you the technology of iron smelting and forging!" Shu Min said hurriedly.

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