The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2600: Garrison

Xiao Yuanyao is now hard to protect himself, and he will become Xiao Yuanshan’s prey. He wants the technique of smelting iron and forging, and he will not treat himself for a while, and Shu Min dare not take what he does, but he can sustain it and wait until Ah. Are they coming here?

There is also the brother of Yizhi, he is afraid that he is crazy now!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs had already prepared the marriage ceremony three days later, and Shu Min looked at the young man standing under the hall in a daze.

"Have you lived in Daqing?" Shu Min closed the booklet in her hand and asked with a smile.

The man in front of him nodded, his face calm and cold: "If you go back to the princess, yes!"

"Then how many years have you left the Qing Dynasty?"

"By the way, it's been almost ten years!"

"It's been so long, that's really hard for Xu Zaifu. I have left Daqing for so many years and I still remember Daqing's customs and etiquette so clearly. Didn't you know that Xu Jaefu was married?" Shu Min looked at the handsome man in front of him. Suddenly asked with a smile.

The person in front of him shook his head: "Never!"

"I can arrange every step of the marriage ceremony so detailed and thorough, my palace thought Xu Jaefu was already married!" Shu Min looked at the man in front of him, her face cold and handsome, and the expression on her face looked like ice. After ten thousand years, he suddenly thought of someone in his heart!

I just feel that the person in front of me really looks like that person!

It’s just that Shu Min knew that even if he resembled him, that person was already dead! Gone!

When Shu Min thought of this, she suddenly felt that her heart was hollowed out, and she waved her hand: "Xu Zaifu has done a very good job with this matter. My palace is very satisfied. You go down first!"

The person in front of him arched his hands, turned and left.

His figure is as tall as a bamboo, he walks neatly and briskly, without the slightest nostalgia, like that person!

Shu Min didn't want to look any more, she looked at it more, as if he was standing in front of her alive, she couldn't think about it anymore, thinking about it any more would only drive herself crazy!

Su Ziyue, Su Ziyue, how come you have been dead for so long, still don't let me live?

People often say that if you like a person, you only need one look, but it takes a lifetime to forget a person! Su Ziyue, I no longer love you, I no longer love you!

When Shu Min's eyes opened again, they were covered with frost!

Since Princess Mingdu was meaningless to the marriage ceremony, Xu Zaifu naturally wanted to report the matter to King Nanling.

The king of Nanling usually stays in the Hall of Evidence, or handles official duties, or reviews memorials and books, and rarely rests in the Hall of Yangxin, but when Xu Zaifu arrives at the Hall of Evidence, he is told that King Nanling is not here!

Xu Zaifu is a little curious! He has been with Xiao Yuanyao since before Xiao Yuanyao became the throne. Although Xiao Yuanyao seems to be cynical on the surface, he is a rare prince who has the world in mind, so he will always All followed Xiao Yuanyao.

When Xu Zaifu reached the Hall of Yangxin, he was stopped by the guards: "Xu Zaif, Wang Youling, no one can enter and leave the Hall of Yangxin at will!"

"I'm looking for Wang You to discuss matters!" The man in front of him was still cold and cold.

"Zaifu Atonement, I forgive my subordinates for not letting you in!" The guard lowered his head, but couldn't refuse.

No one knows what Xiao Yuanyao is doing in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart.

But when Xu Zaifu went to court again and said that he wanted to garrison the troops, Xu Zaifu frowned.

Princess Mingdu has not been canonized yet, but she has represented that Nanling and Daqing have concluded an alliance and will not fight for a hundred years. However, this hasn't been canonized yet, so the King of Nanling is going to garrison his troops? What does it mean?

Faced with Xiao Yuanyao's decision, someone questioned on the spot: "Wang, Qing and Nanling have concluded a non-fighting pact for a hundred years, will they provoke Da Qing if they continue to consolidate their troops?"

"If you get angry, you get angry, why? Are you afraid that we can't beat the Qing Dynasty in Nanling?" Xiao Yuanyao smiled evilly, sitting on the dragon chair, very proud!

"Wang, the Weichen suggested that if we can let go of the strange things, after all, the princess of Mingdu has not been canonized, so I did such a perfidious thing in Nanling. It's unspeakable. If you have this time, it's not too late to refurbish the troops, let the soldiers rest, and discuss again!"

Someone rebutted his words, and even said so many great things, Xiao Yuanyao was angered, Huo Di stood up all of a sudden, took two steps, and cursed at the minister under the hall: "What are you? Something, I dared to question this king's decision, come here, chop him off!"

Xiao Yuanyao's words silenced the people present.

That minister is so famous that he will be beheaded just because he said two rebellious words?

Xu Zaifu frowned at this moment. Since King Nanling came back from the Qing Dynasty, he seemed to have changed himself, and he didn't miss Xiao Yuanyao who he had known before.

For the sake of Nanling, Xu Zaifu stepped forward and said, "Hold on!"

"Xu Zaifu, are you questioning this king's decision?" Xiao Yuanyao looked at him, his eyes looked like ice!

"Weichen dare not, Wang, it will be the wedding ceremony between you and Princess Mingdu in two days. It is better to put this person in jail first, and wait until the ceremony is over, and then it is not too late!"

"That's right, if the king is newly married, it is not appropriate to kill. Xu Zai's explanation is reasonable. Come on, put this person in a jail and wait until the king's wedding!"

The minister who almost died just now managed to find his life in front of Lord Yan, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief!

After finally waiting to disperse the dynasty, Xu Zaifu walked outside the palace by himself, but met someone on the corner.

He stepped forward and asked with concern: "Is she better?"

I saw the person opposite shook his head: "It's still the same, it can only be adjusted by taking medicine."

They both sighed for a long time, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said to this person: "You always go to the king to check your pulse all the time, I have one thing I want you!"

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