The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2598: Arrived at Nanling

Gu Xiaowan was lying on her head, she had no power to resist. Except for two or three small holes for exhaust, she could hardly see any sunlight. She was nestled here, listening to the meaning, it has been five or six days. On the 6th, can Zuo and the others find that they have been transferred?

If she arrives at Nanling, what else can she do to get herself out?

Since Xiao Yuanshan wanted the technique of smelting iron and forging, she still had a trump card in her hand. If he dared to be disrespectful to herself, then this trump card would not be given to him even if he was broken by the fish!

Xiao Yuanshan naturally took care of Gu Xiaowan, and he also got the news that Daqing had sent people around to look for Gu Xiaowan, and there was a wave of elite Jinyiwei who came directly toward Nanling. It seemed that they had guessed that Gu Xiaowan would be taken to Nanling.

During this period of effort, he must force Gu Xiaowan to tell the whereabouts of the iron forging technology, otherwise she would be taken into captivity and it would be just a curse. The Qing Dynasty will definitely not give up!

Finally, the convoy rushed forward and finally arrived in Nanling on the evening of the sixth day.

The long army and hundreds of civil and military officials greeted each other at the gate of the city. Seeing the carriage coming, there was a greet that resounded across the sky. Gu Xiaowan was awakened, and her mind started twelve minutes!

The carriage drove slowly into the city gate, but at the door, until someone yelled to move things, Gu Xiaowan was finally carried from the darkest dark place to another darkest cell.

Gu Xiaowan's shackles were opened, and the candlelight in the cell was very dark. Only three inches in front of him could be seen in the dark. Gu Xiaowan's eyes adjusted to the cell for a while to see the scene inside the cell.

"You finally woke up!" A triumphant voice came from outside the cell. Gu Xiaowan followed the voice and saw Shu Min standing outside the cell, dressed in brocade clothes, and a triumphant smile on his face: "Long time no see, Princess Anping!"

"Shu Min!" Gu Xiaowan didn't see any fear, she just looked at Shu Min like this, the calm in her eyes, she didn't see any fear at all, and she sat down in a chair with Shi Shiran, that made Shu Min even more frustrated. , Angrily attacked: "Don't ask, where are you now?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Min and smiled coldly: "You are here, where did you say I am? Aren't you going to Nanling to get married? Although I don't know how long I have been in a coma, I can guess that you and your relative Nanling One of her conditions is to take me all the way? So, Yihong, you finally found out that she was bought by me!"

Shu Min was struggling for a while. She didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to guess these things just when she woke up. After Zheng Leng, she was angry: "Yihong was originally from my father, who knows that the **** girl turned upside down? You! Fortunately, we found out in time, otherwise, she will reveal our secrets to you! Fortunately, she is a vain person, we just threatened her with a few words, and she led you over, Gu Xiaowan, Don’t believe this kind of person who is prone to rebellion! That dead woman has been executed by my father, and she will never have a chance to betray anyone!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "This time I have fallen, thank you Princess Mingdu for reminding me. Next time I will remember it firmly!"

"Next time?" Shu Min seemed to have heard some funny joke: "Do you think you will have another next time? When you arrive in Nanling, it's up to me. Do you think I will let you return safely? Daqing?"

Shu Min smiled wildly and looked at Gu Xiaowan. She almost laughed out of her breath: "Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan, I have been fighting with you for so many years, and I have never been able to beat you in the fight, but look at you, until the end. It's still in my hands, so no one can make a rash assertion until the last moment of the reincarnation of heaven!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Since you have said that you can't make rash assertions, I am still standing here now, why do you say that I will definitely die in your hands in the end? Or maybe it is not me who died, but you To die!"

"Nonsense!" Shu Min was anxious: "You can do it for a while. When the king's thing is available, you are just a waste of chess. The king said, then you will be given to me, Gu Xiaowan, I want You might as well die!"

The maid on the side said: "Wang Hao, the king has urged people to call you to meet the civil and military officials!"

Shu Min looked at Gu Xiaowan who was still sitting in the cell, and smiled triumphantly: "Gu Xiaowan, you wait! When I become the princess of Nanling, and you become my prisoner, I will definitely make you better than death. Be uncomfortable!"

Shu Min left the cell triumphantly, and Gu Xiaowan sat there, instantly returning to peace.

This cage, perhaps an underground cage, is dark and there is no sunshine! She is not familiar with Nanling. Here, not only does she have no familiar people, but she is still her enemy. How can she save herself?

At the moment at the Nanling Hall, Xiao Yuanshan disguised as Xiao Yuanyao, holding Shu Min's hand, walking on the hall, accepting the worship of hundreds of civil and military officials.

Xiao Yuanshan said: "In order to conclude the century of Qing and Nanling, the Qing emperor sent the princess Mingdu of the Qing Dynasty to kiss us Nanling. This shows the sincerity of the Qing emperor. From now on, our Nanling and Nanling will be the best of Qin and Jin. Don't be unhappy!"

Those who were on his knees, who agreed, bowed down, bowed and screamed Long live, and some disagree, said: "The Qing Dynasty does not have as many iron ore as mine in Nanling, and the weapons in Nanling are sharp, and the iron is like mud. Why did the Qing Dynasty keep me in Nanling as a minister? If I had more people in Nanling and more sophisticated weapons, then those who came to offer tribute in the future would be the Qing Dynasty!"

The out of place voice appeared particularly harsh above the hall, and everyone looked at the speaker.

That person was a supporter of the expansion of the territory before. Since Xiao Yuanshan's defeat, Xiao Yuanyao did not like this person, but this person is brave and good at fighting, and is a rare and brave general in Nanling-General Han Zeng Han!

When Xiao Yuanshan saw Han Zeng, his eyes suddenly brightened, but he deliberately said with regret: "General Han, don't do this! Daqing and Nanling have been in harmony for a hundred years, and now he has personally selected and his princess to come to me. Nanling, jointly concluded a hundred-year covenant. Although the iron ore and weapons of our Qing Dynasty are powerful, the number of soldiers is not as good as that of Qing Dynasty. This king thinks, Nanling spends a hundred years to cultivate her voice and breed children. If it is a hundred years later, we can cooperate with Nanling. The number of people in the Qing Dynasty is contending, and when that time comes, it will not be too late to mention this matter again!"

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