The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2590: She is not a girl

A strong anger flashed in Shu Min, who was stung by Xiao Yuanyao's expression, and she said angrily: "What? King Nanling, we performed such a good show with you in the Ming Palace. This is how you repay this princess. Is it?"

"The princess is serious, this king is naturally a person who believes in her words, this king will naturally thank the princess for her help! Whatever the princess asks, this king will promise you!" Xiao Yuanyao said solemnly.

Shu Min smiled, and a touch of pride flashed across a painted face of Qingguoqingcheng: "The palace, what if you want the identity of Princess Nanling?"

"Are you serious?" Xiao Yuanyao frowned and looked at Shu Min: "You and I were in an alliance before, this marriage is a strategy!"

"King Nanling, don’t forget, this palace has already followed you out of the Qing Dynasty. Where do you want me to go now? Will you return to the Qing Dynasty and continue to be a princess? How is it possible? This palace can only follow you to Nanling, and this palace It’s the princess you appointed to be married, and this palace is naturally Princess Nanling!"

Seeing Shu Min's righteous words, Xiao Yuanyao frowned this time, and said displeased: "That's it, this is just an alliance!"

"Why? Is it possible that the princess of King Nanling really wants to fail that person?" Shu Min asked angrily when Xiao Yuanyao retorted himself again and again.

"You should know this king, the person who wants to be with you, has always been Princess Anping!" Xiao Yuanyao sneered: "Princess Mingdu, you have left Daqing with me now. If you don't want to go back, then you are a good place to live. Listen to my order. You want the identity of Princess Nanling. This king tells you that even if you die, it will be impossible! Come, please get off the carriage, Princess Mingdu, there are many carriages behind, this king’s The carriage is small and can't fit so many people!"

Feng Chi obeyed his orders outside, hurriedly opened the curtain of the car, and said coldly to Shu Min, who had an iron face, "Princess Mingdu, please!"

Shu Min stared at Xiao Yuanyao fiercely, then let out a cold snort and got out of the carriage.

As soon as Shu Min left, I saw Xiao Yuanyao suddenly pressing a switch, only to hear a "click", and a wooden board on the ground opened unexpectedly. Xiao Yuanyao hurriedly rushed over and saw Angritou, a weak woman lying in it. The hands and feet were already tied, and the mouth was stuffed with cloth. When Xiao Yuanyao picked up the person, she wiped away the hair that was scattered in front of her, and a face full of power appeared in front of Xiao Yuanyao.

The person he held in his arms was slender, and the face that didn't show up on her face was even more charming. There was still a scent of if there was nothing on his body. Xiao Yuanyao smelled it, and subconsciously put the person in his arms into his arms. Hold tight.

Got it, got it, finally got it!

He can't wait for the horse to put on its wings and fly directly to Nanling, and then he wants to marry her, make her the princess of Nanling, and imprison her by his side, so that no one can take it away, can't take it away!

Such a stunner in the world really makes me feel pitiful!

Xiao Yuanyao grinned at the corner of his mouth and smiled softly, as if he was not satisfied with his hug, he lowered his head and gently pressed a kiss on the forehead of the woman in his arms.

The carriage ran fast, shuttled between the mountains and forests, and it had been three days since it had left the Qing Dynasty. In five days' time, they will be able to reach Nanling.

At this moment, even if the people of the Qing Dynasty discovered that Princess Anping was gone, even if they had put on their wings, it was too late!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yuanyao was extremely excited, and the person in his arms would only be his!

Zuo felt that the girl was a little weird in the past few days. She ate and slept and ate. She used to like to read and talk to people. Now she is like a block of ice, talking and laughing less.

Ah Zuo didn't know why. He thought it was Young Master Ya who had been in a coma for the past few days, which made her feel sad, so he didn't pay attention to it, and took care of Ya Gongzi every day.

Aya was in a coma for four days and finally woke up in a daze.

Seeing that he finally woke up, Zuo heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Young Master Ya is awake, I will tell the girl to go, knowing that you wake up, she must be very happy, you don't know, these few days Because you are in a coma, the girl talks less and laughs less. Later you will say a few more nice things to coax the girl!"

Aya, a child, couldn't help blushing after hearing these words.

But knowing that his sister has been worrying about himself, he is still very happy, and nodded hurriedly: "I'm going to see my sister!"

Seeing him get out of bed, Zuo's footsteps were still a little vain, so he hurriedly went forward to help him: "Can you do it?"

Aya nodded: "I'm fine, after a few days of rest, it's much better!"

Zuo nodded: "Then let's go over!"

Zuo supported him and was about to go out. Suddenly, Aya asked Zuo: "How many days have I slept?"

"It's been four days!" Zuo said.

Four days!

Aya: "Sister, is there any injury?"


Zuo thought for a while. In the past few days, besides seeing Aya, the girl was sleeping and eating in the house. She didn't see any wounds. She shook her head and said, "I didn't see it! What happened? Will you ask me that way?"

Aya was a little surprised, and wondered if she was thinking too much, and said hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay, I think too much!"

Zuo looked at Aya, he seemed to be hiding something from himself, but he didn't say it, and Zuo was not easy to ask.

The two came to the house, and A Zuo went up and said, "Girl, Ya Gongzi is awake!"

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan was lying on the soft collapse. Hearing the voice and looking back, she saw a child standing in front of her, and grinned: "It's all right! You just woke up just now. You are hungry. Let Zuo give orders. Go to the kitchen to cook some white porridge for you, just wake up, eat some white porridge, which is good for digestion!"

Aya has frowned since she came in.

Zuo smiled and responded. He was about to order the kitchen. Suddenly, Aya took Zuo's hand and took two steps back. Zuo was surprised. Just about to ask Aya what happened, he saw the child. Suddenly pointing at Gu Xiaowan, she shouted: "She is not a sister!"


Zuo looked at the **** the collapsed in horror, how could the face of the country and the city not be a girl?

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