The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2565: It's me

At this time, Leng Jue suddenly stepped forward and said, "What is the Regent? Princess Anping has already said, please let go. You are a man, how can you bully a weak woman like this!"

Leng Jue didn't dare to fight with the regent, so he could only stand a few steps away and said, the man didn't even look at him, his eyes always stayed on Gu Xiaowan.

With pampering and sinking.

Just when Gu Xiaowan was in a hurry and was about to swear, a low and smiling voice came from her ear: "Wan'er, why don't you look up at me?"

The voice is familiar, with a strong pampering and affection. It is the voice she has heard countless times. She no longer struggles. She suddenly looks up at the person in front of her. When she sees the familiar face of the person in front of her, the surprise in her eyes gradually enlarge.

Where there was the resistance just now, I saw her eyebrows bend suddenly, like a crescent moon, bright and bright, and her voice, crisp but full of coquetry and tenderness.

"Brother Yui"

Everyone was puzzled, and they saw that she suddenly plunged into the arms of the regent, and the regent actually took her into his arms, her eyes were gentle and spoiled, like his lover!

What is the situation, the regent and Princess Anping know each other?

Isn’t Princess Anping’s sweetheart a beggar? How could she be so familiar with the regent, is it possible that she really has come out of the wall?

Shu Min was also puzzled and asked, "What's wrong? She seems to know the regent very well?"

Xiao Yuanyao was also puzzled. Looking at the interaction between the two, they seemed to be very familiar with each other!

And Shu Tianci lowered his head, drank the bottle of wine in front of him, his thoughts began to get a little confused, and smiled, but it was uglier than crying.

Tan Yushu was stunned: "He really is Brother Qin? It's you? You are the prince? Are you not Brother Qin of your sister? Are you not that beggar? How can you be the regent?"

After listening to Tan Yushu's words, everyone understood. It turned out that the sweetheart and beggar in Princess Anping's mind was the regent?

"It's a long story, I'll explain to you when I go back!"

Qin Yizhi smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Gu Xiaowan's head, Gu Xiaowan also smiled. Although she has a lot of doubts in her mind, she also knows that it is not suitable to ask at this moment, so she only puts the question in her heart.

Although everyone did not understand the real situation, after listening to Tan Yushu's words, some people still guessed it. It turns out that the beggar picked up by Princess Anping is the regent, and the regent has never revealed his identity, so, Princess Anping didn't know that her sweetheart had a background.

Some people couldn’t help but took a breath. This Princess Anping is really an affectionate person. She originally thought that she could only marry a beggar in her life, but unexpectedly, the beggar’s waist changed and became Regent, this

It really is more powerful than the storyteller!

This time, no one said bad things about Princess Anping. There is no such thing as a straitjacket. This is obviously a long-term love. For so many years, I only like this man, even if it is the queen’s brother, I don’t want it. No, just her own sweetheart.

The men looked at the regent enviously. This life can have a woman like this infatuated. In this life, it is enough, no power, no position, in front of the rich, she is not tempted, as long as the one she liked before Qi'er, such a person, God will help her, look, don't the little beggar suddenly become the regent?

The women looked at Gu Xiaowan enviously. Such a woman now knows that she is the regent's woman. Who would dare to touch her?

Everyone knows that this regent is an extremely short-term person. Someone once said that someone slapped a personal guard next to him, and then as soon as that person went out, he would be slapped on the ground for everyone to watch. People didn't know where it came from. Later, I learned that the regent must report to him. The official then charged Jing to apologize to the regent's guards, and the matter was stopped.

Although it was only a small matter, it fully reflected that the regent, he was stingy, he could not see the people around him being bullied, if he was bullied, he would get it back with hundreds of times interest!

Everyone enviously looked at Princess Anping, who is now holding hands by the regent and walking up the hall. Everyone is envious. In addition to the regent’s prominent identity, there is also the unparalleled and handsome face that even gods are jealous of. People and gods are angry!

Gu Xiaowan was led by Qin Yizhi to the position of the regent. Just opposite Xiao Yuanyao, he took Gu Xiaowan to the position. He personally helped Gu Xiaowan to sit down. The two people were very affectionate. When she looked at Gu Xiaowan, she eyed All with a deep smile!

Xiao Yuanyao was dumbfounded, he had never seen such a woman!

Don't be prosperous, don't be rich, as long as your sweetheart is absolutely infatuated! He used to not only hate Qin Ziye, but now he is even more jealous of him.

With a distinguished identity and unmatched appearance, even the beloved woman is infatuated with each other! No matter his status is high or low, how can such a woman belong to someone else?

Xiao Yuanyao couldn't understand, and the one who didn't understand was the Queen Leng. Seeing this dramatic reversal, she looked at the emperor again, and saw him sitting in his place, without saying a word, just drinking what was in front of her. The wine, the exquisite glazed lamp, was filled with glass after glass of wine. He drank it glass after glass. He didn't ask the regent for anything. It seemed like it was. He knew that Gu Xiaowan belonged to the regent. people!

At this time, the queen was shocked, why the emperor would be so good to Princess Anping, and the queen mother would rather let Lihua go to marry him than Gu Xiaowan to marry him, is it because they both knew that Gu Xiaowan belonged to Qin Ziye? Women, so they treat her so nicely?

Thinking that she was on the hall just now and said something like that, Empress Leng felt a little bit chilly all over her body. Both the Queen Mother and the emperor knew about it, but didn't tell herself, what is this?

Her eyes became deeper and deeper, and she couldn't wait to ask clearly now. She lost her mind to eat and drink, looked at her father in the audience, got up and quit!

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