The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2564: Who of you is better than her

Tan Yushu was out of anger at the moment, and her lung tube was about to burst. She suddenly jumped out and shouted: "What kind of people are you? My sister has someone you like. You all come to bully my sister. , Is it bullying my sister and no one is covering her? What about the people she likes, even if it is a low status? My sister likes it! Empress, if you think my sister is a vain person, then you can just go to her Title, Yushu also thinks that I am also an ordinary person. By the way, I will give my title to my title. After all, my sister will be a commoner at that time, and I will not be the princess. I will be a commoner free, OK. very!"

Tan Yushu also said angrily.

Queen Leng shivered all over her body for a while. Are these two men threatening her?

"Are you threatening this palace?"

"Queen Empress, Yu Shu dare not, but Yu Shu feels that this is a matter of love, which is always deep in love. Just look at it and you will be right. Who cares about status and status? No, I was wrong. , There must be a lot of people who will care, but my sister, she will definitely not care!" Tan Yushu said in a frantic tone.

Queen Leng looked at Gu Xiaowan and asked, "Then Princess Anping, what do you think? Don't forget that if you marry a commoner, your identity and status may be taken away from you in the future. Everything you have now will be lost. , But if you marry the regent, you will have all of this! And more than you do now! Anyway, if you don’t want to marry my brother, you naturally dislike my brother’s status."

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "The queen will make an order now. The Minnv is just an ordinary citizen now, not good enough for Lord Leng and not good enough for the Regent."

Queen Leng almost stood up angrily. If it weren't for Tingyin and Tingyan's aunt, she would have stood up.

Just as she wanted to say something, she saw Shu Tianci quietly speaking on the side: "The queen has a big belly, so don't get angry!"

His voice was colder than ever, and his eyes looked at the queen with unprecedented coldness.

"The emperor, this Anping princess is too arrogant! Sure enough, the peasant girl is a peasant girl, and she can't get on the table. Just a few words is so uncontrollable!" Queen Leng cursed.

Shu Min was a little curious, didn't this Leng empress like Princess Anping very much? Why is everything aimed at her now, is it possible, what happened between them?

Shu Min was very curious, wishing to immediately see why something was wrong between the two!

Shu Tianci smiled and shook his head slightly: "The identity of her princess is my canonized, and I have the final say whether the number is or not. When will it be the turn of the queen to take charge of this matter?"

He was always smiling, but when he said this, he did not leave any face to the queen. He was beaten between the civil and military officials and the imperial wife. The queen’s face was very ugly: "The emperor, the concubine is for me. Da Qing's face!"

"Face?" Shu Tianci smiled, his voice was not angry: "Princess Anping offered me a plan for the Qing Dynasty, so that my Qing's iron forging has broken through decades of barriers, and it has made my Qing's weapons elite and the soldiers proud. Isn't that the face given by Anping? May I ask anyone here, who of you, has the face of Princess Anping?"

No one in the hall dared to say another word, yes, who has the face that Princess Anping gave? She solved the technical problems that have plagued Daqing for decades. She solved it once. Who else has her merit?

Then, just as everyone was shivering, Shu Tianci faintly spoke: "Princess Anping is my great hero of the Qing Dynasty, my benefactor, and the benefactor of my people in the Qing Dynasty. Princess Anping will always be my great hero. The princess of Qing Dynasty, she has an unparalleled status and enjoys the Taimiao!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

The highest honor that a minister and official can obtain is "to share the Taimiao." No matter who it is, it is the greatest honor to be able to share the Taimiao. Taimiao is the place where the ancestors of the emperor are enshrined. Historically, only the gods of empresses and heroes have been enshrined in the Taimiao. Now the emperor has spoken. A hundred years later, Gu Xiaowan's tablets can also be used in Taimiao and enjoy royal memorials.

The alveolar of Shu Min's hate was clenched. Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, few people have been able to enjoy the Taimiao. It is totally unreasonable for Gu Xiaowan to be able to enjoy the Taimiao.

Shu Hao's angry beard stood up, but they didn't have any words to refute. Gu Xiaowan offered a plan to solve the problem that plagued Da Qing. After all, the ancestors and all the ancestors would agree!

No one dared to object, and no one dared to say anything. What the queen wanted to say, the aunt next to him stopped her with a hand. The emperor is now getting angry. If the queen says anything, it will only annoy the emperor. .

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect Shu Tianci to give herself such an honor. She just wanted to refuse, she heard Shu Tianci say: "Duke Qi, tomorrow I will draft the imperial edict alone and send it to Princess Anping!"

"No!" Qi Gonggong agreed immediately.

If Gu Xiaowan wanted to refuse, she could only swallow it back, and when she had the opportunity, she would refuse to him face to face.

She could only thank the emperor, and then turned back amidst the enviable eyes of everyone. At this moment, her wrist was suddenly pulled by someone, Gu Xiaowan stiffened, and she shook it hard, trying to shake that person's hand. No matter who is pulling her, she doesn't allow anyone to touch herself.

"You let me go!" Gu Xiaowan said angrily.

Tan Yushu also saw it and arrived: "The Regent, please let go of my sister!"

Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to take off the hand that was tightly clamped on her wrist. How did she know that the man had a lot of strength and hugged her wrist tightly, but it didn't hurt at all.

Gu Xiaowan did not want to have any contact with this person. She was not familiar with the regent: "Men and women are not married or not, the regent, you let go!"

Everyone looked at it, is it possible that the regent has already begun to **** people?

Gu Xiaowan just wanted to avoid this person. He was unprepared. This person was slowly approaching him. A faint fragrance rushed into Gu Xiaowan's nose with a faint fragrance, which was very familiar. It's just that her mind is only placed in his hands, she has no other thoughts at all.

Shu Tianci watched the interaction between the two and slowly closed his eyes.

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