The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 256: Li Fan's distress

Xiao Shengzi knew about Chunsun, and he thought of asking Gu Xiaowan about it last time. Gu Xiaowan just took it vaguely and didn't say that Miao Er was making trouble.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but admire her with such an attitude.

After that young man told Xiao Shengzi about the matter, Xiao Shengzi didn't hide it, and quickly reported the matter to Li Fan. After Li Fan heard it, he was shocked, thinking that Miao Er had such a small belly, why did he follow one The child feels sorry.

The carriage drove all the way to Liujiazhen, and Gu Xiaowan followed Xiao Shengzi to Jinfu Tower.

Qin Yizhi followed behind the carriage, swiftly, and followed all the way to Jinfu Tower, without saying hello to anyone, and went straight to the third floor.

Gu Xiaowan entered Jinfu Tower, because it was closing in the afternoon, and there were no other people in the building except for the second brother.

Xiao Shengzi led Gu Xiaowan to Li Fan's wing, knocked on the door, and Li Fan's unhappy voice came from inside: "Come in."

After hearing the answer, Xiao Shengzi gently opened the door and led Gu Xiaowan in.

Gu Xiaowan entered and saw Li Fan looking sadly at the ledger on the table, sighing constantly.

"The shopkeeper, I brought Miss Gu here." Xiao Shengzi notified.

Only then did Li Fan lift his head from the ledger, and smiled when he saw Gu Xiaowan, "Girl Gu is here."

This smile is reluctant. It seems that Li Fan's shopkeeper has encountered something tricky.

"The shopkeeper, Miss Gu said she knows how to settle accounts, let me take her over to help you." Xiao Shengzi said quickly.

When Li Fan heard this, he was a little moved, but he didn't hold much hope: "Thank you, Miss Gu, but the calculations are complicated. I'm afraid that Miss Gu doesn't understand it very well.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and reported to herself: "The shopkeeper, you didn't let me try, so how come you know I can't do it?"

Li Fan had already found several people who could settle the accounts, but either they were too talented, or because they were afraid of offending Miao Er, all of them refused to tell the truth or tell the truth. Li Fan was so angry.

Li Fan hesitated and did not speak. , The eyebrows have not been stretched since the beginning.

"Boss Li, can you tell me what you have found now?" Gu Xiaowan went straight to the subject. Since Li Fan felt that there was a problem with the account, he must have found something. Just ask him what he thinks, and let himself have some ideas. Prepared mind.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's confident appearance, Li Fan was a little moved. Every time Gu Xiaowan came back to Jinfulou, it was the gospel of Jinfulou. I don’t know if she came to help in person this time.

Thinking of this, Li Fan thought, and someone specially came to provide help. Although she still didn't quite believe what she would find, it is better to have multiple people and assistants than those unused accountants who have to come.

"I have been in Ruixian for four months. Each month, Jinfu Lou made a profit of more than one thousand taels." Li Fan expressed the doubt in his heart: "Before I went, the profit of the restaurant was average every month. There are more than two thousand taels. For these four months, the difference has been quite large every month."

After listening, Gu Xiaowan nodded, knowing why Li Fan was strange.

If a restaurant is on the track of normal operation, the profitability of each month should be similar. However, if the profit difference between the first month and the next month is too large, one has to be suspicious.

"However, I looked through the accounts and, as I usually see, there is no problem with the accounts at all. Moreover, Miao Er also said that the business in the restaurant has been bleak in the past few months and has been robbed by other nearby restaurants. Most of the business is profitable. Only because of my intuition of running a restaurant for so many years," Li Fan said at this point, his eyebrows became Chuan, and he stopped talking.

"You think Miao Er is lying!" Seeing that Li Fan was not talking, Gu Xiaowan told him what he hadn't said.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan, Li Fan immediately guessed what he was thinking, and nodded: "Although I don't want to think this way, after all, he has been by my side for several years. Since the opening of Jinfu Building, he has been working as an accountant in the building. Sir, apart from being a bit unruly, there are no other shortcomings."

But this shortcoming is all exposed as soon as you leave the restaurant. Gu Xiaowan muttered in her heart.

If this Miao Er really made a fuss on this account book, it would be a breeze.

Corruption costs five hundred taels in one month, and two thousand taels in four months. I have to say that this is an astronomical figure.

Even a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. Li Fan was helpless, but with some expectations, he handed the account book to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan took over the ledger. There were four ledger books in total. The time was written on the cover of the ledger, which seemed to be one book per month.

Gu Xiaowan found a good place to settle the accounts, and asked Xiao Shengzi to take some blank papers, and settled them upright.

The accounts of this ancient time are also easy to calculate, except that they are in.

For Gu Xiaowan, it was obvious after a few glances.

Li Fan sat aside and rubbed his eyebrows. During this period of time, he looked at this account book every day, and people almost fell into the account book and couldn't get out.

When I closed my eyes for a while, I saw Gu Xiaowan stacking the last book on the side that had already been calculated.

"Boss Li, I'm done!" Gu Xiaowan put the pen in her hand and smiled at Li Fan who had just woke up.

Xiao Shengzi had just gone to the kitchen to let the cook make some soup, and when he came in with the soup, he heard Gu Xiaowan's words.

"Are you done?" Li Fan and Xiao Shengzi said in unison, staring at Gu Xiaowan with wide eyes, the expressions on their faces extremely disbelief.

Gu Xiaowan nodded at them, and then said to Li Fan: "Boss Li, your feeling is right. From these four books, I have calculated a total deficit of 2,345 taels."

Li Fan was unbelievable at first, but when I heard Gu Xiaowan's words later, from unbelievable at the beginning, to dumbfounded, to the end, anger surged into his heart and snorted coldly: "This Miao Er"

Li Fan knew that he was not in a hurry to find Miao Er, and when he saw Gu Xiaowan just taking a nap, he calculated the account. He was very curious: "Miss Gu, how did you settle your account? Will you settle the account too?"

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