The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2555: Talk at night

Empress Leng felt helpless and uncomfortable. She thought of many ways. Since the emperor likes Gu Xiaowan, why not be a virtuous wife and bring Gu Xiaowan in?

For women, this harem is just a big dyeing vat. As soon as how much white moonlight comes in, it becomes the drop of mosquito blood on the wall. What the emperor sees now is all the good side of Princess Anping, but she is A woman can also be jealous, she doesn't believe it. After entering the palace, she can still be so calm and uncomfortable. As long as she is a woman, she will have the common problems of women.

At that time, the emperor disgusted her, and she was still the queen who was aloft and stable as Mount Tai, and she would be the queen mother in the future, she was still the final winner, and Princess Anping was just one of the many concubines in the harem!

However, as soon as she had this thought, the queen suppressed it.

Will Gu Xiaowan really turn into that drop of mosquito blood? Or will it become the cinnabar mole on the emperor's chest?

She dare not, dare not use the emperor's sincerity to make a bet!

The Shu family man is so infatuated, and Shu Tianci is the same, she can't give Gu Xiaowan the slightest chance to take away the emperor!

Absolutely not!

Thinking of this, the queen swallowed the breath in her heart fiercely: "The concubine hasn't been here for a long time to admire the flowers. She is big and it is a little inconvenient to move, but she always wants to have fun with these young people. , So I asked some ladies and sons to come into the palace to enjoy the flowers, listen to the music of silk and bamboo, and see the beauty of this chrysanthemum."

"Since the queen wants to see it, naturally she can watch it at any time. You have been working hard during this period. If you like these, I will invite the Nanling King to the palace tonight tonight. Many princes and nobles in Beijing will come, Queen If you like it, come tonight too!" Shu Tianci said.

When the queen thought about it, she immediately agreed: "The concubine thank you the emperor!"

"No, if the queen likes it, then I will go back first, go back and rest earlier, don't tire yourself." After Shu Tianci finished speaking, he helped the queen sit back in position and left directly. The whole process never looked at Gu Xiaowan again.

Gu Xiaowan stood there peacefully, saying nothing, as if nothing happened.

The queen suddenly lost her interest, and at this moment, the voice from the side gathered in front of the queen and said: "Queen, mother, there is a letter from outside the palace, saying that before the banquet tonight, the master wants to see you! It is very important to say that I want to tell you something!"

Queen Leng nodded after hearing this, and said, "This palace is a bit tired. If you like it, please stay longer!"

Then, with the help of Aunt Tingyan Tingyin, the queen returned to the palace. Gu Xiaowan sat for a while and got up and left. Tan Yushu followed. The master of the palace left three at once. The rest of the princes and young ladies felt boring to stay. Some reluctantly got up and left. Some had liked them, some were reluctant, but they thought they could see you again tonight. Also relax.

On the way back, Gu Xiaowan sighed. Shu Tianci showed up. The Empress Empress wanted to make things difficult for herself, so she swallowed it back, but when she thought of the banquet tonight, she would also attend. She knew that Empress Empress would not Stop here!

Shu Tianci left the Yuhuayuan, went to Yuxun and left. How could Shu Tianci not understand the things that Father Qi thought and understood.

Shu Tianci sat on Yuhu and pinched her eyebrows. The queen was afraid that she had guessed something. This would allow Anping to participate in a banquet for unmarried men and women. The good thing is to listen to music and watch dances, but everyone knows that she is unmarried. Men and women are present, and there is a queen again. What does it mean? It is beyond words!

The queen must arrange occasions for unmarried men and women to see each other. This is also an unwritten rule of the Qing Dynasty. As long as those who have a love or a marriage, they must not participate. The queen allows Princess Anping to participate. This means, It goes without saying!

The father-in-law Qi followed behind, also a little nervous, the empress, did she start targeting Princess Anping? The queen doesn’t know who Princess Anping is. It’s human nature to feel jealous and resentful when the emperor shows her so much, but

Would the emperor think so?

He is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, who he likes and who he protects depends on the faces of others? No need, no need, the queen in vain has always been cautious in her words and deeds. She is the example of the harem, but now she can’t hold her breath. She has begun to take the princess of Anping. If the emperor hates it, the queen empress

Father Qi didn't dare to think further, no one knew what Princess Anping meant in the heart of the emperor. No one knew it, but Father Qi knew!

The queen's move was tantamount to shooting herself in the foot.

The emperor’s relationship with the queen is only a relationship between husband and wife, but for the Princess Anping, he is the person on the emperor’s heart. He uses deep affection, but cannot love it. The combination of the two, this life, this Anping princess is the eternal heart of the emperor. The untouchable cinnabar mole is hidden in the bottom of my heart, and the world will never know it!

At night, Gu Xiaowan wore a navy blue dress with white plums embroidered on her head. It was really beautiful. The banquet was set up in the Hall of Baohe. When it was time, many officials and their wives and children had already arrived. In the Harmony Hall, neatly arranged tables and futons, some young ladies or boys gathered together in twos and threes, talking about the flowers seen in the imperial garden today. Some bold boys looked directly at the girl who was fancy today. There is still some ambiguity in this Hall of Peacekeeping.

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu sat down in their seats. Anyway, she is not the protagonist tonight, and she does not want to be the protagonist. Tonight's protagonist is the king of Nanling, and the lady who has chosen to be married.

After the election tonight, King Nanling will return to Nanling. As soon as he returned to Nanling, he could leave the palace. Gu Xiaowan let out a long sigh of relief when he thought of this.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's relief, Tan Yushu hurriedly smiled and asked, "Sister, why are you sighing?"

"Why don't you think that the Nanling King is about to leave, take a long breath!" Gu Xiaowan smiled. At this moment, the **** chanted from outside: "The emperor is here, the empress is here, the queen is here, the king of Nanling is here"

Gu Xiaowan's hand suddenly clenched, her fist was squeezed, and the emperor came!

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