The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2544: Happy event

Make up?

Shu Tianci didn't want to pay attention to him, but came to Father Qi's side excitedly, his voice trembling to the extreme: "What are you saying is true?"

"It's true, the emperor, you can try it yourself!" Grandpa Qi hurriedly opened the tray covered with red brocade in the hands of the two guards behind him, and saw an ordinary dagger placed in a tray with a tough blade. Under the cold light of the cold, and in the other tray, there were a lot of weapons, such as long knives, long swords, and some small daggers. It looked like they had forged them!

"The emperor, this is a weapon just forged from the Weapon Pavilion. This is the previous weapon. Inside" Gonggong Qi paused, glanced at Xiao Yuanyao, and then said, "The first two weapons here are Nanling weapons. Please check it out! "

Shu Tianci looked at the weapons in the tray with excitement. He had seen the weapons in Nanling countless times, and in the other tray, there was a short dagger with cold light that he had never seen before. It looked like a dagger. Sharp and cold, like a shining sharp edge.

Above the hall, the civil and military officials stretched their necks to look at the people above the hall, and some of their legs were trembling with excitement.

In the Qing Dynasty, finally smelting iron forged a good weapon?


Shu Tianci couldn't believe it. After watching the weapon for a long time, he still couldn't lift his arm to get it. How scared he was, this was another dream. After decades of dreams, how could it be possible to make a dream come true?

Seeing the emperor's hesitation, Grandpa Qi knew what he was worried about, and hurriedly said: "The emperor, the minion has tried it in the Weapon Pavilion just now, don't worry!"

Shu Tianci glanced at his confident father-in-law, and finally picked up their forged daggers. The guards who entered took up the iron sword forged by Nanling and slid in front of Shu Tianci. Shu Tianci took a look. The black iron sword, looked at the dagger in his hand again, thought about it, and finally made up his mind, closed his eyes and cut it over.

At this moment, the Jinluang Temple, where there was a discussion about the sound, finally fell silent at this moment, as if even a needle fell on the ground, and someone could hear it.

The ministers and Nanling people headed by Xiao Yuanyao, whether they were excited or waiting to see a joke, craned their necks to see if the dagger forged by the Qing Dynasty could cut off Nanling's iron sword.

You know, for so many years, the Qing Dynasty has never forged and smelted any weapon capable of cutting off the Qing Dynasty iron sword!

Xiao Yuanyao embraced his chest with both hands, and he was a little too busy. Could Da Qing smelt and forge weapons even better than them? It is absolutely impossible. Iron smelting and forging were invented by them in Nanling. From the burning of iron ore to the final forging, there is the wisdom of artisans at every step. They also had too much iron ore before Nanling, enough burning, enough waste and waste. How much iron ore has this achievement now.

Daqing said success is success? Can they cut off their weapons, more powerful than them?

Absolutely impossible! Xiao Yuanyao was like watching a joke. Shu Tianci's arrogant attitude made Shu Tianci a little unhappy. In order to suppress his spirit, Shu Tianci finally chopped the dagger in his hand.

"Kang Dang", there was the sound of iron tools falling to the ground, which was unusually harsh in the silent Jinluan Temple.

Some ministers who were timid and who had experienced these things for too long closed their eyes one by one and couldn't bear to look at them. They had experienced too many failures, failed again, and still in the presence of King Nanling. Daqing's face is about to go to Java.

However, they waited for a long while, and they didn't wait for the laughter of Nanling people, but they heard the deafening laughter of their own emperor.

"Hahaha, hahaha" Shu Tianci looked at the intact iron sword in his hand, and smiled arrogantly and proudly.

The only thought in his mind at this moment is that they also have iron tools, and there is no need for Anping to make a kiss, no more!

King Nanling saw the iron sword falling on the ground, and then looked at the dagger in Shu Tianci's hand that was intact, with almost no gap in his hand. He widened his pupils and looked surprised: "How is this possible? "

Xiao Yuanyao knew how long it took Nanling to achieve what it is today. They used almost half a mountain of iron ore, and how much manpower, material and financial resources they spent before they obtained the current iron smelting and forging technology.

Although the weapons forged before the Qing Dynasty were vulnerable to Nanling's weapons, they would have gaps in Nanling's weapons. The sword in Shu Tianci's hand was intact, not even a gap!

how can that be!

Shu Tianci looked at the intact sword in his hand. After he laughed, he was proud. He looked at Xiao Yuanyao who was dumbfounded, and smiled: "How about? King Nanling, the weapons of my Qing Dynasty are better than those of Nanling. Yours The recipe for smelting iron, it seems that I don’t need it for Qing Dynasty!"

Xiao Yuanyao looked at the dagger in Shu Tianci's hand. He couldn't believe that it would be true. Thinking of another possibility, he said in a deep voice, "Qing Emperor, the game just now didn't count. The weapon was yours. Someone who came here might have done some tricks beforehand. This king doesn't believe it, the Qing Dynasty will be so powerful, and he will have such superb iron-smelting and forging technology in this day and night!"

"Does Nanling King not believe it?" Shu Tianci smiled. When he spoke, his voice was a little trembling. For one thing, he was happy because of the weapons forged by Da Qing, and the other was worried like Xiao Yuanyao. .

Could this be prepared by father-in-law Qi in advance, so he would cut the iron like mud?

Xiao Yuanyao laughed: "Naturally I believe it, but this king still has a sword here, just in front of the civil and military officials. I will demonstrate it again and it will be even more convincing!"

His eyes were cold and cold, even though he was smiling, he still didn't believe it!

Shu Tianci looked at father-in-law Qi, and saw that his face was calm and calm, not nervous or worried, and his calm appearance seemed not to worry at all. With the silent encouragement of father-in-chief, Shu Tianci was not as good as before. So nervous.

He raised the dagger in front of him and pointed it at Xiao Yuanyao: "King Nanling, please"

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