The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2522: Just ask for love to the end

However, this little son likes that lady so much, this is a good thing, and it's almost coming.

I sold two red ropes today and made so much money. This stall can be collected! The old woman was very happy in her heart. She had been muttering that the old man wanted to eat meat all the time, and now that he has money, he can just buy some meat for the old man to eat!

The old woman took the stall, took the money, and said loudly, "Old man, let's go back!"

The old grandfather sat under the eaves and couldn't hear any sound. When the old woman saw it, she didn't feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, she came to the old grandfather's side with a full face and stretched out her hand to hold the old grandfather's hand.

After touching the hand that he had touched all his life, the old grandfather squeezed it up with his backhand. This is the hand he has touched all his life. The wrinkles and temperature on the hand are all familiar to him. He opened his mouth and his voice was a little hoarse: "Old lady !"

"Don't you want to eat meat today? Let's buy meat and cook a pot of braised pork for you, okay?"

The old woman said with a smile, her face was full of wrinkles, and even her eyes were drooping under her eyelids, she couldn't see a bit of expression, but her tone was like it was decades ago. , Still so happy and happy.

The old grandfather heard it and responded with a smile, like a child: "Okay, my daughter-in-law is kind to me!"

The old woman glanced at her old grandfather angrily, her face turned red. Although she knew that the old grandfather couldn't see her, her face was still a little hot and shy: "It's an old man and an old wife. You still say that. Don't be ashamed!"

The old grandfather smiled and squeezed the old woman's hand tightly. The two people who were almost two hundred years old in total supported each other like this, and walked towards the house. When the sunset fell, everything turned golden. The rickety figure was stretched very long. Their steps are slow and their shadows are long.

Just like decades ago, they also walked slowly on this road, but at that time, they were still young, and they were dazzling for a lifetime!

Shu Tianci’s carriage has not gone far. He has been watching the old couple in secret, seeing that they are both so old, their hands are still holding together, and the look of such affection, Shu Tianci's heart is a little sour. .

Upon seeing this, Father Qi also said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, there is really an unswerving love in this world. This old couple is really a piano and a song, and they are still like a knee at such an age!"

The feelings of ordinary people, with a wife, a concubine, and a common room, it seems that all women are like bed-warming tools in a man's mind.

Shu Tianci doesn't like this!

But helplessly in a high position, he had to stuff beautiful women into the harem one by one! The day he longed for was not like this. He originally only wanted to have a couple of people for his whole life. Even in the palace, he still yearned for that day!

Seeing the backs of the two old people walking away, what Shu Tianci saw in his eyes was not only envy, but also deep extravagant hopes. Until he saw that the two old people had gone far away, Shu Tianci helplessly put down the car. The curtain, the voice was thick and lonely: "Let's go, go back to the palace!"

Qi Gong just agreed, and the carriage quickly disappeared on the street, and galloped towards the towering but lonely palace!

Gu Xiaowan took Aya to the fullest. A few people walked back. Gu Xiaowan took a look at the old grandma's stall. At this moment, the stall had been put away. It seems that grandma has already left. The girl Zuo Kan looked in front of the stall just now, and asked: "Is the girl looking for the nonsense grandma?"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her angrily: "People just want to solicit business, don't blame her!"

Zuo was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "I don't blame her, who made her so old and still talking nonsense!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Zuo helplessly, and said, "You can't be reckless anymore. It's not easy for the old man to do business. Maybe we passed by. She was still the first stall in the business. If she didn't make a business, she was scared by you. One pass, you can't do this in the future!"

Zuo nodded, she wasn't the kind of bullying person, but she really didn't like to listen to what the old lady said just now, and this was what prevented her!

I didn't expect that old lady was so courageous!

Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to buy two red ropes, but when people were not there, she had to go back and wait for the next time!

Seeing the sun had set, Gu Xiaowan knew that Shu Min was going to take Xiao Yuanyao to Jinfulou for dinner, so she didn't want to go, so she asked Aya, "Where do you want to go for dinner?"

Aya also knew that there were people that his sister didn't like. Besides, he didn't want to eat there. He said, "Sister, I want to go back and eat the food you made!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and smiled: "Okay, I have this intention, then we will go home, I will give Ayalu two hands, and Aya will cook two dishes to try."

Aya nodded: "Sister, can we eat in your room?"

"Why?" Gu Xiaowan didn't understand: "Aya doesn't like eating with aunt and sister?"

Aya was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "My sister has said that, I will only be with Aya today."

He wants a world that is not disturbed by others. Originally, my sister had said that, today she wants to accompany him!

That's why Gu Xiaowan was relieved and said with a smile: "Well, we will eat alone tonight, but in the future, we will have dinner with everyone and play with everyone, you know?"

Aya had a great time playing today and was very happy, so she said, "Okay, sister!"

The light in his eyes was very bright, as bright as stars in the sky.

When we returned to Qingyuan, everyone had already eaten. Gu Fangxi did not eat at home at night, and went out for dinner with Master Su. Gu Xiaoyi also followed Shen Wenjun to Shen's house for dinner.

Aunt Jiang originally thought that Gu Xiaowan and Aya would eat outside. She cooked some food and the few people in Qingyuan had eaten it. After she and Xiaoqing packed up their things, they had already returned.

Just because there was no one in the kitchen, Gu Xiaowan led Aya to work in the kitchen.

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