The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2474: Master Flower

Gu Xiaowan really doesn't like wearing black clothes. There should be some dull clothes. She doesn't like it, but because of the sunflower water and the like every day, some elegant clothes are afraid that they will leave stains. Therefore, she also prepared two dark clothes in the palace.

And now that she hasn’t come to Kwaishui, she has to wear black clothes because the red flower on her back is too seductive. Wearing plain clothes can’t block it at all, even if she wears another layer. On the first floor, after finally putting on the jacket, Gu Xiaowan still felt uneasy, so she just wore black clothes, no one could see.

So he picked a black dress and put it on.

Shu Min was jealous and wanted to squirt out a bit of blood.

After she went back, she found it strange that Gu Xiaowan was obviously going to die, so how could she come back alive again? Not to mention that, she should be alive and well in such a short time, just like a normal person. Isn't this strange?

Lihua led the way. When she passed by Shu Min, she looked at the maid beside her and asked, "Where is the moon picker next to you?"

Shu Min said hurriedly: "Oh, I still have a set of jewellery head and face that I didn't bring, I told her to go back and get it!"

Lihua frowned: "You are not the temperament, you will go out, you will take everything in place, why is there nothing this time?"

Shu Min said: "Anyway, the palace is not far away, I will ask her to go back and get it and she will be here soon!"

Gu Xiaowan followed, hearing this, she looked up at Shu Min inexplicably, and looked at Zuo, who nodded.

When a few people arrived at the Royal Garden, they saw that there were already many people waiting there. Seeing a few princesses and princesses came, they knelt down to ask for peace: "please greet the princess and the princess."

Princess Lihua waved her hand gracefully: "Get up all!"

The ladies and ladies just got up.

Many of the young ladies followed Shu Min to catch the **** yesterday. Seeing Gu Xiaowan standing there safe and sound, and thinking about the end of Xiang Shuyun and Liu Siyi yesterday, they felt chills in their backs. After they got up, they couldn't help but stop. It was a few steps away from Gu Xiaowan.

They haven't forgotten that they have to go back and think behind closed doors!

It was just a day's work, and it had already spread outside. If it weren't for the empress dowager and the emperor to take care of Daqing's face, they would have to attend, otherwise they would really not want to come.

When I came, I didn’t dare to say, I didn’t dare to move, and I didn’t dare to look at it. In such days, it would be better to think behind closed doors at home. It's not eating it and walking around.

Seeing that these ladies and young ladies were moving away from her, Gu Xiaowan was even more anxious. She and Tan Yushu walked to the chrysanthemum in the imperial garden. The chrysanthemum was blooming brightly, so you could just look at the chrysanthemum.

Now the ministers and the men in the mansion are waiting outside the imperial garden by a wall, they can only come in after the emperor and the king of Nanling come.

Now here, there are only female family members and servants of court ladies and eunuchs.

Gu Xiaowan looked inside the imperial garden, and now he has packed up a large garden, arranged in four rows. There are about 20 or 30 rectangular short tables. The short tables are full of seasonal fruits, cups and chopsticks. , Put the futon a few times, and the maids walked and stopped in front of Xiaoji, placing all kinds of things in an orderly manner.

Gu Xiaowan had the final say in her heart, forty or fifty tables, one table could sit four people, that would be a hundred people. It is said that this time it is still the official of Rank 4 and above with his wife and eldest son and eldest daughter. In the harem, just like the last time, only the concubines of Rank 3 and higher can attend. Now the emperor has just been drafted, except for the empress. There is no concubine above the third grade.

It's just that the queen mother is pregnant now, and the emperor sympathizes with the queen. Such a banquet will not allow the queen to attend. That is to say, apart from the four princesses and the princess, there is no noble person in the palace to attend.

Then their position should be in the hands of the emperor, showing nobleness.

Seeing that the time was still early and the King of Nanling had not yet come, Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan to the chrysanthemum garden next door, and saw that although the chrysanthemums were withered, they had the beauty of autumn.

The big yellow chrysanthemums bloomed a whole flower garden, and it became more and more shocking.

When autumn comes on September 8, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom. The incense soars through Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor.

Tan Yushu said: "This gardener is amazing. This chrysanthemum is so beautiful by him. Look, there are many varieties that I don't know. They are all grown so well. This gardener is really amazing."

The palace lady who led them said: "This gardener is a capable person of my Qing Dynasty. He has seen all the flowers in the world. If there is fragrance, he can tell what it is with his eyes closed. No fragrance, even a leaf or a petal, he can accurately determine what variety it is. Not only that, but he has a great way of planting flowers, but any flower can be grown in his hands. Come in the most beautiful form."

Gu Xiaowan was stunned for a moment: "That gardener is so good? Can you know all the flowers just by looking at it?"

"Yes, this gardener used to grow flowers on the mountain. Later, the emperor ordered someone to find him personally and plant flowers in the palace. He said that the varieties of flowers he had seen were better than all the servants had seen. To be more! Even though it is also called Blooming Flowers in this palace, there are countless kinds of flowers in this vast world that we have never seen before. That's called a must!"

Gu Xiaowan thought of the flower on her back that she couldn't even call her name.

She was a Ph.D in her previous life, so she was well-informed, but it was the first time she saw such a coquettish flower, and she didn’t know the gardener.

"What is the name of that gardener?" Gu Xiaowan asked again.

The palace lady said hurriedly: "If you go back to Princess Anping, the gardener is already very old. I heard that he is more than seventy years old. His surname is Hua. He also said that he likes flowers and has the surname Hua. This is God let him Dealing with flowers for a lifetime!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly smiled and said, "Thank you for telling me so many things."

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