The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2435: Aunt is back

The woman was lying on the ground as if dead just now. Now she was picked up and struggling violently. She whimpered as if she was yelling, trying to break free from the shackles of the person in front of her. She was afraid of being an enemy. How many people want her wealth and her life. She couldn't sit still, she tried to struggle with all her strength, but it didn't help.

But she still didn't give up.

However, no matter how big her eyes are, she can't see anything.

She was blinded by poison, dumb, could see nothing, could not say anything.

The man holding her arm was extremely painful. He hugged her tightly and kept rubbing her back: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am Anan, I am here, I am here"

Gu Xiaowan stayed beside the woman, and she suddenly stiffened when she heard this.

The man is as handsome as the face of a god, and looks good as if he came out of a painting. It is so strange and so familiar. When familiar with her, there seems to be such a person, handsome. Like a god.

His expression was full of worry and tension, and he was also full of incomparable self-blame: "It's all my bad, all my bad! I shouldn't leave you alone, I shouldn't, I shouldn't !"

The woman was still very nervous, sobbing and trying her best to free herself, she now believes no one, her eyes can't see, her voice can't speak, her ears can't hear, and even her nose can't smell anything.

She tried her best to push the man away, but he still hugged her tightly, and the woman yelled in despair. Her vocal cords were temporarily destroyed, but Gu Xiaowan leaned closer and looked at her yelling mouth. It seems to be called Anan.

The man holding her suddenly let go of her, and then, holding her hand, in the palm of her hand, he wrote something stroke by stroke.

The woman's grief and anger finally calmed down at this moment. She didn't struggle anymore, as if she was trying to perceive the words written by the man on the palm of her hand.

Finally, the man finished writing over and over again, and the woman jumped into his arms and held him tightly with her hands. She had just been defensive and completely removed her disguise at this moment.

The man also hugged the woman tightly and took a pill from his arms and gave it to the woman. There, the dispute between the two factions also reached an agreement when the man appeared.

People on both sides rushed towards the man, only to see the man holding the woman in one hand, and in the other hand, I don’t know when there was a sword in his hand. The sword was soft like a woman’s waist, like a dragon. Shuttle between those people.

His speed was very fast, and after a while, the two factions never moved.

The woman was lying in his arms safe and sound, and the man's sword was dripping with drop after drop of red blood. Behind him was a corpse. Those who bullied the woman just now died.

And it was a sword to seal the throat, and within a short while, blood was flowing.

The man hugged the woman, flew away, and disappeared.

And Gu Xiaowan was still standing when the man killed just now, she was still standing here, the blood spurted out, as if spattered all over her, and she seemed to be able to feel the sweetness when the warm blood splashed on her body. taste. And under my feet, there is a stream of blood, which is shocking.

Gu Xiaowan dreamed of such a **** scene, her brows frowned tightly, she wanted to wake up, but she didn't know why, lingering in her sleep, she just couldn't wake up, as if someone was holding her, not letting her wide awake.

And she didn't know if it was a dream or a reality. She always felt that the person holding her was gently drawing something stroke by stroke in her palm.

Stroke by stroke, stroke by stroke, for a long time, Gu Xiaowan still didn't guess what the man was writing.

I just felt that the man’s fingertips were warm and his fingers were long and thin, accompanied by a whisper: "Anan, Anan"

The tulle was pulled apart, and Gu Xiaoyi's voice came: "Sister, sister"

Only then did Gu Xiaowan woke up quietly, and Gu Xiaoyi excitedly said next to her: "Sister, Auntie is back, and I came back with Master Su!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly sat up.

The **** everything in her sleep made her a little nauseous, and took two deep breaths. Then, she strongly suppressed the discomfort in her heart. Gu Xiaoyi was always very excited, and she didn't find her sister's abnormality.

Gu Xiaowan got up hurriedly, Zuo just brought water and tools over to wash, Gu Xiaowan got up hurriedly, and suddenly found something abnormal.

I saw a faint drop or two of blackened blood on her bed, falling on the bed, fainting on the pink bed sheet, black like a fainted drop of ink.

Zuo is careful, this blood will definitely not be yesterday, that is, I stayed here last night, but Gu Xiaowan looked at the place where she just slept, how could she leave a drop of blood on the edge of the bed? ?

Perhaps it was the wound on her hand, which was accidentally untied last night and dripped on it! Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan was relieved.

When I arrived in the front yard, I saw that the front hall was full of baskets and sacks. When Gu Fangxi saw her coming, he smiled and hurried forward to pull her: "Xiao Wan"

Her expression was very moved, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Aunt, just come back, just come back!" Gu Xiaowan hurriedly comforted. Seeing her aunt's brilliant face, Gu Xiaowan's worries quickly dissipated. She looked in the front hall and saw Su Mang standing in the front hall, standing straight in the hall, watching Gu Fangxi's eyes full of tenderness.

Gu Xiaowan still doesn't understand. He immediately said, "Auntie, you and Master Su"

Gu Fangxi's face turned red: "He went to Liujiazhen to find me, and said a lot to me, saying that he doesn't mind my past, and I also want to understand that I can meet such a man. All the luck in this life, why should I refuse this luck? I have never been wrong!"

Gu Xiaowan excitedly took Gu Fangxi's hand, and she was very happy when she saw her thinking clearly at the moment: "Aunt, if you can think about it, the best! Xiaowan is happy for you!"

Gu Fangxi was also very excited. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's hair that was blown to her cheeks by the wind, she held her ears behind her, and her expression was full of gratitude: "Xiaowan, aunt, thank you. It is you who made me think everything! Only now I understand that the feeling of being held in the palm of the hand is so wonderful that my aunt has never experienced it. Now, I am dead, and I am willing!"

Gu Xiaowan furrowed her brows: "It's a good thing, it's not dead, I'm still waiting for you and Master Su to give birth to me a few little nephews and nieces!"

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