The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2425: Father and son conspiracy

Father Qi sighed and said, "How can you and I guess the emperor's mind!"

Xiao Dezi shut up and didn't ask anything. That kind of well-being made father-in-law Qi very satisfied. As soon as he wanted to praise him twice, he heard something frustrated by Shu Tianci: "Dog minion, get me in!"

Father Qi put the cup he had drunk into Xiao Dezi's arms hurriedly, and almost ran into it. Xiao Dezi looked at the empty tea bowl in his hand, and suddenly a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. meaning.

He could clearly hear the quarrel in the royal study room just now.

At the moment in the Ming Palace, he heard the report from the man in black, and Shu Lin was overjoyed: "Father, I didn't expect Nan Ling to come here to make a kiss!"

Shu Hao looked ugly: "It is unreasonable, such a big matter, this little emperor did not discuss with me, but first discussed with the king of the different surname!"

Shu Lin smiled and comforted: "Father, it's okay to discuss with anyone, you forgot, that prince of the different surname, but the person who rules the whole situation, even if the emperor is the master, if the king of the opposite **** intervenes, the decision of the emperor is useless! So, don't worry about whether you know or not, you just have to see who will choose the regent!"

"Who to choose? Isn't there only one princess in this Daqing? Is it possible, do you think that a lowly gadget that climbs from a peasant girl to a princess can also represent Daqing and my pro-Nanling, and I will not be the queen of Nanling?" , Said blowing beard staring.

Shu Lin hurriedly explained: "Father, the emperor will not let the eldest princess go to marry him. Then, the only person to marry is Gu Xiaowan, even if she is humble, but she is already a princess after all, and her current identity matches the king of Nanling ,it is also fine!"

Shu Hao sneered: "Then you mean, let Gu Xiaowan be the queen of Nanling? Don't forget, your sister hates this woman the most. If you let her go to marry, it's impossible to let us kneel on her feet. Next? You can do it, but your sister can't do it."

"Father, Erchen didn't mean that. Erchen meant that no matter how the emperor was elected, no matter who the emperor was elected in the end, we all unanimously let Gu Xiaowan get married! This is not to let her overtake us, but, revenge!"

"What do you mean? Revenge?" Shu Hao didn't understand for a while: "How do you avenge your sister?"

"Father, if you really let Gu Xiaowan get married, this would be a great thing, have you forgotten? This Nanling has a strong folk style and the royal family is distinguished from inferiority. If the Nanling King married Gu Xiaowan, he learned that Gu Xiaowan was so lowly Life experience, do you think King Nanling will still look at her? The concubines in his Nanling Palace will eat Gu Xiaowan's bones and scum. Then, if we support Xiao Yuanshan to ascend the throne, then Gu Xiaowan will be round or flat. Just let us knead, she only needs to go to Nanling, her situation is definitely not as beautiful as we saw!" Shu Lin said with a smile.

Shu Hao did not speak, thought for a while, and then slapped a big palm: "Wonderful, wonderful! We can't deal with Gu Xiaowan in Daqing, then we will deal with her in Nanling! A princess of Qing Dynasty, the queen of Nanling, if so Xiao Yuanyao knows that his status as a queen is so humble, and he still doesn't know how to spoil her! If Xiao Yuanshan ascends the throne, then Gu Xiaowan is dead or alive, it's all our words!"

"Yes, father, son-chen is what I meant. A murder without blood will make her more uncomfortable than death." Shu Lin said viciously: "Father, let's next, let the emperor make Gu Xiaowan be married. No, as for how to calculate, Father, we have to consider this matter long-term!"

"Yes, from a long-term plan, since Nanling has only half a month to come to Nanling anyway, we must think of a surefire plan! It's best to find a reason, Gu Xiaowan must go!"

Under the bright candlelight, the father and son were conspiring, and from time to time there were a few dark laughter, which made Yihong, who had been eavesdropping under the window, frightened. She didn't dare to let the people in the house find herself, so she could only take the opportunity to run away in the dark.

Back in the house, Yihong thought that this matter should be told to Princess Anping as soon as possible!

Gu Xiaowan felt that Aya was too calm, and he didn’t have any clothes to change, so she took him to Jinxiu Cloth Shop. The shopkeeper Liao saw Gu Xiaowan coming and hurriedly smiled from behind the counter. Entertainer: "Princess, you are here!"

Nowadays Jinxiu Cloth Shop is Gu Xiaoyi's property. Although Gu Xiaowan became a princess, she is still the same approachable, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Well, I'll take him to make some clothes, please ask Uncle Liao to ask your best master over here and tailor his clothes for him!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Shopkeeper Liao nodded hurriedly, and moved his gaze to the little child beside Gu Xiaowan.

With red lips and white teeth, his face like white jade, and his eyebrows like stars, this child is so handsome.

When the shopkeeper Liao saw him, he immediately praised: "Princess, whose child is this, he is really handsome. When he grows up, I'm afraid I don't know how much girl I will die!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "This is my distant brother, my parents died young, and my grandfather is not in good health, so I will live with me from now on. His name is Aya!"

Gu Xiaowan had already drawn up an identity for Aya, so it sounded reasonable.

Aya looked calm, but very polite, bent over to the shopkeeper Liao, and said hello.

When the treasurer Liao saw it, he hurriedly said: "The princess is benevolent and benevolent, this young man is sure to be promising in the future!"

After finishing the clothes, Gu Xiaowan saw that his face was still a little calm, and wondered why the child was so deserted, so she said, "Isn't you hungry? My sister will take you to eat delicious food!"

Aya's expression was faint: "Okay!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little speechless. This child didn't like to talk too much, and there was always no expression on her face. She didn't know how ghosts always lead people, or how to bring out such a deserted child.

That's all, that's all.

Gu Xiaowan thought, Xu is just getting in touch with her, and she has a cold temperament, and she will get better when she becomes familiar with her in the future.

So Gu Xiaowan happily took him to Jin Fu Lou for dinner, and went to Fu Jin Lou for hot pot in the evening. After eating hot pot, she took him to Gu Ji barbecue.

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