The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2424: Reverse scale

"What did the girl go to Xiangguo Temple for?" Zuo asked suspiciously. Last time the girl came back from Xiangguo Temple with a look of anger. The relationship between the victim and the girl was somewhat susceptible, but fortunately they all talked about it later. , The two became sweet.


At that time, Zuo saw the master in the Regret Mountain, with blood in his eyes, almost crazy, and it was frightening to see.

Every one of them was thinking at the time, if the girl was really gone, their master would probably not be able to live anymore!

"I'm going to find Master Huiyuan!" Rescue Su Ziyue, but what he said, as long as he finds the old man and rescues Su Ziyue, he will answer whatever she asks!

Zuo was a little strange: "Girl, Master Huiyuan has left the capital a long time ago, don't you know?"

"When did it happen?" Gu Xiaowan didn't know, she frowned and was shocked, her tone full of anger.

This old bald donkey ran away and didn't know when he would return to the capital. I didn't expect a monk to deceive her and a little girl. It was a deception!

I'm afraid that many people don't know Master Huiyuan's departure. Zuo still got the news from the master. He couldn't help but lied:

"I heard from people outside that Master Huiyuan left Xiangguo Temple just over the past two days, and I heard that he was traveling around the world again!" Zuo said.

Gu Xiaowan finally couldn't help but cursed Juniang: "Damn!"

She almost died outside of her two closest friends, but Master Huiyuan did well. Not only did she fail to keep the promise, but on the contrary, even people disappeared.

That was deliberately ran!

Gu Xiaowan squeezed her fists, her face like frost.

Run, let him run.

One day, she will find him, and ask no matter how much she regrets the mountain and the old man, and what he said several times and over and over again that people don't understand.

The news of Master Huiyuan's departure soon spread. This time, he left without saying hello to anyone, and the incident shocked the palace.

Shu Tianci frowned and said, "I didn't find him yet, but he left. How many days has he been here?"

Father Qi was busy in his heart to forget: "I'm afraid it will only be twenty days."

Shu Tianci said with emotion, "I'm afraid I don't know when I will wait when I see him next time."

"Is the emperor worried about Nanling Kingdom?" Seeing him frowning, Father Qi asked eagerly.

On the top of the dossier, the letter from Nanling was placed impressively, and he also heard that the emperor had gone.

Nanling visits in November, and it is expected to stay for a month. This month, Nanling will choose a princess in Beijing and go to Nanling to be the queen of Nanling, and forever make the best of Qing and Nanling.

Since the emperor saw this secret letter, he was a little uneasy, thinking about it, this matter with the princess made the emperor worried.

"I only have one emperor sister, but I absolutely can't let her marry to Nanling!" Shu Tianci said with a pinched eyebrow. Since he saw this secret letter, he hasn't slept well for several nights. A nap.

"The heart of Nanling Sima Zhao is well known to passers-by. He wants us to go with a princess. On the face of it, I have to die for a hundred years in the Qing Dynasty. In fact, it is to restrain our Qing Dynasty. My only emperor will marry to Nanling. , If you want to start a war, you must always consider the safety of the princess!" Shu Tianci said a little frustrated.

But if it is not married, then Da Qing will inevitably make grievances with Nanling, Da Qing is not afraid of Nanling, but if Nanling and Da Qing harass the people on the border from time to time, it will also make Da Qing miserable.

If you want to eat, you can't eat it; if you don't, you panic.

Whether to eat or not is a big deal. Now Nan Ling wants to make peace with the Qing Dynasty and call the princess by name. This is no small matter.

Shu Tianci couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Looking at the anxious look of the emperor, Grandpa Qi asked softly: "What did the prince say?"

Shu Tianci sighed and complained: "He let me prepare by myself!"

What is "this"?

Grandpa Qi suddenly said: "If we have two princesses in Qing Dynasty, then"

Father Qi said he wanted to say something, his eyes filled with inexplicable emotions, Shu Tianci suddenly straightened his spine and sat up: "What do you mean?"

"Minions are meaningless." Father Qi was shocked when he saw Shu Tianci's face suddenly change.

And Shu Tianci suddenly understood what Father Qi meant: "You mean to let me push this matter away from him, and then threaten Princess Anping, right?"

His tone was stern and his eyes were sharp like a knife. Qi Gonggong leaned back and knelt on the ground like a puddle of mud: "The emperor should calm down, the slave should die, the slave should die!"

"You really deserve to die!" Shu Tianci stared at Father Qi who was kneeling on the ground shivering, and suddenly roared: "Get out, dog minion!"

The father-in-law Qi rushed out and staggered out.

However, when he turned around, he sighed.

He now understands that Gu Xiaowan is the emperor's Nilin, and now he can't touch it. It's just that Nanling called for the princess and kiss. The two princesses, the emperor couldn't bear it, who would he pick?

The new little eunuch, Xiao Dezi, is a smart. Hearing the movement inside, he pretended not to know. After Father Qi came out, he offered a cup of hot tea: "Daddy, let's drink water!"

Father Qi looked at the little **** he had trained with satisfaction. This person was much more judged than the previous one.

However, after another thought, I didn't know when I was so tempted to judge the situation!

Obviously knowing what the emperor meant, he still had to stroke the inverse scale. Thinking of this, Father Qi only felt a cold sweat on his back. With the emperor’s love for so many years, he is now alive, thinking I have to go out of the palace to enjoy my old age, so I don't dare to make claims anymore.

It's just that this Ni Lin, he didn't dare to stroke it anymore, not only couldn't stroke it, but he had to touch it along.

After Grandpa Qi drank several sips of hot tea, the panic in his heart also disappeared a lot. Xiao Dezi took the opportunity to ask: "Father, what's the matter with the emperor? Why are you even being scolded?"

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