The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2406: Finally home

The Su family looked at the old man in shock, but did not speak when he saw the old man, and went straight to see the patient.

Old Gui has known her identity in the past few days, but he has no sense of fear at all. Maybe this is the temperament of a weird person!

Gu Xiaowan put her blood for seven days, but she didn't feel the fatigue and weakness after ischemia at all. On the contrary, she felt that she was still like a normal person, but she had better physical strength than a normal person.

It seems that it was the old ghost giving the pills in the small porcelain bottle an effect.

Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to ask so many questions, and immediately left.

Gu Xiaowan left the ruined temple, and the one-month-white figure walked out from nowhere, his unparalleled face was full of ecstasy and excitement.

Old ghost

I even believed it was her!

This is her!

is her!

Anan saw her leaving the ruined temple non-stop and heading to Qingyuan. He kept following closely behind him, watching the slender figure slowly disappear in front of his eyes, his heart beating wildly, almost Jumped out of his chest.

However, when he saw her entering the gate of Qingyuan, he didn't know how to go forward for a while.

He still remembers the past, but she can't remember anything!

The heart beat faster and faster, faster and faster, almost jumping out of his chest, completely out of his control!

She doesn't remember their past, what should I do?

A heart-piercing pain suddenly came from his chest. The dazzling scorching sun was like a ray of cold light. He was cold all over, and he wanted to step forward and call her. Where did you know that he had just walked two steps. The heart suddenly tightened, and the stepping step stopped, and the whole person planted straight forward.

Someone around exclaimed: "Someone passed out"

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what happened later, she went straight into Qingyuan, and sure enough, the whole house was going to be in chaos.

After Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaoyi learned that Gu Xiaowan disappeared in the dense forest, they didn't know how terrifying the dense forest was at that time. Later, they heard people say that the dense forest of Regret Mountain cannot be entered by living people because they just stepped in. Will become dead.

They were all scared to death. Gu Ning'an didn't go to Dali Temple directly, and went straight to Regret Mountain.

Gu Xiaoyi and Tan Yu both wanted to find their books, but they were afraid that they would not know when Gu Xiaowan came back, so they stayed.

Later, Li Fan personally came and said that he got a letter from Xiao Wan to let them not worry, but they were still worried about not seeing Gu Xiaowan. Gu Ning'an arrived at the Regret Mountain and coincided with Qin Yizhi. After learning that Gu Xiaowan was safe, he returned to Beijing with Qin Yizhi. It's just that he is behind, and Qin Yuzhi will arrive first.

Gu Xiaoyi and Tan Yushu were frightened at home for fear that Gu Xiaowan might be a little bit unexpected.

When they saw Gu Xiaowan coming back safely, Xiao Yi and Yu Shu came forward and cried after hugging her.

"Sister, where have you been? Why didn't you come back to see us? Do you know how worried we are about you?" Gu Xiaoyi and Yushu were crying and laughing, tearful eyes, and wondering how sad they were crying .

"Don't cry, am I fine? It's okay, it's okay!" Gu Xiaowan also shed tears, which is why she didn't want them to see herself.

If they knew that they wanted to put a bowl of blood every day to save Su Ziyue, they would not agree to it. Moreover, this is not the case, Su Ziyue is dead, if they know that the dead can heal and live. Come, I am afraid I will be shocked.

The less people know about Su Ziyue, the better, lest there be extravagance!

Gu Xiaowan returned home safe and sound. She hadn't bathed for a long time. The first thing she did when she went home was to wash her body. Then she asked about Zuo and Ahmad.

Zuo and Ahmad have not come back yet, and there is no news, that is, they are still in Regret Mountain. At that time, to save Su Ziyue, she did not pay attention to them. Now that they have not come back, she is worried. There is no one in Qingyuan, and only a few of them are women who have no power to bind chickens. When they were worried, Li Fan came to the door.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was safe, the stone in her heart finally fell.

Immediately afterwards, the door was shook with a hammer, Gu Xiaoyi went to open the door, and saw Qin Yizhi covered with dust, tired and sloppy: "Is the girl back?"

"I'm back, I'm back" Gu Xiaoyi said hurriedly, seeing his nervous look, and even Big Brother Qin forgot to shout.

Qin Yizhi ignored that much, and rushed in like an arrow from the string.

When I saw Gu Xiaowan who was talking to Li Fan in the room, all the worries and anxieties of the past few days were put down at this moment, and replaced by the surprise and joy of the lost.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi was too late, so he shouted out loud, his voice was stern, almost heartbroken.

Gu Xiaowan heard the sound and looked into the courtyard, and saw Qin Yizhi rushing in, and she hugged her with a full embrace: "Wan'er, Wan'er"

There is a faint sour smell on his body. I think he hasn't taken a bath for a long time. The smell of dust on his body is very strong, he has a shaggy beard, and his eye sockets are sunken. Look like.

Gu Xiaowan looked very uncomfortable: "I make you worry!"

Qin Yizhi cried sobbingly, a big man unexpectedly choked out: "It's fine if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay"

Gu Xiaowan had never seen Qin Yizhi cry, and even Li Fan had been with him for so many years, and had never seen her master so gloomy. Her mood was heavy for a while, and everyone got back with a wink.

"Is there anything wrong with you? Did you hurt anything? Do you know? I heard Ahmad and Azuo say that you are missing in Regret Mountain, my heart is like being dug out, Wan'er, you know how much I am "Fear" Qin Yizhi's two lines of tears flowed down, and they fell on Gu Xiaowan's cheeks, hot and hot.

"I know, I know!" Gu Xiaowan was originally angry with Qin Mozhi in her heart, but now she sees him as if he is dead, and the resentment in her heart has long since disappeared.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't leave with anger, I shouldn't!" Qin Yizhi said: "I shouldn't tell you nothing, if I know you are going to Regret Mountain, I will follow whatever you say You went!"

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