The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2280: You have no tutor

After Gu Xiaoyi's words, the faces of the people who came to find the fault were pale. Since Gu Xiaoyi was so obedient and gave up the material she had just picked, how could Shu Min still ask for it.

She bit her white teeth and sneered: "Unexpectedly, Princess Anping's family are all savvy, so is the sister, so is the younger sister! It really made the princess admire! I heard that Lingtang went early, it seems, There are mothers born, but not taught by mothers."

"Thank you for the princess's praise!" Gu Xiaoyi gave Shu Min a blessing as if she was being praised, and then said: "Men's daughter has no mother since she was a child. As the princess said, she has a mother but no mother's education. But, hasn’t the princess heard another sentence? The eldest sister is like a mother, and there is another eldest sister in my family. My elder sister teaches me how to cultivate etiquette. My sister is a princess today, so it is naturally It’s good to wait. Even the queen mother and the emperor are full of praise. I heard that the princess had no mother since he was a child. I don’t know who taught the princess when he was a child? Who does not know my eldest sister in this world? He is knowledgeable and talented, piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, and proficient in everything. My sister is so good. As my sister, how can I not be better than my sister? It is not good or bad for my sister's reputation!"

After Gu Xiaoyi finished speaking, the angry Shu Min almost fainted. What she said was taunting Shu Min for having a mother and not being taught by her mother. Even if she was following someone, she was not as good as Gu Xiaowan. That is to say, she was taunting Shu Min's tutor is not as good as hers!

The place where Gu Xiaowan was standing at the moment was exactly two meters away from a few people. She was hiding behind a large column in the shop, so no one found her, but Gu Xiaowan could see them.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes seemed to be looking at the cloth, but in fact, she had been listening attentively to their speech. She didn't expect that Gu Xiaoyi would grow up, and she was not weak in speaking. Even in front of the princess, she did not see the slightest weakness.

This is her good sister!

When Gu Xiaowan was thinking about it, she suddenly heard a violent rage: "A bold lady, dare to slander my princess and see if I will tear your mouth!"

Gu Xiaowan heard it, and when she looked to her side, she saw Caiyue's raised hand about to greet Gu Xiaoyi's face. Gu Xiaowan was shocked. Just about to make Zuo rush out, she saw a person suddenly walking out behind Gu Xiaoyi. One hand grabbed Caiyue's palm, and the other hand grabbed Gu Xiaoyi and pulled her behind him.

Not a very tall body, but he stopped Gu Xiaoyi behind him, blocking all the storms for her.

Gu Xiaowan smiled when she saw the visitor.

It happened that Xiao Yi would not suffer. She was watching here, but whenever this Shen Wenjun made her younger sister suffer a little, she would not look down on him.

Caiyue's wrist was pinched by Shen Wenjun. Because he had learned martial arts since he was a child, his hand strength was naturally much greater than that of ordinary people.

His hand encircled Caiyue's wrist like a King Kong. Caiyue's face was red and white, and there were bursts of pain in his wrist, as if his wrist was about to be torn off alive.

Caiyue shook her hand and cursed: "You let go!"

Shen Wenjun glanced at Caiyue coldly, snorted coldly, and then severely put down Caiyue's wrist. Picking the moon was painful, and with a sigh of relief, he hugged his wrist and reached Shu Min’s side, grieving to the extreme and said: "The princess, the servant is incompetent!"

Shu Min didn't even look at her, but the coldness in her eyes made Caiyue's back a little cold. She hurriedly stood behind Shu Min and watched the changes.

Shen Wenjun turned sideways and asked Gu Xiaoyi behind him with concern: "Are you not hurt?"

When Gu Xiaoyi saw Shen Wenjun who came out in time, he felt grateful, shook his head, his big eyes bent into a crescent moon, and a hint of affection could be seen in the bottom of his eyes: "I'm fine, brother Anthology"

Shen Wenjun's nervous face was like a cloud seeing the sun, as if glowing, he touched Gu Xiaoyi's head fondly, then turned around, his fond eyes instantly became extremely cold, and he looked at the opposite person without any diminution. Princess Mingdu.

Shu Min could see that the young master of the Fairview Cloth Village, at that time, seemed to like Gu Xiaoyi. The more he petted, the more unpleasant she looked.

For what reason, she didn't want to see each one, but one by one could get what she wanted. She can't see the two love each other the most, and now seeing Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun show their affection and beauty in front of her, she is particularly hated!

She gritted her teeth and stared at Gu Xiaoyi sharply, as if trying to stare out a hole in her. Shen Wenjun frowned invisibly, and he leaned sideways, using his body to block Gu Xiaoyi all behind.

Seeing his subtle movements, but full of affection, Gu Xiaowan was very satisfied.

She protects her own woman, and this Shen Wenjun is not bad. She hid behind the column, naturally seeing things clearly.

I only heard Shen Wenjun protecting his wife and being possessed by a mad demon, and said vigilantly: "Mingdu Princess, your servant maliciously slandered my distinguished guest. May I ask, how can I solve it."

Caiyue murmured at each other: "I didn't hit her again, you almost crushed my wrist."

This is where the wicked complain first.

Shen Wenjun sneered: "Mingdu Princess, right and wrong, black and white, many people have seen just now, your maid, raised her hand to my distinguished guest and beat it, can it be said that my Splendid Cloth Village is the Ming Palace of the Mingdu Princess? Or, the Princess Mingdu thinks that this world belongs to your Ming Palace, and the people in the world are all subordinates of the Ming Palace, so you can let the county host beat and scold at will?"

Shu Min was green with Shen Wenjun's angry face, and Shen Wenjun's mouth was really poisonous. If she agreed, she would be a sinner.

No one knows that this world belongs to the emperor, and even the one-third acre of the Ming Palace belongs to the emperor, and the subordinates and masters in the Ming Palace belong to the emperor!

Jinxiu Cloth Shop is the best cloth shop in Beijing. The cloth inside is the best in Beijing. Everyday tourists are weaving, just like now, there are still six or seven guests choosing cloth in it, and I heard a question from here. The voices of blame also put down the things in their hands and looked here.

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