The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2247: Specially prepared for him

Min Xuesi said: "Since the princess is all right here, the official will leave first. Liang Shouyi slanders the princess's reputation. After the official returns to rigorously interrogate, he will be severely punished according to the Qing law!"

Gu Xiaowan did not feel that Liang Shouyi was pitiful at all for the punishment of tongue cutting, and nodded: "Okay, Master Min, go, Kou Hai, send Master Min well for me!"

Madam Meng also said, "The officer also resigned."

Regarding the doctor Meng who happened to run into, Gu Xiaowan was somewhat confused but grateful: "Emperor Meng was very kind and helpful, and helped me scare her together today. They didn't talk properly just now, what an offense!"

"Hey, what can I say that can't be offended!" Madam Meng hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Wise hand and benevolence treats those who are sick. Just now, the woman was obviously pretending to be sick, and she knew the clue when she got her pulse. How can you not know her intentions, the next official did not heal people, but followed the princess to heal people's hearts!"

It's easy to heal people, but hard to heal the heart!

After this incident, the Liang family didn't know if they would correct their evils and live their lives steadily. Gu Xiaowan felt lost.

Gu Xiaowan sent the doctor Meng away. When she turned around, she saw Gu Fangxi talking with Su Mang.

"Thank you Mr. Su today. Thanks to you for bringing the ruffians here. They confronted each other and broke through the lies of the Liang family. They are really shameless. They are all dead people. This Liang Dabao is really bad. If he did something wrong, he was able to put the blame on his father in such a high-sounding manner. His father and mother are afraid that they are underground, so they will feel chilly!"

It's better not to have it!

Gu Xiaowan finally felt that this was right. A malicious person would not only destroy the home, but also other people. Such a wicked person would have never been in this world.

Su Mang also said: "My aunt is too serious. I caught these rascals in the street. I was just about to send them to Master Min. When I saw him come to clear the garden, I followed him!"

Gu Fang likes to rejoice. When thinking about the long and vicious group of ruffians, he can't help but feel a little worried: "You didn't get hurt when you caught them?"

Su Mang's heart was hot, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "No, a few little thieves, I don't care about it."

Gu Fangxi looked admired.

Gu Xiaowan leaned on the door frame, and saw the joy on Gu Fangxi's face, as well as the admiration almost full of worship.

Only then did Gu Fangxi realize that someone was looking at him, and when he looked around, he saw that Gu Xiaowan was leaning on the door frame to look at him for a while, laughing unpredictably.

Thinking of something, Gu Fangxi's face suddenly turned red, and then immediately took a step back, rubbing his fingers together nervously, and said anxiously: "Look at me and watch me, patronize and watch the good show. I forgot to make a meal. It's almost noon, I'll go cooking right away."

After speaking, the soles of the feet were smeared.

Only Su Mang smiled slightly behind him.

Gu Xiaowan also laughed: "Master Su, my family's food is delicious, stay for lunch before leaving!" Gu Fangxi slipped out a bit slower, and heard Su Mang’s smile behind him: "Okay! Thank you princess!"

When Gu Fangxi heard this good sound, he was so happy that he hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Xiaoqing, the dumb girl in the kitchen, has cleaned up all the food she will eat at noon today.

The heart and lung soup was simmering in the pot, and there was a burst of heat, and the smell of meat came out.

Gu Fangxi looked at the food prepared at noon today, and said to Xiaoqing: "Go and kill a white fish, and then go to the back yard to pick some red peppers!"

Xiaoqing nodded, and when she was about to leave, she heard Gu Fangxi's instructions: "The chili peppers in the back are the hottest variety in the northeast corner. Remember, remember to pick the northeast corner!"

Su Mang likes to eat spicy food, almost no spicy food, the more spicy the better.

Xiaoqing went busy, but she was a little strange in her heart.

Although the girl also likes spicy food, she doesn’t eat that spicy pepper. The pepper in the northeast corner is used for seasoning. My aunt usually picks one or two. Now I have to pick so many, but spicy. It doesn't work!

At noon today, Xiaoqing has already cleaned up. Fried shrimps, braised mandarin fish, steamed pork and lion head are all favorite dishes on weekdays. Gu Fang is pleased to see that these are all ready, so he hurries to prepare them. The dishes are burned.

After getting out of the pot, I went to the cabinet to fiddle with other things. There was beef, so I took a piece of beef, cut it into slices, and washed a handful of bean sprouts.

Xiaoqing quickly brought the cleaned chili and white fish. Gu Fangxi cut them up. Her speed is very fast, and the fire in the pot is also strong. With a stick of incense, she just prepared a few dishes. It was already cooked, and Gu Fangxi hurriedly let people serve it up first.

Gu Xiaowan had led Su Mang to sit down in the dining room. A few dishes had already been served on the table. Gu Xiaowan looked at it. They all liked to eat on weekdays. She didn’t know what Mrs. Su liked to eat, so she asked. "What kind of taste is Master Su? This may have been prepared by the kitchen earlier, and I did not ask Master Su what your taste is!"

Su Mang looked at the dishes on the table, and said hurriedly: "The officials don't pick one!"

As long as Gu Fangxi cooks, even if he eats a large bowl of white rice, he will be happy.

He looked at the dishes on the table, and some of the taste buds were open. The dishes on this table did not see peppers, which shows that these people do not eat spicy food on weekdays.

Gu Xiaowan saw that Su Mang was not picking, so she thought about it, and she just wanted to talk when she heard the spicy fragrance coming, Kou Dan's choking complexion was red and stewed with a pot of fried tiger skin green peppers.

Stir-frying green peppers is very simple, with some tempeh in it, but because the chili peppers are hot and Gu Fang likes to put enough oil, the tiger-skin green peppers are fried, and they look attractive in color, black and black, green and green, and the surface of the green pepper. It was golden yellow, and the fragrance was very attractive. Although Gu Xiaowan smelled spicy, she couldn't help drooling.

"Girl, Auntie has two more dishes, which will be ready soon!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble Master Su to wait."

Su Mang looked at the plate of tiger-skin green peppers, his greedy worms came out of the strong spicy fragrance, and he couldn't help swallowing: "It's fine!"

Is this tiger-skin green pepper specially fried for him?

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