The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2238: The debtor is here

"Xiao Wan, I know you are a good boy. Look at us now. The debt collector is chasing him outside. Otherwise, Dabao's hands and feet will be gone. You will have pity on us. Yes, without a son, only a grandson is left, which makes us a little dependent on old age!"

Liang Shouyi said pitifully. Seeing that Gu Xiaowan's face was not as aggressive as before, she was overjoyed and winked at the old lady Liang and Liang Dabao, and saw the two cry again.

"My poor child, my poor Dabao, you have to pity me, this old lady, don't tell the white-haired person to send the black-haired person, but also watch the only grandson hurt people. Xiaowan, please Please help us again!"

This is right. Gu Xiaowan is a person who doesn't eat hard but only soft!

If it is really only because of helplessness that he is driven into such a dangerous situation, Gu Xiaowan is not a cruel person, she will definitely help, but the person like this

She really couldn't bring up any interest to help these people.

Just like Gu Fangxi said, there is one, there are two, there are two, and there are three.

This Liang family is like a blood-sucking worm who can never be satisfied.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly felt that these three people were a little annoying, but anyone with a little shame would not do it cheekily.

She said displeasedly: "Don't you guys say that, I can't help with anything!"

Old lady Liang said hurriedly: "Help, help, seven thousand taels of silver, we have paid off the gambling debt, we will live in peace, and you don't have to worry about other things. We can take care of ourselves!"

"It's not impossible to ask me to give money, I'm just very curious in my heart, so much gambling debt is really your son owed?" Gu Xiaowan was rather helpless.

Old lady Liang and Liang Shouyi looked at each other, and then said, "This is what my son owes!"

Liang Shouyi said self-reproachfully: "I blamed me. He didn't teach him well since he was a child. He was so gambled. Later, he couldn't control himself when he was alone. Even his wife could not control him. The money didn't stay, it was all lost, and I owed a gambling debt!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Liang Dabao on the side. He stood aside, contented, seeing that his grandfather was so old that his dead father would lift the tank for him, without any shame at all.

The old lady Liang also blamed: "Yeah, Xiaowan, Dabao's father has died for so many years. If he wants to blame it, everyone has a hard-to-read sutra!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled, and the old lady Liang was a little numb in her heart: "Xiaowan, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm just thinking, you worked so hard for Liang Dabao, does he know?" Gu Xiaowan put her cheek in her right hand, while the other hand looked at Liang Dabao, who was contented and contented.

Liang Dabao was not at all swayed by the situation just now, he looked like this should have been, and he didn't seem to be grateful and content at all.

"This... it's not about Dabao." The old lady Liang glanced at Liang Dabao with a bit of embarrassment, and said something nerdy.

Is it really not about Dabao?

Gu Xiaowan pretended to drink tea, lowered her eyelids, and the obvious mockery under her eyes was hidden.

As soon as I took a sip of tea and was taking a break, I heard Kou Hai’s voice: "Girl, Master Min said that I was holding a few people, and I want to show it to you."

"Who is it? Why should Master Min show me the arrested person." Gu Xiaowan was a little strange.

Seeing outside, Min Xuesi actually came here in person, and Mr. Su Mansu from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses was next to him.

Gu Xiaowan saw that when Su Mang appeared, her aunt's body moved slightly, as if she was about to stand up.

Min Xuesi and Su Mang came in, and both bowed their hands and bowed to Gu Xiaowan: "Princess Anping"

Gu Xiao vainly helped the handrail: "How come Master Min and Master Su have time to come to Qingyuan today?"

On Master Min's side, Kou Hai had someone bring a handwritten letter to him and asked him to send a few yamen over. Unexpectedly, others would come here in person. Gu Xiaowan was very grateful.

It's just that Master Su is here

Gu Xiaowan didn't know. Could it be that Master Su also knew about this matter?

Reminiscing about Gu Fangxi's subtle movements when she first saw Master Su just now, and the words she had said, Gu Xiaowan had a little doubt in her heart.

Min Xuesi said: "Princess, the subordinates arrested some people in the capital. Originally, this matter should not have come to find the princess, but these people mentioned Princess Anping, which caused the subordinates to be a little confused and brought them over. Let Princess Anping see you!"

Gu Xiaowan asked: "Who is it?"

When there were a few people brought up by the yakuza, all of the Liang family had taken a few steps back, as if they had encountered a huge shock.

"Liang Dabao, when will you pay me back the one thousand taels you owe me?"

A fierce man stood behind Su Mang and was held by others. Liang Dabao's face paled: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you!"

"Don't know me?" The savage man was about to swear, and Liang Shouyi hurriedly said, "It's the money my son owes you, it's me! It's nothing to do with Dabao!"

As soon as the man heard it, he immediately drank: "Who is your son? Get out, Liang Dabao, a masculine man, how old you are, and you are still hiding behind the old man. You are not ashamed!"

Liang Dabao cowered and hid behind the old lady Liang, with a look of fear: "Grandma, save me, save me!"

Old lady Liang also frightened her legs softly: "You want money, we will give it, we will give it!"

Never mention it is Liang Dabao's betting money!

The few wicked people even dared to shout loudly when they arrived here. I think they have been instructed by Su Mang and Min Xuesi. They should have been instructed to make a big noise. Anyway, Gu Xiaowan had a good time sipping tea on the side, watching well. play.

"And me, you still owe me a thousand taels, when will you pay it back?" Another person also asked with abomination.

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