The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2234: Old lady fainted

When Gu Fangxi saw that what Gu Xiaowan was after was not the information from the Liang family, but instead asked where he got the information, he almost stomped his feet in a hurry.

"Don't worry about where I got the news. Anyway, this news must be very reliable. The Liang family took your money, eating, drinking, and gambling outside. The house was lost. Then Mrs. Liang will come home this time. You give money, you must not give it!"

Gu Xiaowan wiped her mouth with her kerchief. As soon as she was about to say something, she heard Kou Hai's voice from outside: "Girl, the Liang family has arrived at the door. They are crying, and many neighbors have come to see it! "

The Liang family are here?

It seems that all the money has been lost, and the family of three has taken the pole to act.

Gu Xiaowan was eating a little bit. It just so happened that she wanted to watch a good show without money, so she said to Gu Fangxi: "Auntie, don't worry, I know what you are saying. Let's go ahead and see if they pay What more will I order!"

Then he took Tan Yushu's hand and said, "Let's not go anywhere today, you will go to a good show with your sister!"

Hearing that there was a good show, Tan Yushu drank the remaining half a bowl of goat's milk, wiped his mouth and followed Gu Xiaowan.

If Gu Xiaowan's guess was right, the Liang family came this time, afraid that they were not only asking for money and shops, but the house was lost, they had no place to settle, and they didn't know what good calculations they had made.

Gu Fangxi saw that Gu Xiaowan listened to her words, and he let out a long sigh of relief: "Xiaowan, if this is to live, if there is any sleepiness, we should help, but the Liang family can't live well with the money. , Eating, drinking, gambling, such a person, he helped once, and he won’t be able to help anymore!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I see, aunt!"

Then he said to Kou Hai: "You take my handwriting to visit the government office, and you say that there are a few rascals at home, let Master Min send a few servants!"

When Gu Fangxi saw that Gu Xiaowan had listened to her, she thought it was the news she had gotten that she had made up her mind, so she let out a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Before Gu Xiaowan went to the main hall, she looked back at Gu Fangxi, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Gu Fangxi only took a long sigh of relief, but didn't see the smile on Gu Xiaowan's mouth at all.

The Liang family really clamored in the main hall at the moment, and the old lady Liang burst into tears and snotted there, yelling: "My poor son, why did you die so early, leave a child, let us two What to do with the old bones, if you have no energy, if you have money and no money, but how to live, just let me die, you and your wife come back! Ooo"

Liang Dabao knelt and sat in front of Mrs. Liang with a well-behaved look. He helped Mrs. Liang and said: "Woo, grandma, I don’t want you to die, I don’t want you to die, what should I do if you die? Mother, I don’t want to have no grandma! You raised me so big, I haven’t honored you yet!"

Liang Shouyi stood aside with his head drooping, looking at Liang Dabao and old lady Liang, tears running and tears, and sniffing and wiping tears from time to time, looking at the grandparents and grandchildren!

When Gu Xiaowan came in, Mrs. Liang's eyes were sharp and she saw it right away, and she crawled to the front of Gu Xiaowan, crying: "Xiaowan, Xiaowan, please, save my aunt’s life, please. is you!"

Gu Xiaowan pretended not to know: "Ah, Aunt Liang, what's the matter with you? Get up and talk!"

The old lady Liang grabbed Gu Xiaowan's hand and just couldn't get up: "Xiaowan, your aunt is about to be forced to death, please, help us!"

Although Gu Fangxi said that he knew that Gu Xiaowan would not give the Liang family any more money, she was still afraid that her ears would be soft. When the time came, she heard what the Liang family said, and relented, so she followed.

Now I see Old Lady Liang holding Gu Xiaowan's hand and hurriedly went forward and said, "You let go of my Xiaowan!"

Seeing Gu Fangxi rushing up, Gu Xiaowan secretly said that she was not good, she saw that she stretched out her hand and caught the old woman Liang's hand. She originally only wanted to let it go. Where did she know that old woman Liang suddenly "ouch" With a sound, he lay back, fell on the ground, slammed his head on the bluestone brick and made a "boom", and then lay motionless on the ground.

"Grandma, grandma, how are you?" Liang Dabao saw old lady Liang fall to the ground, and immediately rushed over. Liang Shouyi didn't have any idle time, and immediately rushed over: "Old lady, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you? ?"

Suddenly, Gu Fangxi couldn't recover for a while, and he saw Liang Dabao yelling at Gu Fangxi, "What are you doing? My grandma is not in good health, so you still push her!"

Gu Fangxi was shocked: "I didn't push her!"

Liang Dabao pointed to the old lady Liang who was on the ground and yelled and kept her eyes tightly closed. She yelled distressedly: "I clearly saw you pushing my grandma, otherwise she would fall to the ground. At that time, only you Touched her! Oh, grandma, grandma"

Gu Fangxi looked at the Liang family at a loss, then looked at Gu Xiaowan, and said in fear: "Xiaowan, I really didn't push her, I didn't!"

Gu Xiaowan naturally knew that her aunt was not that kind of person, and patted her hand to signal her not to be afraid.

She looked at the old lady Liang who was lying on the ground and screaming unconsciously, and she sneered.

Liang Shouyi also said angrily from the side: "My old lady is in poor health. If something happens to her, I will never finish with you!"

"Grandma Grandma" Liang Dabao held the old lady Liang in his arms. With that obedient appearance, it is really difficult to connect with the dude who spends a lot of money in the casino.

Gu Xiaowan was not in a hurry. She was standing next to her just now, and she could see clearly what happened under her nose. The old lady Liang had obviously fallen back by herself, and had nothing to do with Gu Fangxi.

"Come here, go and find the best doctor outside to give Aunt Liang a good diagnosis and treatment!" Gu Xiaowan ordered.

Then I heard Liang Shouyi say: "Wait a minute, my old woman has been in poor health. This time it must have been knocked. Fortunately, the knock is not very heavy. Otherwise, Xiaowan, you can help me make a bed. Let my old lady lie down for a while, maybe it will be better after a while!"

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