The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2204: She is not hot inside

When Ah Zuo saw the master coming, he immediately had the backbone, and he flashed into the wing, reporting Gu Xiaowan's current situation one by one as he walked.

Qin Yizhi walked into the inner room like the wind, and saw the person who was fine last night, lying motionless on the bed at this moment, so weak, like a wind blowing gently, the person will disappear. same.

Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows are not the willow eyebrows of ordinary women. She doesn't like such weak eyebrows. Her eyebrows are thick and long. Even at the end of the eyebrows, thick black eyebrows are still visible. Her small and straight nose and lips are still pink, but because of the high fever, the lips are getting brighter and brighter.

Her face was different from ordinary people's blush, she hadn't changed everything, it seemed that at this moment, her eyebrows seemed more delicate than before, no, it was more seductive.

The eyebrows flew up, and it became more and more obvious on the face of a slap-sized goose egg, and I didn't know how all the country was overwhelmed when the closed eyes opened.

Seeing Qin Yizhi's arrival, everyone did not get up, his voice was a little hoarse: "Get up!"

Kou Dan got up hurriedly and saw Qin Mozhi sitting by the bed, personally wiping his forehead and neck for Gu Xiaowan, cautiously.

Gu Fangxi raised his head and glanced, and felt that his heart was breaking.

Qin Yizhi kept pressing his lips tightly, almost into a straight line, his eyes remained constant with Gu Xiaowan, and his eyes were filled with distress and worry.

Still hot, no symptoms of fever.

"Where is the imperial doctor? Is the imperial doctor here?" Qin Yizhi lowered his voice and asked, his throat trembling.

When did Zuo see such a master, he said hurriedly: "I have sent someone to take the princess's handwriting to the palace to ask the doctor."

Qin Yizhi nodded. He was upset at the time, so he went to the Taiyuan Hospital to take people in personally.

At this moment, a voice came from outside: "Early Doctor Hao Lian is here."

Qin Yizhi stood up and stepped aside, Kou Dan hurriedly stepped forward and took the towel in his hand.

Gu Fangxi quickly took the bedding to cover Gu Xiaowan, but did not notice Qin Yizhi's movements.

After the doctor Hao Lian came in, he didn't show much politeness, so he immediately diagnosed Gu Xiaowan's pulse.

Gu Xiaowan's body was hot, the fever was not going away, and it was getting more and more serious. Doctor Hao Lian touched the pulse and frowned tightly.

Her pulse is the same as a normal person, her pulse is stable, everything is normal!

Physician Hao Lian frowned and got up after taking the pulse. Gu Fangxi saw that his face was unsightly, and quickly asked, "Doctor Hao, what's wrong? How is my princess?"

"The princess's pulse is stable and there is no other major problem" "Then why is it so hot, her body seems to be on fire, it's scary!" Gu Fangxi asked hurriedly, with a worried expression on her face.

"Mr. Hao, the doctor outside said that the princess had a fever, so he prescribed some antipyretic medicine and had already taken it. But it's been an hour. The heat doesn't recede, and it is getting hotter. You are the palace The imperial doctor inside again personally diagnosed and treated the emperor and empress dowager, please take a good look at my princess!" Zuo hurriedly said, and he knelt in front of the imperial physician Hao Lian with a plop.

Physician Hao Lian hurriedly stretched out his hand to help: "The old man has never seen such a pulse. It is obviously a normal pulse. Why does the body get hot? Look at her rosy face and blushing lips. If she is a person with a high fever, It must be dry, chapped and whitish lips, pale complexion, and the princess looks like hot, not hot!"


"Yes, it's like we are in a high temperature environment, our complexion is red, it is the external heat of the body, not the internal heat!" Hao Lian explained.

The doctor outside has already prescribed antipyretic medicine to no avail, which proves that the fever is not in the body.

One of Qin Yi, who was hiding behind the screen, heard this, clenched his fists, and wrinkled his brows tightly.

"There is nothing wrong with her body, it's normal. As for why it is so hot, the old man has never heard of it." Hao Lian frowned.

"Then what should I do? The imperial doctor would trouble you to prescribe some medicine. If you continue to burn like this, her brain will burn out!" Gu Fangxi said nervously.

Grand Physician Hao Lian shook his head: "I don't recommend medication. If you don't try water, let her soak in the water to see if the body heat will subside."

He had never seen this kind of heat, and his body was intact and normal, and it didn't look like something was ill, but he kept getting fever, which was a little bewildered.

The words of Imperial Doctor Hao Lian were also a solution, and Kou Dan and Kou Hai were busy preparing for the water.

Although it was already autumn, the water in the well was already very cold. Kou Dan and Kou Hai did not dare to use the well water directly. It was good that they scooped up a half bucket of hot water, mixed it with warm water, and filled the bath tub full.

All the others went out, only A Zuo and Gu Fangxi were left. After Doctor Hao Lian and the others went out, Qin Yizhi also walked out from behind the screen.

Seeing Zuo was about to hug Gu Xiaowan, Qin Yizhi stopped and said, "I'm coming!"

After speaking, she carried Gu Xiaowan into the tub. Gu Xiaowan is now unconscious and can only lean on the wall of the bathtub. In order to prevent her from slipping down accidentally, someone needs to support her.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to take off her clothes, and Qin Mozhi had to go out. There are only two people left in the cubicle dedicated to bathing, Zuo and Gu Fangxi.

"Auntie, hold on to the girl and I will help her undress!" Zuo said.

Gu Fangxi nodded and gently held Gu Xiaowan to the side. Zuo untied Gu Xiaowan's clothes and began to take off her clothes. When she reached her back, she only felt that there was a flash of stunning red in the water before her eyes. She hurriedly looked intently through the pure In the water, Gu Xiaowan seemed to be bleeding on her back as white as jade.

She exclaimed: "Auntie, help the girl up!"

Gu Fangxi heard Zuo's exclamation and thought that something had happened, so he hurriedly helped Gu Xiaowan up. He didn't know that because he was too nervous, and because he was frightened by Zuo's words, he didn't notice it for a while. Support Gu Xiaowan.

With a sound, Gu Xiaowan slipped into the bucket, Zuo was shocked, and grabbed Gu Xiaowan.

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