The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2197: The emperor should have liked her

Yu Shaoliang nodded, and soon left Song Mansion, but Song Qiheng had no sleepiness. He couldn't sleep, so he just got up and went directly to Ming Dynasty Mansion.

The man in black followed him all the time, and when he saw him entering the Ming Palace, he followed carefully.

Song Qiheng told Prince Ming that Gu Xiaowan had entered the city, and he saw Shu Hao furiously: "Trash, all of them are trash. She can't stop her entering the city. What's the use of you people."

Before Song Qiheng came, he knew that there would be a **** storm here in the Ming Palace, and he was not afraid, and explained: "My lord, the matter has already been settled, and he has actually killed Cheng Yaojin halfway and put Gu Xiaowan in. !"

"Who? It's time to let people go!" Shu Hao asked with a beard and staring when he heard that someone had let it in.

"It's the regent!"

"What? How could it be him?" When Shu Hao heard the name, he was angrily and anxious: "Why would he go to the city gate!"

Song Qiheng explained the matter again, and saw that Shu Hao’s beard stood up: "This Qin Ziye is always fighting against his king. He is just a king with a different surname. Relying on his merits of being a dragon, he has never done anything. This king puts it in his eyes, and it is totally unreasonable to come to save the person I am going to kill now!"

Everything outside the city has already been set up. If she progresses to the city gate, there are hundreds of ways for the bandits and quack killers to make her die outside the city.

"Lord, people were saved by the regent, but not necessarily by him. It is possible that the emperor ordered him to do it!" Song Qiheng said hurriedly.

"What do you mean? The emperor asked him to save, you mean to say" Shu Hao also thought about it, and asked in surprise, "How is it possible? The empress dowager accepted her as a righteous daughter, they are brothers and sisters!"

Shu Hao didn't believe it, it was too ridiculous.

Song Qiheng didn’t think so: “Lord, what about the brothers and sisters, they have no blood relationship, besides, look at this Gu Xiaowan from the identity of a peasant girl to become a princess. If there is no emperor’s will, there is no emperor in it. Give her face, how can she be this princess?"

"You mean that the emperor is trying to praise her? So that she can take her into the palace?"

Song Qiheng nodded: "Yes. This Gu Xiaowan is afraid that he has deeply grasped the emperor's heart, and the emperor's heart is on her body. Otherwise, why should she be a princess, and why so much happened? What happened, but she was all right?"

After listening to Song Qiheng’s words, Shu Hao felt more reasonable: "What you said makes sense, otherwise, how could Min'er even beat an ordinary peasant girl? Among them, there must be the emperor’s writing in it. !"

However, if she is the cusp of the emperor's heart, how can she deal with it in the future? If she becomes a noble person, what can Min'er do in the future? Could it be impossible to see a peasant girl kneeling to her?

Su Hao noticed it for a while and immediately shook his head: "Then she deserves to die! A peasant girl with a low status, why should he be the emperor's concubine! Why accept the worship of the people!"

Song Qiheng laughed: "Lord, you forgot, if the emperor is really tempted by her, then it is not our business to deal with her or not!"

"What do you say?" Shu Hao didn't understand for a while.

"Since ancient times, monarchs have to be dictatorships, not having children's personal affection. But if he is focused on a woman, without rain and dew, do you think the queen mother will agree? Will the court ministers agree? For a woman, If it destroys the country and mountain, will the people of the world agree? The better the emperor treats her, the more handles we can use. When the time comes, we don't need to do it, naturally someone will do it!"

Song Qiheng told what he was thinking about when he came, and he heard Shu Hao nodding repeatedly: "Yes, the more the emperor does for her, the faster she will die, and I only need to dial a few words before the mother! Before she entered the palace, she asked the emperor to do so many things for her. It seems that this woman is really heavy in the emperor's mind! And the emperor, the most taboo thing is to intrigue her children."

"The prince, this woman dares to offend the imperial mansion again and again, it is not a pity to die. I can't move her tonight, but let us discover her such a big secret, she will die sooner or later!" Song Qiheng said viciously.

After Song Qiheng left the Ming Palace, he sent someone to send a signal. Seeing the signal to cancel the action, they had already communicated!

Song Qiheng returned to the Song Mansion, but the vigorous figure behind him was not following, and he flew up and disappeared into the night.

Gu Xiaowan arrived home and just got off the carriage, she saw Kou Dan waiting for her anxiously at the door, and seeing her return safely, she let out a sigh of relief: "Girl, Brother Qin is waiting for you in the middle of the night!"

Gu Xiaowan took off her drapery hat, handed it to Azuo who was aside, hummed, and went to her yard.

Kou Dan followed, and said uncomfortably: "Girl, I told Brother Qin about your visit to see Young Master Su!"

Gu Xiaowan let out a cry, and felt nothing unusual. She had already told Codan and told her to tell the truth.

When I got inside the room, I saw Qin Yizhi sitting at the desk holding a book before reading. Hearing the movement, he raised his head. Under Ye Mingzhu, his crescent-colored robe looked handsome and extraordinary, and his lips slightly opened. :"came back?"

With a hint of sourness.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh bitterly, and hurriedly walked to him, trying to comfort him: "What's the matter? I'm tired in the middle of the night, right?"

Qin Mozhi was not polite at all, stretched out his hand and took her into his arms, and kisses rushed in.

There was a slight chill on his lips, but his tongue was warm.

The hot and humid breath and the fragrance of orchids after the bath made Gu Xiaowan temporarily forget what she had just thought, and put the thrill behind her.

Qin Yizhi quickly let go of her. He didn't mention a word about her going to visit Su Ziyue. He only said that she was tired and let her rest earlier.

The two said goodnight to each other without much talking, and then went to sleep.

When Qin Yizhi returned to his house, Kou Hai and Azuo were kneeling in the house and waiting for him.

Seeing him coming, the "master" said in unison, lowering their heads in response to Qin Yizhi's sharp eyes.

"Say!" After Qin Yizhi sat down, his voice was unusually cold.

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