The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2190: Charcoal in the snow

With the faint light of the fire, Mrs. Su suddenly looked down when she saw the incoming person: "It's you? You vixen, you still have a face!"

Su Peian frowned: "Madam, this matter has nothing to do with Princess Anping!"

"How can it have nothing to do with her!" Madam Su roared: "If it weren't for her, how could Zi Yue retire!"

"How many times do you want me to say that, regardless of the Anping Princess, we went to retreat after careful consideration, don't blame everything on others!" Su Peian also got angry and accused.

Madam Su has always regarded her husband as her husband. Seeing Su Peian's anger, she had to shut her mouth, but she muttered a few softly unwillingly, but since then, she never paid attention to Gu Xiaowan again.

Seeing that she was not talking, Su Peian looked at Gu Xiaowan guiltily and said, "Princess Anping, I'm really sorry, this"

Gu Xiaowan interrupted him, waved her hand and said, "Don't mention these for now. Let's put things down."

Then, in the stunned eyes of Su Peian and Madam Su, Zuo and Kou Hai moved all the things on the carriage.

Gu Xiaowan prepared everything from salt and vegetable oil to bedding clothes.

"I know you may live here temporarily, and there is no way to help others. I can only buy something to help you through this period of time!" Gu Xiaowan said sincerely.

"Why do you want to help us? We" Su Peian looked at what Gu Xiaowan had prepared and couldn't speak in shock.

Gu Xiaowan said earnestly: "When I was in trouble, Lord Su used to help, my brother was framed in the Ministry of Households, and Lord Su also helped me. Gu Xiaowan's gratitude is unforgettable. But please rest assured, Lord Su. , Now the emperor is getting angry because of the resignation of relatives. When the emperor is gone, I will definitely go to the emperor to intercede for Lord Su. Lord Su is upright and clean and is a rare good official. The people lack such a good official. It is the misfortune of the people! I hope Master Su will not give up!"

Gu Xiaowan's voice has always been soft, and when she speaks such a passage, it is also serious and soft.

Su Peian was moved by the sincerity on Gu Xiaowan's face. If he had always maintained a neutral attitude towards the princess before, now, he would really be moved by Gu Xiaowan's thoughts.

Under the faint light of fire, Gu Xiaowan's expression was very sincere, but what she said was loud and loud. Although she was not very young, every word she said and every word she said made people believe her inexplicably.

Ahmad and Kou Hai moved all their things and placed them in the ruined temple in an orderly manner. The cramped ruined temple seemed a lot warmer when these things were placed.

"Master Su, what do you plan to do next?" Gu Xiaowan knew that the Su family would leave the capital for a long time, or, if the emperor was so angry, they might not be able to return to the capital for the rest of their lives.

But after leaving the capital and leaving the official position, what will they do in the future?

Gu Xiaowan took out a piece of jade from her cuff and handed it to Su Peian: "Master Su is going to make a living when he leaves Kyoto. I have opened Jinfu Towers in all counties except Kyoto. If Master Su doesn't dislike it, As long as you settle down, the Jinfu Lou will be handed over to you. You are the treasurer of Jinfu Lou. In addition to the monthly fixed salary, there is also a dividend at the end of each year. The entire restaurant’s annual net income is a quarter. Although it's just an ordinary restaurant, it's not as good as one-tenth of Master Su's before, but it can still make a living! Other things, I'll talk about it later!"

Su Peian watched in shock as Gu Xiaowan put the jade pendant on his hand. After he understood Gu Xiaowan's words, he felt like holding a hot potato in his hand and wanted to send a review of Xiaowan's hand.

"Princess Anping, this thing is too precious, I can't ask for it!" Su Peian quickly refused.

Gu Xiaowan, the treasurer of Jinfulou in the county seat, has actually helped him save a way to earn a living. If this piece of jade is accepted, the livelihood of their family will indeed be no problem!

Madam Su was also shocked at the moment. She also raised her head to look at Gu Xiaowan. Su Peian insisted on handing it back, but Gu Xiaowan turned her hand back and refused to accept it.

"If Master Su sees Xiaowan and Jinfu Tower, please ask Master Su for this jade pendant. I have to go back to the city, so I won't stay long. If Master Su has something to do, I can't enter the city. There is a Fujin Tower thirty miles away from here, adults can go there to find the shopkeeper to bring me a message!" After Gu Xiaowan said goodbye to Su Peian, she left in a carriage.

Su Ziyue was not seen throughout the whole process, and he didn't know if he was hiding from sight on purpose, or if he was not here. Gu Xiaowan didn't ask, and Su Peian didn't say, anyway, her heart has been brought, and it doesn't matter if she sees other things.

The carriage left loudly. Su Peian looked at the jade pendant in his hand and thought about what Gu Xiaowan said just now. What she has done this trip has already paved their way back.

At the very least, they don't have to worry about money for a livelihood.

It was dark at night, and only a lantern was lit on the carriage, until he saw that the lantern disappeared into a spot, Su Peian then entered the ruined temple, and saw Madam Su sitting on the ground looking at the things in front of him in a daze.

"Madam, what's the matter with you?" Su Peian was afraid that Madam Su would be sad again, and hurriedly comforted: "There are beddings here, so you can clean it up, we won't get cold at night!"

Madam Su stretched out her hand and passed the baggage in her arms to Su Peian: "Look at it."

Su Peian took it and was shocked when he saw what was inside: "This"

There are three hundred taels of silver inside, and all the intimate ones are whole silver, and there are broken pieces of silver. In addition, there are seven silver notes of one hundred taels each, totaling one thousand taels.

Su Peian looked at the things in his hand in shock, and then at the stuff around him.

Food and clothing, although they are far from what he usually uses, but in today's situation, having these things is simply giving charcoal in the snow.

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