The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2180: The iron tree finally bloomed

Ding Lun wanted to say that he saw Su Mang suddenly turning back. A big man, his dark face showed a hint of blush: "What you said is, I'm going to freshen up!"

After speaking, I hurriedly went inside.

Ding Lun watched Su Mang's transformation in surprise, somewhat incomprehensible: "It's not Lao Chen, I remember this Lao Su back then, but he can't take a shower for a month. How can it be?"

Chen Meng patted him on the shoulder and said mysteriously: "A man is a man who pleases himself!"

Ding Lun chewed for a while, and finally realized it. Seeing Chen Meng's back, his voice was louder than usual: "It's rare, this old iron tree is finally blooming!"

After breakfast, Gu Xiaowan was watering the flowers in the yard and pruning the branches by the way. The yard originally only planted a sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Later, I thought that the tree was too big for Tibetans, so I moved the tree away. In the middle of the tree, many low flowers and plants were replanted.

On weekdays, when she was tired of writing and writing, she went to the yard, watering the flowers, pulling and weeding, which is considered to be good health.

When Ahmad came, he happened to see his girl happily pulling weeds. He came up and said, "Girl, something has happened to the Su family!"

"Something happened? What happened?" Of course, Gu Xiaowan knew which Su family it was. "Isn't there a few days left. Is the Su family going to have a happy event? What happened?"

"Su Qianyue is gone! Now the Su family is secretly looking for it."

"When did you disappear?"

"Yesterday afternoon, I heard that I ran out of the house and disappeared after getting in the carriage."

"A contradiction?" Gu Xiaowan asked. This Su Qianyue is a glass heart, and also an extremely vain person. She ran out of the house. She should have been in conflict with her family: "Will you find Shu Min from Ming Dynasty? Up?"

"I heard that I also asked, no. The Su family is mad and dare not look for it with a big fanfare, but there is always some wind coming out!" Ahmad said.

Gu Xiaowan washed her hands, drank a sip of tea, and then said, "You should also look for it. After all, Su Ziyue also helped me! But don't let people find you!"

Ah Mo nodded, and then went down.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the flowers and plants for a while, and Zuo thought she was thinking about Su Qianyue’s affairs, so she said: "Su Qianyue usually relies on the Mingdu princess to like her to do a lot. Don’t worry about bad things, the girl!"

Gu Xiaowan looked back at Zuo and smiled: "Do you think I am worried about her?"

Zuo also smiled, it's not that natural. The smile on Gu Xiaowan's face gradually faded: "Su Qianyue is missing at this time, I'm afraid it will be more and more fortunate!"

The Su family will be welcoming the marriage in a few days. The target of the marriage is the Ming Palace. At this time, Su Qianyue disappeared, I am afraid that it is not because of her. After all, Su Qianyue likes Shu Min very much. It is impossible to come here before her wedding One out.

The only certainty is that Su Qianyue was taken away. And those who took her must not be afraid of the Ming Palace, because the Su Family's disappearance is bound to cause a lot of turmoil. At that time, it is still unknown whether the wedding ceremony will be held successfully.

"Girl, what do you mean is that someone doesn't want these two families to get married too smoothly?" Zuo asked, "Who would it be? The Su family has always belonged to the Qingliu faction. I heard that although it is not a big family, it is also The famous family is Qingliu, and the reputation is very good in the capital. Is it only the Ming Palace that people who hate the Ming Palace did it?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "I don't know, I don't understand. If it is to prevent the two families from getting married too smoothly, why should Su Qianyue be kidnapped? If Su Ziyue is kidnapped, it won't make the Su family directly. Can't you get married?"

Zuo was also lost in thought.

While thinking, suddenly heard a sound of flapping wings from the sky, Gu Xiaowan raised her head and saw a jet-black pigeon flapping its wings and landing on the stone table.

"Mo Ge" Gu Xiaowan cried out in surprise when she saw the pigeon. Zuo Busily stepped forward and took the note tied to Mo Ge's leg, and handed it to Gu Xiaowan with both hands.

Gu Xiaowan was very excited. After opening it, she looked excited: "Brother Yizhi is back!"

At this moment, Qin Yizhi is coming quickly. One person, one horse, the old sheep-gut road, and the dense forests in the mountains, only the figure galloping past.

The black robe was blown by the wind, and a cloak of the same black color covered his face tightly.

He followed Ah You, who also followed closely behind him. It wasn't until he saw the city wall that Qin Yizhi reined in his horse, and Ah You at the back followed up and said, "Master, shall we go to see the girl, or"

Qin Feizhi looked at the city wall that was not far away, and seemed to think of the woman who was thinking about it again and again, and a gentle smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

His face was dusty, but he didn't see the slightest fatigue. Ah You didn't see Qin Yizhi's expression, but he heard him swing his horse again and gallop away!

Ah You did not speak, followed by raising his whip, and also heading to Kyoto. The dust raised by the horse's four hoofs quickly subsided as the wind turned around.

Between the mountains and forests, it seemed to be quiet again.

It’s just that the babble of the horse and the roar of the carriage shook the dense forest again, and saw a carriage drawn by four horses galloping past. The road in the forest was not easy to walk, but the carriage did not sway at all. .

The carriage frame is made of red sandalwood wood that is more than a hundred years old. The outer frame is carved with complicated and delicate patterns. The patterns are also outlined with gold threads. The end is exquisite and luxurious.

The carriage was completely covered, and it was impossible to see who was sitting in it. Only when a gust of wind blew and accidentally moved the curtain of the carriage, I saw a white-clothed Shengxue sitting at the top of the carriage, like a black hair. Mo's man flashed past, and he saw that his profile was unusually handsome.

The carriage galloped past, but it stopped when it was about to reach the capital. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a child's head was poked out from it. It quickly retracted and only heard: "Master, we are in the capital!" "

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