The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2175: Persuade you to have a glass of wine

Upon seeing this, Gu Fang had no choice but to sit down. As soon as she sat down, Su Mang next to her suddenly sat upright, his body stretched like a string ready to go.

Gu Fangxi on the side felt the strangeness of Su Mang and hurriedly asked softly: "Master Su, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Fangxi has cooked dishes for quite a while at Jinfulou, and Mrs. Su is a frequent visitor, so the two of them can be regarded as acquaintances!

Seeing that Gu Fangxi was talking to Su Mang, Li Fan couldn't help but take a look. Fortunately, Su Mang's tight body was relieved at this moment, so Li Fan didn't see anything unusual.

Su Mang's body recovered as usual, and he hurriedly shook his head and said nothing. Gu Fang was relieved to see that there was nothing unusual about him.

The next step is to change the cup. The wine and the vegetables are hot, and the dishes in the pot are burned with snowflake charcoal. After the charcoal fire is almost gone, they are added immediately there. Even after eating for more than an hour, that dish It's still hot!

Besides, the outside barbecue chef has been grilling things non-stop, such as lamb, beef, chicken feet, chicken wings, and some vegetarian dishes. They were just delivered here, and they were eaten by the delicious Ding Lu. .

The wine was paired with the good food, and it didn't take long for one jar of good wine to have bottomed out, and then a second jar was opened.

At the dinner table, Ding Lun and Chen Meng, especially Ding Lun, saw him persuading one to drink and another to drink from beginning to end.

You have a cup, I have a cup, others have two cups, and he has two cups too. Not half of the wine in his stomach is also a third.

The wine and meat were in full swing, and Gu Xiaowan also drank a little bit of wine. Then, Zuo and Kou Dan didn't let her drink anymore.

After my girl got drunk, she looked so drunk. Except for the master, let no one see the master's flattery!

Ding Lun was not easy to persuade a girl to drink, so he targeted Su Mang.

"Su Mang, we are also old friends in the military camp. When we arrive in the capital, how can you stop drinking this wine?" Ding Lun pretended to be angry.

"Five Cities Soldiers and Mars also have to patrol at night, really can't drink too much!" Su Mang said that there was something to do at night.

"You are the deputy commander, do you still want you to patrol? At most, you are just sitting in town. What does it matter if you drink some wine?" Ding Lun smiled and walked over with a wine glass, vowing that I would not leave if you didn't drink it.

Indeed, Su Mang didn't need to patrol by himself at night, he just sat in the Five Cities Soldier Mars waiting for information.

Su Mang really didn't dare to drink, and he refused directly: "Brother Ding, I really can't drink, you don't know!"

"I don't know. The sea bowls we used to drink before, I remember how many bowls you drank? Old Chen, do you remember? How much does Lao Su usually drink?" Ding Lun didn't remember anymore, and asked Chen on the side. fierce.

Chen Meng thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I really don't remember this. Anyway, I have never seen Lao Su drunk!"

"Have you heard? Say you have never been drunk, then your drink volume is unusual!" Ding Lun praised, and the glass was handed to Su Mang's mouth.

Smelling the rich aroma of wine, Su Mang couldn't laugh or cry.

He has never been drunk before, and he has never dared to drink more.

"I" Su Mang was embarrassed, not because he didn't drink, but because he really didn't dare to drink.

After drinking, if he is drunk, he will

Su Mang pushed away, unwilling: "Brother Ding, I really have something to do, I really can't drink!"

Ding Lun didn't believe it, and stubbornly handed the wine glass over: "If you don't drink it, you won't give Wanmai face any face, you know, this banquet was specially arranged for you by her."

Ding Lun moved out of Gu Xiaowan. It seems that Ding Lun forced Su Mang to drink this wine.

Gu Xiaowan didn't stop him either. Anyway, Su Mang looked quite big, even if he was drunk, it shouldn't matter.

Gu Xiaowan didn't stop, and other people didn't stop. Those who can drink are best if multiple people drink. They all rushed to invite Su Mang to join the drinking party.

Chen Meng even said: "Although we were in the barracks before, you and I were not under the same general. I have never tried your alcohol. No matter what, today, I am not drunk or return! Regret in the barracks!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw this, she whispered a few times to Kou Hai who was on the side. Kou Hai went hurriedly and came over soon, with several large bowls in her hand.

When Ding Lun saw it, his smiling eyes narrowed: "It's still a girl who understands our hearts. Drinking in this small cup is boring. It's better than this big bowl! Come, change the big bowl!"

Su Mang had bitten his scalp and planned to drink. When he saw that the cup he was drinking suddenly changed to a large bowl, his eyes straightened suddenly.

Kou Hai filled the four sea bowls, Li Fan, Chen Meng, and Ding Lun took the initiative and consciously picked up one. In the end, there was only a lonely bowl of wine left on the table. They just stayed on the table, Su Mang looked at the bowl. Wine, staring at a big bowl, where is the courage to reach out.

"Su Mang, we all drink, don't you hurry up! It's like a woman! You can sit next to your aunt, don't let your aunt despise you!" Ding Lun held the wine bowl in one hand and held it with the other. He touched Li Fan's neck and said with a smile.

After hearing these words, Li Fan suddenly glanced at Su Mang in surprise, and there seemed to be a breakthrough in the question he had been wondering.

Su Mang originally rejected it extremely, but after listening to Ding Lun's words, he glanced at the person next to him slightly, only to feel that there were beautiful flowers between his eyes.

Gu Fangxi wore a black sweetheart collar embroidered plum blossom skirt, underneath was a same-color embroidered plum blossom skirt. The sweetheart collar skirt made her face more compact, and her waist was gripped. , The gorgeous rose red plum blossoms on the waist, it seems that you can smell the faint plum fragrance.

Su Mang started from his heart and hurriedly responded: "Okay, I drink!"

It seemed that I was really afraid that my aunt looked down on him.

The four big men drank, and Gu Xiaowan and others sat aside to watch the excitement when they were full and full. The noisy dining room was so lively.

Ding Lun drank their wine in one fell swoop, Su Mang picked up a big bowl, hesitated for a while, and then drank it.

Seeing that the wine in Su Mang's bowl was finished, Ding Lun was overjoyed: "Okay, happy, full, full!"

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