The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2172: I disagree

Su Qianyue walked in angrily, and saw Su Ziyue still holding a pile of fragments in her arms, so she didn't hit them with anger: "Su Ziyue, what is wrong with Sister Min, don’t you? She? She happily waits for you to marry her every day. Now that your business has come, you still don’t want to marry her?"

Su Zi moved his lips and said nothing.

When Su Qianyue saw that he did not answer, she became more angry, and slapped over what was in his hand: "You only think of that Gu Xiaowan, what is good about that Gu Xiaowan, if you are about to get married now? My heart is thinking about her. If she has you in her heart, I won’t say anything, but she only has the beggar in her mind. What are you still thinking about her? Now that’s fine, you even urged your father to resign. You thought you had resigned. Can I not marry the princess? Dad, I will not agree. I am the eldest lady of the Su family. I am Jinzhiyuye. I don't want to go back to my hometown. I don't want to go back to be an ordinary person!"

Su Qianyue said hysterically. When Madam Su saw this, she wanted to come forward to comfort her, but Su Qianyue slapped her away: "Mother, when is this, you are still facing your brother, if your brother really does not marry Sheriff, do you think we can hide away even if we become ordinary people? Don't dream! Shu Min has loved his brother for so many years, how could he not marry him because he is an ordinary person!"

Su Qianyue was right. Shu Min was a person who didn't give up until she reached her goal. She had persisted for so many years. How could she give up just because Su Ziyue became an ordinary person?

However, this is not what Su Peian is worried about. Today, he is more and more feeling the fear of the Ming Palace. It is like a bottomless pit. If he really marries Mingdu, Su Family and Ming Palace will become two tied together. The grasshopper on the rope can't be undone!

This is not what he hoped. If the entire Su family gave up the present, there would be a future, but if they followed the Ming Palace, there would only be the present and no future.

Su Qianyue didn't understand, Mrs. Su didn't understand, but Su Peian understood, and Su Ziyue also understood what he had told.

Su Qianyue held Su Ziyue's hand without letting go, and her voice became more hysterical: "Brother, you are saying something, don't you have the heart to see that your father and mother gave up their entire life of fighting for you? Dad finally became a Shang Shuling, would you let him give up his achievements? How can you bear it? How can you be so selfish? Isn’t it good to marry a princess? What if you can’t be an official in the future? But you Prosperity and wealth, why are you half a point less?"

Su Qianyue couldn't understand why her brother didn't like Shu Min? She just has a slightly worse temper, her looks, life experience, knowledge, and figure are not as good as Gu Xiaowan!

"It's the **** woman Gu Xiaowan, that **** woman, brother, since you met that **** woman, you have always ignored the princess Mingdu. It's all because of her! I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her!" Su Qianyue thought of everything that happened after her brother met Gu Xiaowan, and she was about to rush out crying.

Su Ziyue moved at this time, and he firmly held Su Qianyue's hand to prevent her from moving.

Su Qianyue looked at her elder brother, and at her father, she suddenly understood that Dad really planned to give up everything for her brother! What if she goes to Gu Xiaowan? My brother doesn't plan to marry Shu Min, what good is it to find Gu Xiaowan?

"Why? Why? You gave up so much for your brother, have you ever thought about me? I haven't married yet, what do you want me to do?" Su Qianyue collapsed, pointing to Su Ziyue and Su Peian and shouting hysterically Tao. Her voice was sharp and sharp, and Lai Qing from outside was shocked when she heard it.

Is it

Su Peian looked at his crazy daughter questioning his plan, feeling extremely guilty, but now he doesn't make a decision, then in the future, he will have no choice, and their Su family will have and only one choice-death!

"Qianyue, you have to understand that I am for your brother, and I am also for you!" Su Peian shouted angrily. He can’t tell the reason, because for this reason, he tells it, or they will think it’s a fuss. After all, Prince Ming is the uncle of the current emperor, but

Nothing is absolute, he doesn't want to have anything to do with the royal people, especially Prince Ming! His mind, after so many years, can he not understand?

"Yue'er, listen to your father's words, your father is also for your own good!" Madam Su was also heartbroken when she saw her mad daughter, and hurried forward to hug her.

But now Su Qianyue is going crazy. She only knows that everything she has is about to disappear. This kind of pain is like being stripped of her tendons and twitching her bones. After leaving her with nothing, she is still People told me that all this is for your good!

"For my good?" Su Qianyue smiled sullenly. She has always advocated marrying with Princess Mingdu, but nowadays, not only does the marriage fail, but everything she owns is almost gone. How can she be willing to have nothing? The sense of fear swept through, like falling from the clouds to the ground.

"You all said it was for my good? What would be good for me? I am the eldest lady of the Su family, a high-ranking lady, but you let me give up my identity and follow you back to my hometown to be an ordinary civilian woman. How is it possible?" Su Qian Moon has a hideous face, already seems crazy.

"Qianyue, even if we go back to our hometown, but your brother can still have imperial examinations, and can still enter official positions, depending on your brother in the future, our Su family can still get up!" Su Peian explained.

His purpose of leaving the capital is simple, to keep a distance from the Ming Palace. The Ming Palace is now like a time bomb, and Shu Lin's boldness now dares to oppose the emperor, and the fire will burn on the Ming Palace one day.

After all, a companion is like a tiger, and Jun En is unpredictable.

If the Su Mansion, who was involved in the Ming Palace, how could he retreat with his whole body?

Su Qianyue didn't understand this, only knew that everything she owned would be destroyed by Su Ziyue.

She stared at Su Ziyue angrily, a pair of apricot eyes full of ferocious eyes: "Su Ziyue, I hate you! This family is for you. You already have such a good marriage, what can you not be satisfied with!" I hate you, I hate you!"

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