The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2170: Tore up his painting

Madam Su refused to give it to her. She rolled it up and avoided Su Ziyue. She pretended to smile and said, "This painting is beautiful. Mother put it away for you. If you want to see it, you can go to the mother’s yard to see it. Now that the house has to be hung, only the portrait of Princess Mingdu can be hung. If you hang other paintings next to it, Princess Mingdu will be jealous!"

With a smile on Madam Su’s face, facing Su Ziyue coming forward to fight, she hurriedly turned sideways and blocked Su Ziyue’s hand stretched forward. Her movements kept on, and her movements became more and more rude: Son, it’s time for breakfast!"

Su Ziyue's eyes were already red at this moment. He watched the portrait he had always cherished being treated so rudely by Madam Su, and he felt as if his heart had been smashed.

"Mother, give it to me" Su Ziyue's voice was hoarse, seeming to suppress his anger.

Madam Su was shocked: "Yue'er, I am your mother!"

"Give it to me!" Su Ziyue ignored Madam Su's shock. He stepped forward and was about to grab the portrait from Madam Su. Madam Su was stunned. After he recovered, he hid the portrait behind him: "No!"

There was also a faint anger in Madam Su’s voice. Su Ziyue didn’t feel it at all. He only saw that the things he cherished were treated cruelly by Madam Su, just like his own heart, being trampled on the ground at will. same.

He couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and stubbornly snatched the portrait from Madam Su. How could Madam Su give it to him? Originally thinking about saving it by herself, lest the princess Mingdu married him should be angry again when he saw the painting. .

But now, seeing that her proud son seemed to be possessed by a demon, how could she dare to leave this painting? It was a horrible mess, Madam Su made a hard effort and "teared" the painting behind her. She tore in half.

Su Ziyue’s eyes widened suddenly, her face suddenly turned gray, and Mrs. Su was still perplexed, holding the portrait three times over and over again, it was a good tear, the original complete painting was torn into pieces. Shattered.

The eloquence fell on the ground.

Su Zi is stunned!

Can't recover for a long time.

When he saw the shattered portraits everywhere at his feet, Su Ziyue collapsed.

He knelt on the ground with a plop like madness, lying on the ground, holding pieces of shredded paper into his arms.

The broken portrait can still make him so gaffe. Madame Su thought of this son who had always been so proud. For the first time, she felt that this kind of infatuation had fallen on her son's head.

She took Su Ziyue and pulled him up: "Get me up, get up, everything is gone, what else are you picking up!"

Su Ziyue didn't speak to him, his eyes were red, and he just looked at the torn and shattered portrait in front of him. He seemed to be mad, and his mouth made a broken sound, like the roar of an annoyed and sad beast. Regardless of Mrs. Su's pulling, she knelt on the ground and collected the broken portraits little by little.

Although Madam Su used all her strength to pull Su Zi to read, she was a light and strong man after all, and Madam Su couldn't pull it because of her discomfort.

Su Ziyue seemed to have been stunned by the devil. He just looked at the broken portrait in front of him, muttering words in his mouth, and his eyes were red.

"Su Ziyue!" Madam Su only felt heartache, how her good son became like this, she shouted angrily.

The servants waiting outside the house heard the stern roar of the gentle lady, which was a bit strange, looking here. Some courageous people are still whispering, guessing what happened.

Lai Qingsheng was afraid that these people would see the clues, and hurriedly dismissed some unrelated servants, and the outside of the house was quiet instantly.

There was no other sound in the room except the roar from Madam Su just now, and Madam Su saw her son who was already numb. She only cared about the torn and shattered things in front of him, and completely ignored herself, who was standing in front of him. mother.

Angrily, he grabbed Su Ziyue's collar and forced him to face himself, yelling word by word: "Su Ziyue, look at me, look at me, do you still see me like this? Mother? That's just a painting, a painting!"

Su Ziyue's eyes were dumb, staring at her blankly, without any fluctuations. It's really like a lifeless body.

Madam Su crashed directly, she let go of her hand holding Su Ziyue's collar, Su Ziyue fell backward without any movement, and slumped on the ground. His eyes were blank, and only when he saw those broken paintings could he feel the fluctuations in his heart.

And Mrs. Su also slumped on the ground, sobbing without an image, and weeping blood: "Zi Yue, even if I beg you, I will get married in three days. Do you want our whole family to follow? Are you going to the funeral? Who is Shu Min, if she knew you didn't have her in her heart, what crazy things would she do?"

The Su family was like a boat crumbling under the squally rain, and any time the storm came over, the entire army might be wiped out.

Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

Only then did Madam Su understand that Princess Mingdu was the surging waves that could drown the boat of the Su family in an instant, or, possibly, push the Su family to a new peak.

So what? Even at the peak, there will always be a day when Mrs. Su doesn't want those monstrous riches at all, she only needs her family to live a quiet life.

Su Ziyue didn't speak, and the movement of his hand paused. The eye sockets became more and more red like dripping blood.

Madam Su was sobbing, for a long time, Su Ziyue said: "Mother"

"Good boy, mother knows your heart is bitter, but what can you do? Even if you don’t marry the Mingdu princess, Princess Anping will not marry you, so why should you insult yourself? My good boy, Although Princess Mingdu is a bit more coquettish, she loves you after all. She is full of her eyes and only you, no matter what, a wife who is only for you, you should slowly try to accept her!" Su Seeing that Su Ziyue was finally moved, the wife hurriedly persuaded her.

Su Ziyue did not respond, and fell into the tranquility of death.

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