The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2158: Plan failed

And the clever people also came up with clues at this moment: "This is such a thing, so old, how can you not even hear the voice of your own mother-in-law. At the age of more than 50 years, how can it be possible? It sounds like a girl in her twenties!"

"That's right, who is this fool? Shouldn't this person just wait to hear these words and seek death?"

I don't know where to squeeze the two people over, and pointed at the person who wanted to die.

Whispers one after another, people kept looking at him with strange and probing eyes. The man's face began to look very ugly, and the person next to him said, "Xu is too nervous to hear it!"

Gu Ning'an also looked suspiciously at the man who was looking for death, and then at the two people who were squeezing from behind, and he had a plan in his heart.

And the two people who squeezed in continued: "Look, although officers and soldiers were sent, they brought shields without any of them. This is not to hurt us! Let's be polite, why bother Is it a big deal? Anyway, don't we still want to solve the problem?"

"Yes, yes, as long as the matter is resolved, we people, why bother with others, we live well, it is the blessing that the officials have given us, so why bother to trouble!" Also said.

Although these two people didn't speak loudly, because no one was speaking at the moment, the voices of these two people happened to be heard by everyone present.

When the people behind heard it, they all whispered to each other, as if they agreed with the words of the two.

When Gu Ningan heard this, he suddenly thought of something. He glanced at the two of them calmly, then looked at the closed window opposite, and his heart suddenly moved.

He walked to Su Peian's side and exchanged a few words with Su Peian in a low voice, seeing that Su Peian was surprised at first, then amazing, and then nodded frequently.

After the two of them discussed, they saw Su Peian stand up and said loudly: "Don’t worry, everyone, if you want to go out of the city now, we will now order the Ministry of Household to give you a temporary pass. Passes, you can enter and exit the city gates as usual, and we will collect them after the household registration booklet is officially issued. Everyone, can you say yes?"

Just now Gu Ning'an thought of this method temporarily, and Su Peian thought it was a good method. Now these people are gathering here, clamoring to leave the city.

The household registration booklet will not be verified for a while. It is indeed a good idea to use a temporary pass to facilitate the travel of these people. When the booklet is verified, it is indeed a good way to change it.

In the face of danger, Su Peian feels that this person is really a man, although he is young, he has a way, and when he grows older, he must be able to achieve great things!

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, he heard the people around the back raising their arms and shouting: "Okay, okay, as long as it is convenient for us to get out of the city!"

A weapon battle that was going to be bloody, has it turned into a jade silk in a blink of an eye?

The few people at the head did not speak, and secretly looked at each other. The people they brought agreed, and they definitely didn't mean to disagree.

It's just that, after so many people gathered so much, they dispersed all at once?

Looking at the people who have already gone back one after another, the first few people knew that if they stayed any longer, they wouldn't have a good fruit, they decided to grease the soles of their feet and slipped quickly.

They just wanted to leave when a sturdy figure stopped in front of them, with a cynical smile on the corner of their mouth: "Everyone, you want to leave after the show, haven't you paid for it?"

At this moment, in a secluded wing, through the gap of the slightly opened window, you can see all the scenery outside.

Seeing more than two hundred people go away happily, Shu Lin angrily smashed what was in his hand to the ground.

"Who found the person? Where did we find the person? Where did the person go?"

"Subordinate, the subordinate obviously saw the woman go out, I have been watching, and the woman has been under my nose. I don’t know what happened, the voice became a little The girl’s voice is gone, and the subordinates don’t know it!"

The person kneeling on the ground trembled.

Shu Lin's eyes are cracked: "Don't know?"

His voice was vicious and vicious, and he kicked the subordinate and spit out a big mouthful of blood: "I can't handle things that aren't useful, even small things can't be done. I can't see them personally. I want you to waste What is the use?"

The man was kicked to the ground by Shu Lin, and a mouthful of sweet blood gushed out of his mouth. He didn't dare to make any trouble, so he knelt up again, trembling with fright: "My son, both The subordinates are not able to do things well, but the figure is too fast, the subordinates really didn't find out when they changed people!"

His eyes were always looking at the old woman. He really didn't know when he changed to a young woman. Moreover, the woman disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he didn't know he was gone. where!

It's okay if this person didn't explain it. Once he explained, Shu Lin's anger was like being poured oil on his head, and it was instantly surging: "Waste, waste, all waste, what use do I want you to do?"

He exudes a cold breath, and everyone present seems to have fallen into an ice cave. He walked towards the subordinate step by step, and even Song Xing, who dared to intercede for others, didn't dare to speak at this moment.

This person is bound to die!

Sure enough, seeing Shu Lin drew out a long sword and stabbed it at the man with a "whoo", the man's pupils suddenly enlarged and he watched this scene in astonishment.

The long sword sealed his throat and pierced his throat. The man stared blankly for a while, and soon died.

Upon seeing this, the guard behind him hurriedly carried away the dead man.

But Shu Lin was still puzzled, frowned tightly, and walked around the room. No one dared to provoke him, for fear that his anger would spread to his head next.

Zhao Xing had no choice. He was a counselor next to Shi Ziye. After thinking about it, he stepped forward and said: "Shi Ziye, Su Mang’s people are one step ahead of us. They will be there when we arrive. And they didn't even bring a weapon, only a shield, as if they didn't even think about hurting these people's lives!"

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