The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2136: parting

Lu Wenxin saw Fang Peiya back, thinking that starting from tomorrow, he didn't know when he would meet again, and he was shocked, but he didn't want his daughter to see how sad and upset he was. He kept smiling all these days.

"Peiya, have you visited Princess Anping?" Lu Wenxin said with a smile.

In the past few days, she has been packing up the things she needs to enter the palace for Fang Peiya. Every time she prepares, she feels like a drop of blood in her heart. Until now, it is almost completely clean.

"Well, mother!"

"It is time to visit. Princess Anping has done so many things for you. Everything you and I have now is the princess asked us. If you go to the palace in the future, you must help the princess in a good way, she Although expensive as a princess, she is not a serious royal princess after all. If the emperor and the queen mother are unhappy one day, we have to think about everything. We don’t want to see such an ending, but we must always think about it for her. A way out!" Lu Wenxin exhorted.

"Mother, I know, sister, I will always pay attention to prevent her from any danger!" Fang Peiya said hurriedly.

"That's good, hey." Lu Wenxin looked at his daughter. For more than ten years, the two of them have been dependent on each other. Now, she is about to enter the palace, and her heart is like a piece of meat being cut off. Painful: "Peiya, we are going to the palace, we mother and daughter, and I don’t know when we will meet. You are in the palace. Although there are countless riches and honors, but people’s hearts are sinister, Ya'er, mother. I beg you to be rich and honorable. Don’t beg you to rise above others. As long as you are in the palace well, and your mother will be content as long as you hear the quietness of your time in the palace, you will be satisfied. Do you understand?”

Fang Peiya’s tears flowed down her cheeks, and to her mouth, salty and hot: "Mother, Ya'er knows, Ya'er knows, Ya'er will take good care of herself, not wanting to get ahead. Just stay quiet in the palace, as long as I have no news, it is good news, right?"

Lu Wenxin cried and nodded: "Yes, as long as you are good, no news is good news. In my mother's life, you are the most concerned person. My mother must watch you live this life well, as long as you are safe, all Mother doesn’t care about everything!"

The mother and daughter cried in each other's arms, and Xiaoyue outside heard the cry of the master, and then wept. I looked at the sycamore tree in the courtyard with pavilions like a canopy, and I knew when I left tomorrow.

Early in the morning of the second day, the carriage prepared by the Lu Mansion had already stopped at the gate.

Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu, as well as Fang Peiya's two aunts, Lu Wenxin, all went to the door to see them off.

When Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu arrived, Fang Peiya said her final farewell in Lu Wenxin's arms. Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage, and Lu's family saw that the princess and the princess were coming, and they hurriedly came forward to greet them.

Fang Peiya saw that Gu Xiaowan was also here, wiped her tears and hurried up to see Ann.

"I and Yushu will see you off!" Gu Xiaowan said, "You have to remember what I told you yesterday. Hello, your mother will be good, and the Lu family will be good. Don't ask for power, but just stand tall. !Understand?"

"Sister, don't worry, Peiya understands! As long as I am good, the talents in my family will be good, if I have been in the palace, the talents in my family will be good!" Fang Peiya said firmly. The hour has come. If you are not willing, you must be willing. The Lu family smiled on their faces and sent Fang Peiya away reluctantly. Distressed.

After all these years, when can we meet?

Gu Xiaowan was full of emotion as she watched the carriage go away.

If there are so many in this world, if so?

After saying goodbye to the Lu family, Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu left in a carriage. Gu Xiaowan remained silent. Tan Yushu knew that she was reluctant to part with Fang Peiya, so he comforted: "Sister, we will go to the palace in the future, and we can still see Peiya, so we can tell the Lu family about her situation in the palace. Don't be too sad!"

"I'm not sorry for her, I just feel that when people grow up, they are destined to lose a lot of things, such as family affection, love, and life!" Gu Xiaowan sighed.

Thinking of her parents in her previous life, it has been nine years since she died. Mom and Dad should be full of flowers, right? How painful should they have lost their children in old age?

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to think about it. She closed her eyes and tried to remember the appearance of her parents, but it took too long. The face in her memory, like fragments, was incomplete.

Gu Xiaowan was depressed all day, not in the mood to do anything, Tan Yushu did not dare to leave, and stayed with her in Qingyuan all day.

September is coming soon, and the weather is starting to become chilly. Gu Xiaowan woke up early in the morning and felt a little cold all over her body. The sky had changed, and the year was about to pass.

The middle of the capital became lively again. On the ninth day of September, it was a happy day for Princess Mingdu and Su Ziyue. As good things approached, the whole capital became lively.

Gu Chuanlu spent the whole day eating and drinking in the other yard. With this dazzling effort, the whole person was fatter, and he was entertained with delicious food. Gu Chuanlu thought, if it could be like this in this life, it would be good!

Thinking like this, Boss Xiao came and brought good news.

"The Shiziye had to prepare for the princess's wedding a few days ago. This was done with great difficulty. After I had spare time, I mentioned your matter to Shiziye. Although Shiziye is not angry, he is quite unhappy. After all, you I also know that if you did those things, if you changed to another person, I am afraid that you would have cut the heads of your whole family long ago!" Boss Xiao said.

Gu Chuanlu nodded hurriedly after hearing it like a chicken pecking at rice: "I know I know that we did something wrong. Excuse my son, excuse me, Mr. Xiao, please tell me quickly. Is there any way to make up for it? Is it? For the sake of my son, I will go up and down the fire, and I will do it!"

Boss Xiao didn't believe it: "You really can do anything?"

Gu Chuanlu patted his chest and promised: "I dare to swear to God, what the son of the world wants Gu to do, even if Gu saves his life, he will definitely make the son of the world happy!"

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