The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2131: Secret

Seeing the person who was getting in the way was gone, Shu Lin smiled and licked and kissed the beauty's earlobe with his tongue. The breath of the beauty who kissed directly was unstable: "Beauty, do you really want to know?"

The beauty was as soft as boneless, lying on the couch with blurred eyes, her jade arms clung to Shu Lin's neck, and said shyly: "The slave wants to know!"

"Okay, since I want to know, I will tell you!" Shu Lin laughed, and his eyebrows flashed with excitement. When the beauty saw Shu Lin smile, she also laughed, and when she climbed up Shu Lin, she would come forward and kiss him. .

As soon as I kissed Shu Lin’s lips, I saw that Shu Lin suddenly turned the beauty over and let her lie on the couch with her back to her, her generous palms wandering around on the beauty, angering the beauty. Er Jiao hummed again and again, and the whole wing suddenly fell into seductiveness.

After Boss Xiao walked out of the wing, he wiped the sweat from his head. The look in Shu Lin's eyes just now scared him into a cold sweat.

You must know that this son of the world, although it looks like a jade tree is facing the wind, but inside this back, the means of pranking are more vicious than the other. Then the Gu family is also unlucky, even dare to deceive the son of the world, fearing that death is the most important thing. Good way. Because if you don't die, the elder son knows countless ways to torture people, and that method becomes insidious, it's really better to die.

Boss Xiao thought this way, and suddenly, there was a miserable scream, he was thinking about things, and the miserable cry came out, frightening him to lose his footsteps and risk falling off the steps. Hastened to hold on to the handrails of the stairs, so that they did not step on the air.

The miserable cry came from Shu Lin's wing. Hearing that voice, although it had been sharply deformed, he really heard that it was the voice of the beauty just now.

Boss Xiao felt his back tingling for a while. When someone downstairs was looking here, Boss Xiao hurriedly said with a smile: "A goose is being killed behind, that goose's cry is louder!"

The guests realized this and didn't care about it.

And then, there was no voice from above, I thought it was already covering his mouth.

Boss Xiao thought of Shu Lin's method, but he was shocked again, and he hurriedly returned to his room, calling his confidant, Chang Yun, frowning and saying, "Go and invite Doctor Wu over!"

Chang Yun naturally knew what Boss Xiao meant. He also heard the scream just now. He naturally knew what had happened. Boss Xiao didn't need to say more. He hurriedly invited Dr. Wu who often came to see the doctor. , Waiting quietly in the small room beside.

After a long time, Shu Lin came out of the wing, refreshed, and left with a spring breeze shaking his folding fan.

After Boss Xiao sent Shu Lin away, the confidant didn't need his instructions, and directly led the disguised doctor into the wing.

I saw that the tea room was soft and **** everywhere, some of them had turned black because of the long time, and were soft and soft. The soft and boneless beauty just now lay softly like dead. Collapsed, face down, the clothes on her body were messy, but she was still wearing them intact.

And her hip was red.

The doctor Wu put down the medicine box in a familiar way, took out something from the medicine box, and treated the woman. After a while, he took out a pair of medicine to Chang Yun and said, "This is a dumb medicine. Give her as usual. Just drink it!"

Chang Yun accepted one by one, and after sending the doctor away, he wrapped the woman in a quilt casually, looked around at no one, put his shoulders directly on him, and rushed into a hidden wing next door.

Boss Xiao waited inside, looking at the person on Chang Yun's shoulder, and sighed, "Let it go, and send it away when the injury is recovered!"


Boss Xiao was about to go out, after thinking about it, he still asked, "This time is still the same as usual?"

"Well, as usual, that place is full of **** sons, and it's too cruel, and the girls can't stand him doing this!" Chang Yun whispered, "How many are there this year? What if someone in the government finds it out!"

Boss Xiao took Chang Yun a fiercely and said angrily: "Don't worry about things that you shouldn't worry about. If you let me hear these words again, be careful of your head!"

When Chang Yun heard it, he nodded hurriedly, saying that he would never talk nonsense anymore, so he gave up.

It's impossible for Gu Chuanlu to go home. The maids and minions there didn't open the door, but many of his things were in the house. How could he not go back and get them.

This walk was just right to the door of the house, and I saw Gu Ziwen swaying out of it, and a strange girl next to Gu Ziwen, leaning on Gu Ziwen's shoulder, looked very affectionate.

Gu Chuanlu ran over quickly and asked at the beginning: "Ziwen, where have you been? Who opened the door for you?"

Gu Ziwen was a little puzzled: "Father, why are you back at this time? Who opened the door for me? Naturally someone would open the door for me if I knock on it!"

"What's the matter? Why didn't they open the door when I knocked on the door?" Gu Chuanlu asked angrily, rushing inside after speaking.

When Gu Ziwen saw this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu wanted to go in, but Gu Ziwen stopped. Anxious Gu Chuanlu was about to jump up: "Ziwen, what are you doing? Why don't you let me in?"

Gu Ziwen put his arms around the woman next to him in his spare time and smiled maliciously: "Father, this house will be mine in the future. My son is getting married. Why don't you continue to live with me?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Chuanlu was dumbfounded on the spot. Seeing the door behind Gu Ziwen slowly closing, he suddenly didn't understand Gu Ziwen's clothes.

"Father, do you know all about your sister and mother? You marry a dead star and raise a sleek daughter. Why do you have the face to live in this world!" Gu Ziwen said coldly.

Gu Chuanlu immediately jumped up with anger: "Gu Ziwen, what do you mean by this? That's your mother, your sister!"

"Oh, you didn't say that in front of Boss Xiao, but you said, you don't know at all, your sister is taught by your mother, and you don't know what they are doing. Why, now you say that it is my mother. , It's my sister. When you pleased Boss Xiao, and fawned on your son, why didn't you say that it was your wife and that was your daughter?"

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